
  • 网络Public Information
  1. 在这门课里,他的“公民统计学”的学生学习分析公共信息,如联邦预算和公司报告。

    There , his students of " citizen statistics " learn to analyze public information like the federal budget and corporate reports .

  2. 不是每个人都可以解析和消化他们得到的公共信息的。

    Not everyone can dissect and digest the public information they receive .

  3. 多级数据库管理法应用于县(市)级综合GIS的建立,可提高公共信息交流的效率,加速官方高效信息化办公的进程。

    The database of multigrade management is applied to the establishment of synthetical GIS in the country and consumedly increase the efficiency of public information .

  4. 公共信息模型在LDAP目录中的映射设计

    CIM - LDAP Mapping Design

  5. 分布式管理任务工作组(DistributedManagementTaskForce,DMTF)公共信息模型(CommonInformationModel,CIM)是描述企业环境和Internet环境中的计算实体和业务实体的概念信息模型。

    The Distributed Management Task Force ( DMTF ) Common Information Model ( CIM ) is a conceptual information model for describing computing and business entities in enterprise and Internet environments .

  6. 3G时代电子政务对解决公共信息不对称的作用&基于委托代理视角的分析

    The Function of E-government in Solving the Problem of Public Information Asymmetry in 3G Era & Based on the analysis of the principal-agent perspective

  7. 公共信息模型(CIM)通过对象类和属性及它们之间的关系来表示电力系统资源。

    Common Information Model show electric system resources by means of classes , attributes and associations between them .

  8. 本文从Web服务的理论基础着手,对智能大厦OAS公共信息服务系统的体系结构和实现技术进行了介绍。

    Beginning with the foundational theory of web services , the paper expatiate on the structure and detailed implement of the public information services system .

  9. 公共信息模型(CIM)是这个标准中的重要部分之一,它规定了这类API的语义。

    The common information model ( CIM ), which specifies the semantics for the API , is one of the important parts of the standard .

  10. IP网络已经成为承载多种业务、服务于多类用户群体的公共信息传输平台,其地位日益提高。

    IP network is becoming a public information transport platform which carries a variety of service activities , and provides services for many types of user groups , and its status is improving gradually .

  11. 随着网络技术尤其是基于浏览器的WEB技术的迅速发展,人们越来越多的通过WEB进行各种各样的活动,从电子商务到各种公共信息服务等等。

    With the rapid development of the network technology , especially the WEB technology based on the browsers , more and more people are carrying out their business through Web , such as E-commerce and other public information services , etc.

  12. 标准的公共信息模型(CIM)是符合DMI的,有助于表示收集到的信息。

    Helping to present that gathered information is the standard Common Information Model ( CIM ), which is DMI-compatible .

  13. 由于篇幅所限,本文只针对项目中公共信息模块和贷款申请模块的设计加以详细的说明,并由此体现JAVA技术、J2EE架构和UML技术在金融行业信息化建设中的实际应用情况。

    This thesis focuses on the application of JAVA , J2EE and UML to the construction of the public information module and shows its practical usage of the above technique in financial IT development .

  14. 在此基础上,设计开发了基于中间件技术和IEC61970公共信息模型(commoninformationmodel,CIM)/组件接口规范(ComponentInterfaceSpecification,CIS)的异构数据平台原形系统。

    Based on the above work , a prototype system of heterogeneous data platform , which is based on middleware and support IEC 61970 Common information Model ( CIM ) / Component Interface Specification ( CIS ), is developed .

  15. DHS模型认为公共信息者和私人信息者两类投资者促使了股票市场过度反应的存在。

    Second , DHS model is that public information and private information . And the two types of investors led the stock market overreaction .

  16. 并讨论了将监控与数据采集(SCADA)实时数据库与能量管理系统(EMS)实时数据库进行合并的可行性及其优点,在应用分析时给出基于公共信息模型(CIM)的实时数据断面的存取方法。

    The feasibility and advantages of merging the databases of SCADA and EMS are discussed . The application of the snapshot based on CIM in dispatching automation systems is proposed .

  17. 对电力系统自动化而言,组件化不仅需要提供组件交互的互操作机制,而且需要定义组件间的公共信息模型CIM和组件接口规范CIS。

    For the development of Component-integration , not only has the interoperation mechanism between components to be supplied , but also the CIM and CIS between them should be defined .

  18. 分析了能量管理系统(EMS)的工程化特点,提出了一种基于公共信息模型(CIM)引擎的动态界面生成管理技术。

    Based on the analysis of EMS ( Energy Management System ) engineering , a CIM ( Common Information Model ) engine-based dynamic interface generation and management technique is put forward .

  19. 本文在对公共信息模型研究的基础上,根据CIM规定的语法和语义,对CIM进行了扩展,设计了预想故障集特有的类,并提出了一个基于CIM通用的静态安全分析软件。

    This paper presents an extension of CIM to include a unique class representing the anticipated fault set and develops a software package for static security analysis based on CIM .

  20. 基于E-Participation的公共信息资源管理模式研究

    The Mode Research of Public Information Resources Management Based on E-Participation

  21. 随着公共信息模型(CIM)的不断完善,应用也逐步从能量管理系统扩展到配电管理系统和变电站自动化。

    With the development of common information model ( CIM ), its application is being extended from energy management system ( EMS ) to distribution management system ( DMS ) and substation automation .

  22. 本文对公共信息和一般信息的要素、过程和特征进行了分析和比较,提出了公共信息流动EPC模式。

    The thesis firstly analyzes and compares the public information with the general information in the aspects of factor , process and characteristic , and the thesis puts forward EPC pattern of the public information flow .

  23. 公共信息模型(CIM)提出了电力系统信息交换的一个标准,使得其可以在任何领域作集成。通过这个标准就可以实现电力系统不同应用之间很方便的交换数据。

    Common Information Model , as a standard model for information exchange in power system , can be used to integrate in any field , and through this standard model data exchange between different application systems will be easy .

  24. IEC61970叻、议同时定义了与公共信息模型的适应的公用体系结构,即基于组件软件的解决方案及其实现方式,包括组件接口规范(CIS)和信息交换模型(IEM)。

    IEC 61970 standard also provide common application architecture corresponding to common information model , the solution and implementation based on component software , including Component Interface Standard ( CIS ) and Information Exchange Model ( IEM ) .

  25. 本论文依托于国家高技术研究发展计划863项目重大专项课题‘缩小数字鸿沟西部行动’第一批课题(课题编号:2003AA1Z2530)基于国产Linux的公共信息平台关键技术与应用研究的研究内容。

    This dissertation is based on the " Narrowing the Digit-divide West Program Key Technique and Applied Research of the Public Information Platform based on the Domestic Linux " as the first batch of national 863 important special project ( serial number : 2003AA1Z2530 ) .

  26. Bark'N'Borrow的创始人利亚姆·伯克利(LiamBerkeley)告诉我,他们公司在用户身份验证上可谓是煞费苦心:他们会一一核查用户在Facebook(脸谱网)上的个人资料和其他公共信息,确认无误后才会准许他与社区内的其他用户交流。

    Bark'N " Borrow 's founder , Liam Berkeley , told me the company took great pains to verify users , linking to their Facebook profile or other public information , and that someone actually reviewed every account before giving anyone the green light to interact with the rest of the community .

  27. 微型电网数据平台及公共信息模型研究与应用

    Micro Grid Data Plant and Common Information Module Research and Application

  28. 公共信息服务是政府的基本职能。

    Public information service is the basic function of the government .

  29. 基于扩展公共信息模型的电网故障诊断系统设计

    Design of universal power network fault diagnosis systems using extended CIM

  30. 图形传播与环境识别系统中的公共信息建设

    Construction of Public Information in Graphic Communication and Environmental Recognition System