
  1. 上个星期,我在光华路遇到了小郭。

    I met Xiaoguo in Guang Hua Road last week .

  2. 北京地铁光华路车站过桥桩施工技术

    Construction Technology of Passing Through Bridge Piles in Guanghua Road Station of Beijing Subway

  3. 分离岛式地铁车站是一种新型结构型式。在分析分离岛式车站结构型式和特点的基础上,结合北京地铁10号线光华路站的实例,介绍了此类车站设计施工中的难点。

    The separated island platform station is a new type of metro station with many key techniques in its design and construction .

  4. 中国北京市朝阳区光华路1号北京嘉里中心南楼1617室

    Suite 1617 , South Tower , Beijing Kerry Centre , No.1 Guang Hua Road , Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 , P. R. China

  5. 那就让我们加快旅行的步伐,到北京市区靠近光华路一角和东三环路的两个摩天大厦的建筑工地上去吧。

    Let 's press on with the tour anyway , starting with two giant building sites in central Beijing , near the corner of Guanghua and the east third ring road .