
  • 网络All-weather
  1. 银行ATM系统提供24小时全天候服务,延长了银行网点的营业时间。

    ATM system is the true 24 hours service system . It extends bank service time .

  2. 故多年来一直坚持二十四小时全天候服务。

    It have persisted in service of24 hours without break for many years .

  3. 自助服务系统以独立的、无人值守的形式为用户提供新颖多样的服务项目,从而真正实现全天候服务。

    The Self-Service System supplys different new styles of services independently and automatically , and can serve people day and night .

  4. 目前,大多数出租车都可以提供24小时全天候服务,乘客搭乘出租车的方式主要是扬招式。

    Nowadays , most taxis can provide round-the-clock service , and the main method of hitching a taxi is waving their hands .

  5. 在荷兰有一家只在自动售货机上出售食物的连锁餐厅。FEBO是一家自动贩卖式餐馆,提供24小时全天候服务,深受游客和当地夜猫族的欢迎。

    In the Netherlands there is a restaurant chain that serves food exclusively out of vending machines , or automats . Open 24 hours a day , FEBO is popular among tourists and locals out late .

  6. 在下一部分中,您将了解如何使用选择器,将服务调用的目标从公司A更改到另一家成本更低、又可以提供全天候服务的公司。

    In the next section , you will see how using selectors can let you change the destination of the service call from Company A to another company 's service which costs more , but is available24x7 .

  7. 我们将继续秉著积极、热情、诚信、务实的企业精神为您和您的朋友提供全天候的服务。

    We will continue to Bingzhuo positive , warm , sincere and pragmatic spirit of enterprise for you and your friends to provide all-weather service .

  8. 每间客房设施完善,包括宽带上网、国际长途直拨电话、卫星电视以及全天候客房服务等。

    Each room features a full array of amenities which consist of broadband Internet connectivity , IDD , satellite TV , and round-the-clock room service amongst others .

  9. 目前,全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)已经渗透到世界各国的诸多领域中,成为一种提供全天候导航定位服务的空间信息基础设施。

    Currently , the Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) has penetrated into many fields all over the world , becoming a positioning information infrastructure which providing all-weather navigation space service .

  10. 你要全天候为顾客服务,节假日也要工作。

    You need to serve people all day long and work during holidays .

  11. 公司还配备多辆服务车辆随时待命,可实现上海市区全天候到户服务。

    The company is equipped with a service vehicles to standby , may realize the downtown area of Shanghai round-the-clock to household services .

  12. 并为客户提供全天候热情周到的服务。

    And to provide customers with all-weather warm and thoughtful service .

  13. 北京华彬费尔蒙酒店极其重视优质服务,每个楼层都可享受到全天候的贴身管家服务。

    Hospitality excellence is paramount to the Fairmont Beijing and full valet and24 hour butler services are available on each floor .

  14. 图书馆订有2200余种期刊、200余种报纸。总面积达26600多平方米,阅览座位3200席。开馆时间达到90小时,电子书刊实现全天候24小时的服务。

    The library subscribes to over 2200 periodicals and 200 newspapers . The total area of the library is 26600 square meters with more than 3 200 seats for readers . It is open for 90 hours per week . Electronic documents in the Library can be accessed by readers 24 hours a day .