
  • 网络Toll Free;toll-free;Free call;freephone;Viber
  1. 等一会儿,你的电话会响,这时你可以享受你的免费电话了。

    Wait a few moments for your call to ring through and then enjoy your free call .

  2. 如果出现什么问题,您只要拔打24小时免费电话就可以了。

    If something goes wrong , simply make one toll free call at the hot-line 24 hours a day .

  3. 知情者应通过保密的免费电话热线和反恐小组联系。

    Anyone with information should contact the Anti-Terrorist Squad on the confidential freephone hotline .

  4. 但是Line已经在东南亚和印度凭借免费电话等服务产生了一定的吸引力。

    But Line is getting traction in Southeast Asia and India by offering free calls on top of all their other services .

  5. 昨日,固话运营商中国电信(ChinaTelecom)向绵阳市一家体育馆内无家可归的幸存者提供了免费电话呼叫服务。绵阳就在一些地震重灾区附近。

    Fixed line operator China Telecom was yesterday offering its own free calls to homeless survivors gathering in a sports stadium in Mianyang , a city that lies near some of the worst - affected areas .

  6. Zappos在网站的每个页面都显示了1-800免费电话号码,而且其呼叫中心聪明而风趣的接线员可以自主决定做任何让你开心的事。

    Zappos publishes its1-800 number on every single page of the site & and its smart and entertaining call-center employees are free to do whatever it takes to make you happy .

  7. 这一功能值得您花时间去注册Voxeo,您现在可以通过长途电话号码、800免费电话号码和Skype访问您的VXML文件,而这些方法还只是其中的一小部分。

    This feature alone is worth the time it takes to sign up for Voxeo ; you can now access your VXML file through a toll number , an800-number , and Skype , just to list a few .

  8. 提供一个免费电话号码为下订单的电话。

    Offer a toll-free number for placing orders over the telephone .

  9. 广告提供了一个免费电话号码以便人们去电话。

    The advertisement give a free phone for you to call .

  10. 或者免费电话能订购的东西摆布

    anybody or anything you can order with a tollfree number .

  11. 用模拟电话交换码的方式来拨打全球免费电话.

    Mimicking telephone router codes To make free calls around the world .

  12. 提供具时限性的免费电话翻译服务。

    Provide free telephone translation service within a time limit .

  13. 能不能给我联合航空公司的免费电话号码?

    Can you give me the toll free number for united airlines ?

  14. 帮助热线-测试和结果,提供免费电话。

    Help Line-Toll-free telephone support for test and result questions .

  15. 我还可以拨打免费电话后,我注册?

    Can I still make free calls after I register ?

  16. 您的产品是没有资格获得免费电话支持的。

    Your product is not eligible for complimentary phone support .

  17. 如需预订请点击这里,或拨打免费电话。

    Click online reservations or toll-free telephone numbers to book your accommodation .

  18. 现在打往美国的免费电话限时5分钟。

    Free calls to the United States are now limited to 5 minutes .

  19. 你可以根据屏幕上的指导并拨打1-800免费电话加上语音评论。

    Voice comments are added by following on-screen instructions and calling a1-800 number .

  20. 他们为顾客办理免费电话服务。

    They operate a free telephone service for customers .

  21. 免费电话中心会向您提供资讯、介绍服务。

    The toll-free call center will provide many information and referrals to services .

  22. 请拨打屏幕下方的免费电话。

    You are urged to call lvpd at the toll-free number on the screen .

  23. 提供免费电话号码。

    Provide a toll-free phone number .

  24. 据说他有办法打免费电话,你肯定也听说过

    who could supposedly make free telephone calls , you heard about this I 'm sure .

  25. 如今,我们有全球客户支持团队,有一个1-800免费电话(谢天谢地!)

    Today , we have a global customer support team with a 1-800 number ( thankfully !)

  26. 许多公司使用反应性的方法,如免费电话热线服务,来监控顾客的反馈意见。

    Most firms use reactive methods such as toll-free customer service telephone lines to monitor customer feedback .

  27. 凯斯·戴维斯拨了一则分类广告上提供的免费电话号码,应聘客户业务经理的职位。

    Answering a classified for an account executive , Keith Davis dialed the toll free number listed .

  28. 您的通话被终止,因为现在打往美国的免费电话限时5分钟。

    Your call was terminated because free calls to the United States are now limited to 5 minutes .

  29. 免费电话每天24小时,一周7天,全年开通。

    The toll-free call center works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week all the year .

  30. 而且,这些(信息)数据也可用于特殊的免费电话号码以及视讯文本系统中。

    Furthermore , the data are also available on a special free telephone number and on videotext system .