
quán mín jiàn shēn jì huà ɡānɡ yào
  • outline of the nationwide body-building plan
  1. 1995年6月20日国务院又发布了《全民健身计划纲要》。

    On June 20 , 1995 the State Council has issued " Outline of the nationwide body-building plan " .

  2. 1995年国家颁布《全民健身计划纲要》后,我国城市社区体育得到了迅速发展。

    After the country issued " outline of the nationwide body-building plan " in 1995 , community sport of our country has been developed rapidly .

  3. 《全民健身计划纲要》的理论透视

    The Theory Perspective of the Outline of Fitness for All

  4. 对实施“全民健身计划纲要”之健身器材的研究

    Research of fitness equipment on implementing " the nationwide body-building plan "

  5. 从营销视角看《全民健身计划纲要》的实施

    Views on sport-for-all program implementation by marketing theories

  6. 对城区实施《全民健身计划纲要》情况的调查研究

    Investigate Condition at the City Region for Implementing the Plan Compendium of National Health

  7. 《全民健身计划纲要》的颁布,促进了高校体育的改革。

    The Plan for Mass Physical Training has promoted the reform of college physical education .

  8. 试从全民健身计划纲要看终身体育的紧迫性和必要性

    Urgency and Necessity of Lifelong Physical Education Through the Program of Physical Fitness for the Whole People

  9. 论高师体育教育与《全民健身计划纲要》的实施

    Discuss the Physical Education of Normal College and the Implement of the Healthiness Plan for the Whole People

  10. 自《中华人民共和国体育法》和《全民健身计划纲要》颁布以来,大大加速了全民体育事业的步伐。

    The execution of the Sports Laws of PRC and Nation-Wide Fitness Program have promoted China nation-wide sports greatly .

  11. 1995年国务院颁布了全民健身计划纲要,从此健身俱乐部在我国蓬勃发展起来,各种各样的综合性的大型健身俱乐部随之出现。

    In 1995 the State Council promulgated the " National Fitness Program ", than a variety of integrated large-scale clubs open .

  12. 认真实施《全民健身计划纲要》,不断提高全体国民的身体素质和健康水平;

    We will implement the " national sports for all program " to improve the physical quality and fitness of the whole population .

  13. 论证了我国民族体育的继承和发展是实施《全民健身计划纲要》的重要内容。

    It demonstrates that inheritance and development of national sports is important means and content of implement of the plan of physical fitness for all .

  14. 因此,增强妇女体质、增加妇女体育人口数量,对实施和完成《全民健身计划纲要》,促进体育事业的全面发展具有重要意义。

    Strengthening women physique and increasing women sport population are very significance for implementing and completing Massive Sport Project , promoting sport undertakings ' development .

  15. 高校体育改革要与实施《全民健身计划纲要》相衔接&《为全民健身计划纲要》颁布四周年而作

    Linking up PE reform in higher education and implementation of Outline of Mass Physical Exercise & dedicated to fourth anniversary of publication of the Outline

  16. 随着《全民健身计划纲要》的实施,终身体育思想的树立,要求高中体育教育加强对学生体育意识和自我锻炼能力的培养。

    With the implementing of national fitness program , more attention should be paid to cultivate the student 's self exercise ability in high school .

  17. 同年,国务院颁布了《全民健身计划纲要》及一系列的规章制度。

    In the same year , the State Council promulgated the Outline of Nationwide Physical Fitness Program , followed by a series of rules and regulations .

  18. 企业职工体育是贯彻实施《全民健身计划纲要》的重要组成部分,是全面提升企业职工健康的有效载体。

    Enterprise employees sport is an important part of the implementation of 《 National Fitness Program 》, an effective vehicle for Enhance the health of workers .

  19. 发展农村体育是贯彻落实《全民健身计划纲要》的重要工作,是农村精神文明建设和倡导健康文明生活方式的重要内容。

    The development of rural sports is a key job for implementing national system and an important part of rural spiritual civilization construction , healthy and civilized life .

  20. 高校积极参与社区体育健身服务,对建立完善的社区体育健身服务网络和《全民健身计划纲要》的实施有着深远的意义。

    It has significant meaning for establishing perfect community physical exercise service network and implementation of National Fitness Program when colleges actively participating in community physical exercise service .

  21. 路径的建设不仅贯彻和落实了全民健身计划纲要,同时在很大程度上也满足了人民群众参与体育锻炼的需求。

    It not only enhances the implementation of National Sports for All Program but also satisfies the demand of the mass who take part in the physical training .

  22. 对中小学体育在实施《全民健身计划纲要》中的地位和作用、存在的问题及对策进行了分析探讨。

    This essay analyses and probes into the place and role , the problems and countermeasures of school physical education in carrying out the all people health keeping plan .

  23. 《全民健身计划纲要》和《全民健身计划(2011&2015年)》两个文件颁布后,我国国民体质越来越得到重视。

    After " National fitness program outline " and the " National Fitness Program ( 2011-2015 )" issued , our national constitution have been paid more and more attention .

  24. 《全民健身计划纲要》颁布后的今天,残疾人健身发展仍相当缓慢,参与率和普及率依旧很低,残疾人健身的研究也相对缺乏。

    " National fitness program " issued today , disabled fitness development are still quite slow , participation and popularity remains low , disabled fitness research also relatively scarce .

  25. 同样,我国《全民健身计划纲要》第一、二期工程的实施,也极大地重视和解决弱势群体健身问题,通过种种途径促进其身心的全面健康发展。

    Similarly , " national fitness program " first , second project implementation , also greatly value and solve the problems , by various ways health promoting the health development .

  26. 《全民健身计划纲要》为我国体育事业提出了新的战略目标,也给田径理论界提供了一次难得的机会。

    In 《 Fitness Program For All 》, a new strategic objective for Chinese sports cause is put forward and a rare chance for theory in track and field events .

  27. 《全民健身计划纲要》指出:全民健身计划以全体国民为实施对象,以青少年儿童为重点。

    Objective : The outline of the nationwide body-building plan points out that the outline of the nationwide body-building plan which targets all the national people is focus on the youngsters and children .

  28. 在《全民健身计划纲要》的推广与大力宣传之下,人们越来越重视身体健康,健康意识和消费观念有了明显的转变。

    In " national fitness program " under the popularization and the publicity . People pay more and more attention to health and health self consciousness and consumption idea obviously is beginning to change .

  29. 1995年颁布《全民健身计划纲要》以来,全民健身有一个较大的发展,但仍然存在着许多问题。

    Through analysis , it holds that : 1 . Since the promulgation of Civil Body Building Plan Outline , civil body building has gained a rapid development , but there still exist many problems .

  30. 采用文献资料调研、调查访问、和数理统计等研究方法,对浙江省高校专职教师体育健身活动进行调查研究,结果发现目前浙江省高校教师对《全民健身计划纲要》的内容了解偏低;

    With the method of document , investigation , and statistic , this paper discovers that the understanding Summary of National Healthy Plan is somewhat low for zhejiang province university teachers through their healthy activities .