- Accession to the WTO;be born;go into the society

(1) [go into the society]∶步入社会;投身于社会
(2) [be born]∶佛家语,与出世(脱离俗世)相对,生于世上
其气浩然,常留天地间,何必出世入世之面目。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》
After China ' entry into the WTO , great progress has been made in the part of attracting foreign investment .
Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization
China has joined WTO on December 11, 2001.After China 's accession to WTO , more foreign products will be dumped into China .
The first , in respect of ideology , jump out inherent regulation , and treat a question from the angle of WTO .
APEC Will Still Be of Significance to China Who Had Entered WTO
The WTO China * How Chinese Enterprises Can Prepare For Entry Into The WTO , And For The Opportunities And Challenges Of The Global Market
The fourth , in respect of ability development , first become the expert about WTO , meanwhile , train senior staff who can master WTO routine .
At present , the agricultural protection in Zhengzhou is rather weak , which contradicts with the related policies and measures of WTO . After china entered WTO .
The second section analyzes the space of supporting and protecting agriculture after entering the WTO , according to " the WTO Agriculture Agreement " and our promises .
RESEARCH FOR DATA TRANSFORMATION METHODS BETWEEN RAFTER STRUCTURE AND VECTOR STRUCTURE IN GIS The Opportunity and Challenge of the Chinese Human Resource Development Rafter China 's Entry of WTO
Current implementing tax rate for the imported PVC paste resin will be decreased from 16 % to 6.5 % within 5 years after WTO entry .
With the progressive opening of higher education market , China is becoming a great-nation of higher education service , but a powerful modern educational country is not set up now .
The thesis exposes the matters of law in law-service trade , comparing the situation before we coming into WTO with after , and the situation in China with in other countries .
On this basis , the author puts forward some suggestions on how to utilize rules of burden of proof in DSM by analyzing those cases involved by China since its entry into WTO .
The tourist industry must abide by WTO rules and perform promise of further opening-up , deal with properly trade friction , clear up tourist developing barriers , and realize gradually freedom of tourist trade .
After China 's entering into the WTO the foreign cultural products will flow into China 's market in a great quantity according to the WTO principles and this will shock our cultural industry violently .
To be admitted into WTO , the most important is the impact that the law system of China is given . So China 's law system must be in keeping with the rule of WTO .
This provision , in effect , does not run against China 's horizontal commitments and specific commitments concerning financial service as China 's entered WTO , thus China does not evade its obligations as a WTO member .
In settlement plan , the thesis will use the forecasting method of GM ( 1,1 ) to forecast the Sino-US trade value , farm products trade value , textile and garment trade value .
After being cheerful for the successful entry into WTO , we must ponder about the challenge and opportunity faced by our country 's overall economic development and various economic fields , so as to catch the opportunity and welcome the challenge .
Meanwhile , according to our promise to the WTO , foreign capital project cost consultation service industry will achieve the right of establishing sole capital company to carry on engineering cost consultation practice within five years after China 's joining into WTO .
It will have great influence on China 's WTO entry and Chinese traditional legal ideas . Using the principles of WTO will promote the conversion of legal ideas and help to realize the modernization of legal governance and advance Chinese economic development .
Combined with general problems exiting in state-owned hospitals , the author does SWOT analysis of situation and development of People Hospital of Wuhan University and puts forward some suggestions for development of the hospital .
According to the characteristic of STL and the higher require to RE , the efficient modeling method system of reconstruction is put forward .
Chinese traditional legal ideas and the fixed form of cultural system have restricted the development of economy , politics , culture and some other aspects . WTO is based on free , equal , fair and open international trade system and legal canonical system .
Now our country has been accession to WTO , so we must adapt the requirement of WTO and conduct all-round innovation on many aspects such as the idea of government administration , management system , management institution and the management system of talent and etc.
The effective degree to the different industry is different after our country entry WTO , the article mainly analyze , research the effective degree to the China 's fetilizer industry and explore the development strategy and solutions we will adopt , so as to face the challenges .
Although China has become a member of WTO , due to the commitments made when entering into WTO , our country is still subject to the restrictions of the status of non-market economy within 15 years after its accession into WTO when China copes with foreign anti-dumping actions .
Because entry into WTO is a new situation for the Chinese capital account liberalization , this paper also analyzes the course 's arrange of our country 's capital account liberalization and the change of capital control 's form and method in the transition period of China entering into WTO .
The Chinese circulation industry will be faced with rigorous challenges in the initial stages after China 's entrance into WTO according to analyses on GATS and related contents promised in the bilateral agreements between China and other member states of WTO respectively .