
  • 网络mutual fund;public fund;public offering;public offering of fund
  1. 基金的主要分类有公募基金和私募基金,公司型基金、契约型基金和有限合伙型基金。

    The main kinds of fund are public fund and private fund , corporate fund , contract fund and limited partnership fund .

  2. 他参与主导运作的壹基金欲注册成为公募基金会的申请,一直没有批复。

    The One Foundation , which he takes part in the operation , has not been approved to be registered as public fund .

  3. 公募基金会募捐中的信誉研究

    The Study of Reputation of Public-raising Foundations in Donation

  4. 委托资产管理与公募基金利益输送风险的防范与控制

    Management of Trust Capital and Prevention and Control of Risks in Public-fund Profit Transfer

  5. 将这种能力扩大至公募基金似乎相对容易。

    Extending this capability to public funds appears to be a relatively easy step .

  6. 公募基金会的名称可以不使用字号。

    The name of a public offering foundation may not use a trade name .

  7. 公募基金会官办色彩浓厚,民间组织缺乏独立性。

    The public raise found official colors and non-governmental organizations with a lack of independence .

  8. 公募基金会,顾名思义,即面向公众募捐的基金会。

    Public placement Fund , as its name suggests , is technology for public fundraising Foundation .

  9. 私募基金不同于公募基金,更和非法集资有着本质区别,是一种典型的高风险高回报的投资方式。

    Private offered fund is a typical investment way that has high risk and high profit .

  10. 我国的专户理财目前仍然像公募基金一样采取的是契约型的。

    In China , the special account management is contract style fund as the public fund .

  11. 中国公募基金的目标群体是散户投资者,这与其它国家的共同基金一样。

    Public funds in China target retail investors in the same way that mutual funds do elsewhere .

  12. 作为一种机构投资者,公募基金在证券市场中发挥着重大的作用。

    As an institutional investor , public offering fund plays an important role in the stock market .

  13. 第二章是国内外私募基金的监管法律制度比较研究。国内外发达市场对私募基金有着不同于公募基金的监管模式。

    In developed markets the supervision system for the private equity fund is different from the public offering fund .

  14. 在暂行规定实施之后,中国将只有期货公司仍然不能参与公募基金管理市场。

    With the recent announcement , only futures companies in China are still excluded from participating in the retail market .

  15. 私募基金较之于公募基金,设立便捷,投资方式更加灵活,投资更具隐蔽性,受市场追踪的可能性小,获得回报的机会更大。

    Compared with public offering fund , private fund is expedient to set up , flexible and covert to invest .

  16. 同时,这促使我们对公募基金会的未来定位及运营作深入的思考。

    At the same time , these prompted us to think seriously of the future positions and operations about public fundations .

  17. 我国私募基金的发展是在真正市场需求推动下市场自觉产生的结果,它的规模远远超过现存的公募基金,对我国的证券市场产生重大影响。

    Their scale far exceeds the public funds ' that they have a great influence on the security market of our country .

  18. 私募基金是以非公开方式向特定投资者募集的基金,是相对于公募基金而言的概念,是证券投资基金的一种募集类型。

    Private placement fund refer to the kind of investment fund that is collected from certain investors by means of non-public method .

  19. 在描述区别的同时也归纳了私募基金的特点,并分析了私募基金较公募基金存在的优势,展示了私募基金巨大的发展潜力。

    And then analyzes advantages of the private placement funds compared to the public offering funds , shows great potential for development .

  20. 私募基金是按募集方式划分的与公募基金相对应的一类投资基金。

    Private offering fund , compared with public offering fund , is an investment fund that divided according to different raising methods .

  21. 作为新型理财工具&证券投资公募基金行业正是在这样的大背景下催生和繁荣起来的。

    As new financial instruments - securities investment fund industry is the public offering in the context of such birth and prosperity .

  22. 2011年01月15日由中国电影明星李连杰创办的公益组织壹基金,本周被正式批准为公募基金会。

    2011-01-15 One Foundation , established by Chinese movie star Jet Li , this week celebrated its official registration as a public foundation .

  23. 其次,公募基金经理投资的灵活度较低,受制于持仓限额和资产配置等限制。

    Second , public fund managers have less investment flexibility , being subject to restrictions such as position limits and on asset allocation .

  24. 私募证券投资基金是一种相对于公募基金而言的以集合投资形式通过非公开方式面向社会特定投资者募集的资金。

    Sunshine Private Offering Fund , as opposed to mutual funds , is a collective investment funds for specific investors via private way .

  25. 第三节介绍了私募基金与公募基金的区别。

    Section three illustrates difference between the private placement funds and public offering funds , and also summarizes the characteristics of private placement funds .

  26. 属于全国性公募基金会,在民政部登记注册,业务主管单位是国家林业局。

    It is a nationwide public fund registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs , P.R.C.and under the jurisdiction of the State Forestry Administration , P.R.C.

  27. 它与公募基金相比,具有非公开发行、运作方式灵活、设立成本低廉等优点。

    Comparing with public funds , private placement funds have many advantages , such as non-public offering , flexible mode of operation , low-establish cost .

  28. 我国私募基金在资金规模方面远远超过公募基金,但我国目前还没有相应的立法对其加以规范。

    Although the scale of private fund is much bigger than public fund in China , there is no relevant law to regulate it at present .

  29. 如果在国家决定正式放开公募基金会注册前,现在的壹基金已经不存在了,我们也仍会继续。

    If before the State decides to release the public funds registration officially , One Foundation is not there , we will still continue the case .

  30. 本文通过比较分析私募基金和公募基金在市场不同走向时期的投资业绩,进一步比较私募基金与公募基金的优势与劣势。

    In this paper , through a comparative analysis of the private offering fund and public offering fund in different period , we discover their advantages and disadvantages .