
  • 网络tang poems;complete Tang poems
  1. 这部《全唐诗》分成十二函。

    This set of complete Tang poems is in twelve cases .

  2. 功能与符号&《全唐诗》北窗析

    Function and Symbol & Analysis on the North-facing Windows in Entire Tang Poems

  3. 《全唐诗》中的拨弦乐器研究

    The Research of String Instrument in the Whole Poetry of Tang Dynasty

  4. 但对於全唐诗双音节异文研究却少之又少。

    But there is rare study about the whole Tang poetries ' dual-syllable variations .

  5. 本论文是以全唐诗中的双音节异文为研究对象。

    In this thesis , we have been studied dual-syllable variations of whole Tang poetry .

  6. 第二部分主要是描述了全唐诗中双音节异文的不同类别。

    The second part describes the different categories of dual-syllable different texts in the Tang poetry .

  7. 《全唐诗》中稻字出现了337次。

    The word rice can be found 337 times in the Full Collection of Tang Poetry .

  8. 在《全唐诗》中,镜子意象大量地出现在诗歌里。

    A great amount of mirror images was found in " Poem of Whole Tang Dynasty " .

  9. 第三部分是对全唐诗中的双音节异文的新义造行考释。

    The third part is the new meanings of the dual-syllable variations in The Whole Tang Poetry .

  10. 《全唐诗》收录一首所谓唐太宗文德皇后长孙氏的拗体七律《春游曲》,前些年被人引用剖析其心态。

    ALL Tang Poetry anthology includes an irregular verse Spring Outing Song allegedly composed by empress Zhangsun .

  11. 从《全唐诗》看唐代的水稻品种及分布

    The Variety and Distribution Pattern of Rice in Tang Dynasty as Depicted in the Full Collection of Tang Poetry

  12. 大量丰富的相关资料有待继续发掘,《全唐诗》中的神仙史料有待进一步深入研究。

    Abundant information related to continue to be discovered ," Tang Dynasty " in immortal historical needs further study .

  13. 文章以《全唐诗》为主要的文献资料来解读唐代的服饰文化。

    The article use the Tang poetry as a major documentation to interpret the costumes culture in the Tang Dynasty .

  14. 全唐诗中的双音节异文的研究对於汉语史的词汇研究具有重要的意义。

    It is of great significance in study of Chinese vocabulary history to study Dual-syllable variations in the whole Tang poetry .

  15. 其诗歌见于《全唐诗》卷五四四、五四五,存一百三十余首。

    Found in his poems , " Quan Tang Shi " volume 544 , 545 , Saved more than 130 poems .

  16. 不能简单地把《全唐诗》中的云物一词解释为景物。

    Therefore , the " colour of clouds " cannot be simply explained as an equivalent to the words " scenery " .

  17. 以全唐诗贯之全章进行分析论证,通过园林题名、园林游赏、园林发展来论述与之相关的文学创作。

    Full-Tang consistent analysis of all chapters demonstrates , through describing the garden titles , garden tours , garden development , it discusses the related literature .

  18. 《全唐诗》收录的皎然诗共474首,绝大部分都是他写湖州或在湖州所写的。

    474 of his poems are included in the Complete Works of the Tang Dynasty , most of which are written about Huzhou or written in Huzhou .

  19. 全唐诗异文形成的原因主要有下面几方面。一、不同版本的流传,形成异文。

    There are some mainly the following aspects , which cause to whole Tang poetry dual-syllable variations . Firstly , the spread of different versions causes to different text .

  20. 《全唐诗》共收录吟咏和涉及牡丹的诗词130首左右,其中词占极少数。

    Included in " The Complete Collection of Tang Poems " are130 poems and Ci poems extolling and descriding the peony , only a few of which are Ci poems .

  21. 鉴於选题研究的方便与可行,我们对全唐诗双音节异文的类型的划分较为简略。

    In view of the convenience and feasibility of the topics of study , it is relatively brief to divide the dual-syllable variations of The Whole Tang Poetry to different categories .

  22. 本文中的全唐诗中的双音节异文不一定是词语或词组,可能有些时候它们只是一些语法意义上的结构关系。

    Variations of whole Tang Poetries ' dual-syllabic variations in this article are not necessarily words or phrases , maybe sometimes they are just some of the grammatical meaning of the structural relationship .

  23. 本文从《全唐诗》出发,对唐代桑蚕丝绸的地理分布进行一定的论证,分析论证唐王朝时期桑蚕丝绸业的发展情况。

    In this paper , " Quan Tang Shi ," Proceeding of the Tang Dynasty , the geographical distribution of silkworm silk some sort , analysis and appraisal period of the Tang Dynasty silkworm industry developments .

  24. 清代学者在编纂《全唐诗》时没有加以详细考辨,就把流传过程中增益的部分孱入总集中,给后来的研究带来极大的不便。

    The Qing Dynasty scholars brought the added sections which appeared in the spread process into the anthology without the detailed analysis when they were compiling Quan Tang Shi , which brought a great inconvenience to the later research .

  25. 从茶产地的分布看唐代区域经济的开发&读《全唐诗》、《茶经》、《新唐书·地理志》札记

    The Study of the Exploitation of Regional Economy from the Distribution of Tea Producing Area in the Tang Dynasty & Through the Analysis on the Quan Tang Shi , Book of Tea and The New History of the Tang Dynasty

  26. 今有《黎岳诗集》传世,《全唐诗》编为三卷,另在补遗中载其诗二首,共206首。频诗多近体,尤多五律。

    This " Li Yue collection of poems " handed down , " all the Tang poems " for the three-volume series , and the other in the " residual " contained in its two poems , a total of 206 .

  27. 在唐诗中的玉意象章节,通过对《全唐诗》中的玉语汇与玉意象的统计分析,得出了相应的结论。

    In the chapter of ' The imagery of jade in Tang poetry ', the corresponding conclusion is reached through the analysis of ' jade words collection ' and ' the imagery of jade ' in ' The complete poetry of Tang Dynasty ' .

  28. 他的音乐诗作在《全唐诗》中收录有大约三百三十首,其中有八十首左右与音乐密切相关,其中提到了琴、筝、琵琶等乐器。

    About 330 of his music poems were recorded in " Full Tang " poems . About 80 poems were closely related to music among his music poems , which mentioned to lots of musical Instruments such as the jean , zheng and pipa .

  29. 同时我们也参照《汉语大词典》的释义。最后结语简单的概括了本文研究情况和不足之处,同时亦期待更多的学者能关注全唐诗双音节异文这一领域。

    We also refer to the interpretation in Han Yu Da Ci Dian * Last conclusion is a simple overview of this paper and deficiencies , but also looking forward to more scholars concerned about this field of whole Tang poetries ' dual-syllable variations .

  30. 在他执政时期,出版发行了《明史》、《古今图书集成》、《全唐诗》、《全唐文》,以及《康熙字典》、《佩文韵府》和《四库全书》。

    During his reign the History of Ming Dynasty came off the press , along with , the illustrated encyclopedia Gujin Tushu Jicheng , the Collection of Tang Poetry and Tang Prose Writings , the character dictionary Kangxi Dictionary , the Rhyme Dictionary , and the collection Siku Quanshu ,