
quán fāng wèi
  • comprehensive;omnibearing
全方位[quán fāng wèi]
  1. 为了对图书馆员的工作状态进行全方位的评价,开发了基于Web的高校图书馆员服务水平评价系统。

    In order to make omnibearing evaluation on librarians ' working condition , the Web-based evaluation system for university librarian 's service level has been developed .

  2. 根据变电站内局域网能获得全方位信息的可行性,如事件序列记录(SOE)、断路器变位信息序列、故障录波等。

    Because the local area communication based in substation can obtain omnibearing information , such as the SOE , switching information sequence of circuit breakers , fault recorder information , this paper proposes an on-line diagnostic approach of hybrid C-E Nets model based in substations .

  3. 这个网络将为家庭提供全方位的计算机服务。

    The network will provide the gamut of computer services to your home .

  4. 今年夏天,学校提供了一次全方位体验舞蹈的机会。

    This summer school presents an opportunity to experience all aspects of dance

  5. 克劳福德为她的职业生涯提供全方位建议。

    Crawford counsels her on all aspects of her career .

  6. 小报上开始了对那位已故女士全方位的人身攻击。

    A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press .

  7. 每位准新娘都会惊喜地发现,婚庆中心提供全方位的一站式服务。

    A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be , The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop .

  8. 座位可以全方位调节。

    The seats are fully adjustable .

  9. 我们的教育是全方位的。

    Our education is overall .

  10. 在2009年美国提供全方位服务的餐馆的营业额与以前同期相比有超过6%的降幅,但是快餐连锁企业的营业额却依然保持不变。

    In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6 % , but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains .

  11. 我们的服务目标是:全方位、真情义、高质量

    Our services are : all-encompassing , love justice and high quality .

  12. 强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通

    Powerful human resources flow flowcapital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around .

  13. 要建立健全计划生育特殊家庭全方位帮扶保障制度。

    The nation will establish and improve various policies for such families under the family planning policy .

  14. 获得《独生子女父母光荣证》的夫妻,独生子女发生意外伤残、死亡的,按照规定获得全方位帮扶。

    Couples whose only child has died or is disabled should receive comprehensive care provided by local governments .

  15. 我们应该在北京兴建一个中华饮食文化博物馆,充分调动起海内外参观者的视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,全方位展现中华饮食文化的博大精妙。

    We should build a museum of Chinese food culture in Beijing . It can comprehensively show the rich culture of Chinese food , including its appearance , smell , taste and touch .

  16. 提供全方位公共就业服务,促进高校毕业生等青年群体、农民工多渠道就业创业。

    We will provide extensive public employment services to open more channels for college graduates and other young people as well as migrant rural workers to find jobs and start their own businesses .

  17. 用户通过Internet直接对体育馆进行全方位的浏览,赛前对体育馆的各种设施方位有一个了解,用户还可以与系统进行交互购票。

    Users can use Internet to browse gymnasium , be familiar with establishment in advance , and interact with the system to buy tickets .

  18. 城镇CI是一个城镇内在文化的体现,同时也是一个城镇外在形象的显示,是内在美与外在美相互结合在一起的全方位的综合设计。

    It is an all-round integrated design combining the inner and external beauty .

  19. 新世纪伊始,时值中国加入WTO以后,世界经济将展开全方位竞争。

    Since the beginning of a new century , competition in the world 's economy is spreading out in all directions .

  20. 用PSD构成全方位高准确度数字水平仪

    Omni directional High precision Level Constructed with PSD

  21. Delphi是一个全方位的Windows开发工具,也是最优秀的数据库前段应用程序的开发工具。

    Delphi was one of the best application program development tools on windows platform and it did best in the front database .

  22. 本文对Internet上的检索工具搜索引擎的工作机理和性能进行了全方位的探讨,指出了常见搜索引擎信息检索缺点。

    The main purpose of this note is to discuss the principles and capabilities of the Internet search engines all-round , point out the fault of the search engine 's information retrieval .

  23. 设计了一套具有2自由度的CCD云台,为CCD准确全方位的反映管内形貌提供了保证。

    A set of two degrees of freedom CCD yunnan observatory , which ensured the CCD to reflection the gesture in the pipeline with accurate and omnidirectional .

  24. 本研究对民族高校GIS课程教学进行了全方位的改革,为民族高校GIS课程教学改革确立了理论依据,对当前民族高校GIS课程的教学及研究具有一定的参考意义,并提供了研究思路。

    It established a theoretical basis for the GIS curriculum innovation and has a certain reference value for current GIS curriculum teaching and researching and provides research ideas in universities of nationalities .

  25. QRCode码除了具有其他二维条码的优点以外,还可超高速全方位识读,并有效表示汉字。

    Besides the advantages of other 2 dimension bar code , QR Code can give response at very high speed and omni bearing and express Chinese characters effectively .

  26. Gardner提出的多元智力理论对传统教育观念带来了全方位冲击。

    The theory of multiple intelligences put forward by Gardner has brought us enlightenment in different aspects .

  27. 全方位行走AGV的主要技术组成为全方位轮系、控制系统和导引系统的设计。

    The technology of omnidirectional AGV includes the design of omnidirectional AGV wheel system , the control system and the guide system .

  28. 用于全方位离子注入的10kV固体脉冲调制器研制

    Research on The 10 kV Solid-state Pulse Modulator for Plasma Immersion ion Implantation

  29. 客户服务中心系统是一个利用现代通讯技术、计算机网络技术、数据仓库技术,集电话接入技术、人工座席、自动语音应答、Internet网络服务为一体,面向客户提供全方位个性化服务的组织机构。

    CallCenter System is an integrative organization which utilizes the technology of communication , computer network & dataware house , includes computer telephony integrated technology , customer service representative , interactive voice response technology , internet technology and supports the customers with full-oriented , individual service .

  30. 由于QRCode与其它二维条码相比具有识读速度快、全方位识读、有效表示中国汉字等特点,更适于在中国的发展。

    Compared with other two-dimension barcodes , QR Code has some special characteristics , such as fast decoding , omnidirectional decoding , expressing Chinese more effectively . So QR Code is more suitable to develop in China .