
  1. 因此,我国迫切需要建立公司设立无效制度。

    So it is urgent to establish the invalid system in establishing corporations .

  2. 论我国公司设立无效制度建立的必要性

    Dissertation on the Essentiality of the Invalid Systen in Establishing corporations in China

  3. 论公司设立无效制度的界定与适用

    Definition and Application of the Nullity of Company Establishment

  4. 公司设立无效制度是一种处理公司瑕疵设立问题的法律制度。

    Nullity of company establishment is a law system to resolve formation with flaws .

  5. 公司设立无效有以下三个特征:整体性、相对性、诉讼性。

    The invalid incorporation system has three characteristics : integrity , relative , a court of law .

  6. 公司设立无效制度具有悠久的历史渊源,是国外公司立法中的重要制度。

    Nullity of company establishment is an important law system dealing with the company null establishment in foreign countries .

  7. 笔者依托于大陆法系的理论框架,主张在我国应建立公司设立无效制度。

    The author claims China should build the corporation nullity , which is based on the logic of civil law system .

  8. 所以在构建公司设立无效制度的同时,应当建立其配套制度&瑕疵补正机制。

    So set up the invalid in constructing a system at the same time , should establish its supporting system-defect correction mechanism .

  9. 公司设立无效制度是外国公司法的一项重要制度,为受侵害的当事人提供了一条司法救济途径。

    By analysis of connotation , foreign legislation , legal types about invalid incorporation , it is suggested that our country should establish invalid incorporation system .

  10. 公司设立无效是指对已成立的公司在其设立过程中有不符合公司法规定的根本性条件的情形,通过诉讼予以处理的措施和制度。

    The invalid incorporation system refers to through litigation to take order with the company which does not conform to the fundamental provisions of corporation law in the process of set-up .

  11. 本部分首先将公司设立无效规定分为公司设立无效主义、公司设立区别否认主义和公司设立撤销主义,其各自都有不同的代表国家。

    The first part of the invalid incorporation provisions as invalid incorporation doctrine , the company set up distinguishable denying company should set up the principle of cancellation , their respective are represented in different countries .

  12. 因此,笔者仍然是依托大陆法系的框架,主张在我国建立公司瑕疵设立无效制度,并在此基础上通过设立相关的诉讼程序严格限制无效的适用。

    So the writer still bases on the Civil Law and advocates to establish the invalid Defectively Established Corporation system in our country , and establish related legal proceedings to limit invalid application strictly and effectively .

  13. 我国应该在公司法中确立公司设立无效制度,同时在特殊情况下有条件地承认公司人格。

    We should set up the invalid incorporation system in our company law , and at the same time conditionally ratify the legal status of a company under special circumstances .

  14. 本文即以公司设立失败为切入点,分别论证了在公司设立不能和设立无效的情形下,发起人承担民事责任的具体方式。

    The thesis details the specific mode for the sponsors to undertake civil liability respectively with the starting point of the failure of company 's incorporation under the circumstance that the company can 't be incorporated or the incorporation is invalid .

  15. 但在公司设立时如果存在股东虚假出资的,就要区分虚假出资是否导致公司设立无效的不同情况,来判断股东(发起人)是否需要对公司债权人承担责任以及责任的范围。

    However , under such occasion as it did exist shareholders ' defects of capital contribution , distinguishing respective situations whether they can result in invalid establishment of company is essential , with the aim to judge if shareholders ( promoter ) are bound to assume liability and its scope .

  16. 由于大陆法系和英美法系在公司资本制度上的巨大差异,英美法系国家对瑕疵设立的公司采取有效承认的态度;只有大陆法系国家对公司设立无效制度有相关规定。

    Due to differences in the company capital system of the continental law system and Anglo-American law system , Anglo-American law system countries mostly adopt authorized capital system , the company set up invalid only civil law countries on the nullity of company establishment with related provisions .