
  • 网络Kashmirian;Kashmiri
  1. 像我一样年轻的克什米尔人根本不相信巴基斯坦。

    Younger Kashmiri people like me do not believe in Pak .

  2. 如果我们成为克什米尔人之后,我们将会拥有比以前更多的权利。

    We have lost more rights once we became Azad Kashmir than we had before .

  3. 如今的问题,几乎完全源自于土生土长的克什米尔人,他们找不到工作,缺乏基本的服务,对当地糟糕的治理(无论是在地方还是联邦政府层面)缺少表达不满的文明方式。

    The problem today is almost exclusively defined by indigenous Kashmiris who cannot find jobs , lack basic services and have no civilised way to air their grievances about poor governance , either at the local or federal level .