
  • 网络photoecology
  1. 用这种光生态膜苫盖温室大棚进行蔬菜生产,产量提高了44.6%。

    The results show that yields of vegetables have been increased 44 6 % by using greenhouse built of the photoecology agricultural film .

  2. 这些现象充分说明了C3和C4植物在光生态适应性上的不同特点。

    We can conclude that C_3 and C_4 plants are different in adaptability of photo-ecology .

  3. 在弱光生态环境条件下,研究了烯效唑(S-3307)干拌种对不同密度冬小麦蛋白质组分及加工品质的影响,分析了蛋白质各组分含量与加工品质的关系。

    Effects of S-3307 ( Uniconazole ) application on amount to content of protein components and processing quality of wheat grain were studied in more rain and low light stress environment .

  4. 棚室作物吸收光谱的测定及其光生态膜的研制

    Determination of Plants Absorption Spectra and Development of Photo Ecological Film

  5. 温光生态效应对春玉米物质生产的影响

    Effect of temperature and solar ecological factors on spring maize production

  6. 调光生态膜对蔬菜品质的影响

    The Effect of Sunlight Conditioning Agriculture Film on Vegetable Quality

  7. 调光生态膜光学性能研究

    Study on the Optical Nature of Light Adjusting Ecological Film

  8. 光生态膜在水稻育苗上应用试验研究

    Application study of light-ecological film to seedling raising in paddy

  9. 光生态膜对黄瓜生态的影响

    Effect of the Photo - ecology Film on the Cucumber

  10. 中国小麦品种温光生态区划

    The Lay-out of the Temperature-Light Ecological Zone for Wheat Cultivars in China

  11. 光生态膜的发光强度对作物产量的影响

    Effect of Luminescence Intensity of the Photoecology Film on Yield of Crops

  12. 调光生态膜促进植物生长的机理探讨

    A Preliminary Study of the Growth-Promoting Machanism for Vegetables by Light Converting Ecology Film

  13. 莴苣的光生态研究

    Study on the Photo-ecology of the Lettuce

  14. 鹅掌楸种群间光生态适应性的分化

    Differentiation of light ecological adaptability among populations of Liriodendron chinense in the process of being endangered

  15. 江苏水稻安全生育与产量形成的温光生态特性及其应用的研究

    The Temperature-Light Characteristics of Safe Growth and Yield Formation of Rice and Its Application in Jiangsu Province

  16. 并揭示了我国品种温光生态特性分布的四个特征。

    Four characteristics in the distribution of the temperature - light ecological zones in China were also discussed .

  17. 从生态场理论出发,运用邻体干扰模型和遮光影响的方法,研究了日本落叶松林冠层光生态场。

    The light ecological field of Larix leoptolois canopy is studied by means of neighboring disturbed models and shading effect method .

  18. 光生态研究是从环境科学的研究领域研究太阳辐射对农作物生长的影响。

    The photo ecology research is aiming to study how solar radiation influences the growth of plants in the field of environment research .

  19. 对其进行光能利用率试验研究表明:光生态膜在水稻育苗上应用可提高水稻秧苗素质、产量和经济效益,是水稻育苗的一种新型棚膜。

    The experiment shows that the application of light-ecological film to raise seedlings in paddy can improve seedlings quality , yield and economic benefit .

  20. 利用普通塑料薄膜和光生态塑料薄膜两种覆盖材料为试验材料,研究它们对大棚内若干环境指标及蔬菜生长发育的影响。

    Common plastic film and light-ecology plastic film were used as experiment materials to research the influence on vegetable development in plastic film shed .

  21. 研究了光生态膜的光稳定性,观察到作物的产量与光生态膜的发光强度呈正相关。

    Light stability of photo-ecology agricultural film was studied in this paper and has observed that the relation between yield of crops and luminescence intensity of photo-ecology agricultural film was positive correlation .

  22. 结果表明:光生态塑料薄膜比普通塑料薄膜具有更好的透光性和增温性,因此可以促进蔬菜产量的形成。

    The results showed that light-ecology plastic film compared to common plastic film had the better light transmittance and protective temperature , at the same time , light-ecology plastic film could increase vegetable yield .

  23. 不同温光生态因素和种植密度均造成郑单958玉米产量之间的差异。随着播期的推迟,产量呈现下降趋势;随着密度的增加,产量增加。

    3 , In different temperature and sunshine ecological factors and planting density , a result on the difference of maize yield of " Zhengdan 958 " . With sowing date postponing , the yield descend .

  24. 在技术策略中,采光口的形式对于博物馆的空间形式有着很大的影响,所以采光口是自然光生态策略的重点。

    Technology strategy in the form of the mouth of the lighting for the space form of the museum has a great impact , so the lighting port is the focus of the ecological strategy of natural light .

  25. 通过连续三年的水稻分期播种试验,对不同类型品种幼穗分化期的长短与温光生态因素的关系进行了探讨研究。

    The author studied on the influence of hours of sunlight and average temperature in daytime on the polarization period of young rice spikes of different types based on a three-year trial planting of rice during the polarization period .

  26. 提出我国应当积极推广应用和研究开发光生物降解地膜和完全生物降解地膜,同时也应努力研究开发光生态棚膜和现代化光生态覆盖材料

    Degradable mulching films , including photo / bio degradable mulching films and environmental , complete bio degradable mulching films , as well as light ecological greenhouse films and light ecological advanced covering materials , should be developed and applied in China

  27. 光温生态因子对冬小麦幼穗分化的影响研究

    Effects of daylength and temperature on the spike differentiation of winter wheat

  28. 盾叶薯蓣适光生理生态及机理的研究

    On Ecophysiological Adaptation of Dioscorea Zingiberensis to Light Intensities and Its Mechanism

  29. 广西稻种系统分类研究&Ⅲ、广西稻种的光温生态特性及分类

    Study on photo-thermo-response patterns and classification of Guangxi local rice

  30. 葡萄园稻草覆盖的生态效应试验(英文)水稻光合生态特性的初探

    The ecological effects of rice straw mulching on vineyard