
  • 网络GFC;The global financial crisis;Recent Global Financial Crisis;financial crisis
  1. 澳大利亚在全球金融危机后仍然健康运转。这是因为澳大利亚有着全世界运行最好的,监管系统。

    Australia emerged from the GFC in robust good health , underpinned by a world best practice regulatory system .

  2. 这一事件引致全球金融危机的爆发。

    This incident led to the breakout of the global financial crisis .

  3. 引发全球金融危机的银行获得了数十亿美元,只有一小部分资金流向了房主和银行掠夺性放贷行为的受害者。

    The banks that brought on the global financial crisis got billions while a tiny bit went to the homeowners and victims of the same banks ' predatory lending practices .

  4. 在全球金融危机加剧之际,他们还抛售了公司债券。

    They also sold corporate bonds as the global financial crisis ramped up .

  5. 同样,全球金融危机期间,纽约房地产市场持稳,而美国几个“沙州”(sandstates)的房价大幅下跌。

    Similarly , the New York real estate market held up well when housing prices in the US " sand states " were ravaged during the global financial crisis .

  6. 毕竟,它是第一个在全球金融危机期间崩盘的国家,也是第一个实现GDP反弹的国家之一。

    After all , it was the first country to implode during the financial crisis and was one of the first ones to see its GDP rebound .

  7. 它已向亚洲开发银行(adb)大幅增资,尤其是在全球金融危机之后。

    It has greatly increased its funding for the Asian Development Bank , especially since the global financial crisis .

  8. 印度央行(reservebankofindia)行长表示,亚洲各国加强在货币政策方面的协作,将有助于稳定该地区受全球金融危机影响而出现动荡的市场。

    Greater monetary policy co - ordination across Asia would help the region in its efforts to calm turbulent markets rocked by the global financial crisis , the governor of the Reserve Bank of India has said .

  9. imf乐观地认为,发达经济体将继续从全球金融危机的打击中恢复过来,而许多新兴市场经济体当前的增长速度已经高于危机前的趋势线。

    The IMF was optimistic advanced economies would continue to recover from the global financial crisis , and that many emerging market economies were now above their pre-crisis trends .

  10. 自2008年全球金融危机以来,流入kg基金的资金大幅减少,这迫使船运经理人停驶了许多kg基金的船舶,寻求让投资者支付这些船只的储藏费用。

    Flows into the funds have plummeted since the 2008 world economic crisis forced ship managers to lay up many kg funds ' ships and turn to investors to pay the ships ' storage costs .

  11. 随着中国经济增长降至13年来最慢速度,2012年中国外商直接投资(fdi)出现自2009年全球金融危机最严重时期以来首次下降。

    Foreign direct investment into China fell in 2012 for the first time since the depths of the global financial crisis in 2009 as the Chinese economy expanded at its slowest pace in 13 years .

  12. 全球金融危机期间美国国际集团(AIG)评级遭下调,就是评级决定引发真实灾难性影响的一个典型。

    The decision to downgrade AIG ( AIG ) amid the financial crisis is a perfect example of a rating action having a real and disastrous impact .

  13. 与之形成对比的是,国际货币基金组织(IMF)近期的一份报告显示,全球金融危机并未对中国、印度、巴西和其他新兴经济体“产生持续性伤害”。

    By contrast , the global financial crisis has " left no lasting wounds " on China , India , Brazil , and other emerging economies , according to a recent IMF report .

  14. 欧洲央行(ECB)昨日主张,可以编纂一个对冲基金活动的国际注册簿,来应对这个发展迅速的行业所引发的全球金融危机风险。

    The risk of a global financial crisis triggered by hedge funds could be tackled by compiling an international register of activity in the fast-growing industry , the European Central Bank argued yesterday .

  15. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的监督机构表示,对美英轻度金融监管的幼稚崇拜、以及某种群体思维心态,造成IMF严重失察了导致全球金融危机的各种风险。

    Naive admiration of light-touch US and UK financial regulation and a groupthink mentality led the International Monetary Fund badly to miss the risks that led to the global financial crisis , according to its watchdog .

  16. 随着Internet的发展和3G牌照的发放,嵌入式系统成为当前最热门的产业之一,即使遭遇到全球金融危机,嵌入式市场依然呈现出巨大的需求。

    With the development of the Internet and the issuance of 3G license , the embedded system has become one of the most popular industry . Even if the face of the global financial crisis , the embedded market is still showing a huge demand .

  17. 世卫组织流行病防范和干预处处长WilliamPerea博士说,黄热病计划已受到全球金融危机影响。

    Dr William Perea , WHO coordinator for the Epidemic Readiness and Intervention said the yellow fever initiative is feeling the effects of the global financial crisis .

  18. 不幸的是,对qdii基金的需求高峰正好赶上了全球金融危机爆发,许多散户投资者只能默默地舔舐伤口。

    Unfortunately , the height of the demand for QDII funds coincided with the onset of the global financial crisis and many retail investors were left to lick their wounds .

  19. 考虑到房地产贷款引发的全球金融危机,以及中国主要股指今年已跌去一半,Chow对花费数百万美元购买一架飞机表现出的乐观态度令人吃惊。

    Given a global crisis triggered by property lending and a halving of China 's main stock market index this year , Mr Chow was surprisingly sanguine about spending millions of dollars on an aircraft .

  20. 流向新兴市场的投资表现较好,发展中国家整体FDI上升4%,国际并购上升16%,突显出全球金融危机主要集中在富裕世界。

    Investment into emerging markets fared better , with developing economies as a whole seeing a 4 per cent increase in FDI and a 16 per cent rise in international mergers and acquisitions – underlining the extent to which the global financial crisis has been concentrated in the rich world .

  21. 由高盛前银行家王忠信(RichardOng)和毕马威(KPMG)前合伙人何潮辉(DominicHo)联合管理的那只基金,在全球金融危机过后从美欧机构手中买下中资银行的大笔股份,成为头条新闻。

    The fund , which was jointly managed by former Goldman banker Richard Ong and former KPMG partner Dominic Ho , made headlines by snapping up large stakes in Chinese banks from US and European institutions after the global financial crisis .

  22. 三十多岁的多洛蒂(Dorotea)女士是一家位于秘鲁偏远林区的陶瓷厂的老板,她对全球金融危机可谓了然于胸。

    Dorotea , a thirty-something one-woman ceramics entrepreneur based in the remote forests of Peru , knows all about the global financial crisis .

  23. 印度财政部长普拉纳博穆克吉(PranabMukherjee)表示,一年前,随着全球金融危机开始影响大型新兴市场,印度经济弥漫着失望和沮丧的情绪,如今印度已经摆脱了这种情绪。

    Pranab Mukherjee , the finance minister , said India had shaken off the despondency and gloom that had pervaded the economy a year ago as the global financial crisis was felt in large emerging markets .

  24. 在全球金融危机中,我们看到了一点合作的潜力。

    We saw a bit of that during the financial crisis .

  25. 全球金融危机正是这一过程的组成部分。

    The global financial crisis is part of this very process .

  26. 但全球金融危机对高盛的影响仍未终结。

    But the crisis ties continue to bind to Goldman .

  27. 2008全球金融危机成因综述及简评

    Summary and Review of the Causes of Global Financial Crisis

  28. 全球金融危机对东莞造成了沉重打击。

    The global financial crisis has had a strong impact on Dongguan .

  29. 全球金融危机:特点、影响与风险防范

    Global Financial Crises : Their Characteristics , Impact and Corresponding Precautions against Risks

  30. 全球金融危机的伦理文化根源。

    The third chapter discusses the moral culture sources of global financial crisis .