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xiān zǔ
  • ancestry;my forefathers;my late grandfather
先祖 [xiān zǔ]
  • [deceased grandfather;ancestry] 称已故的祖父;祖先

  1. 咱们之所以能排在第一位,先祖当初肯定做过惊天伟业!

    We rank first only because our ancestry certainly made a great and amazing cause .

  2. 尽管有这么多名人祖先,但这本书也指出,米德尔顿小姐的先祖大部分都是劳动阶级,这与她的未婚夫兼英国未来国王威廉截然不同。

    Famous namesaside , the book shows Ms Middleton 's ancestry is largely working class , unlike her soon-to-be husband and future king .

  3. 他的先祖可以上溯到700年前。

    He could trace his ancestors back seven hundred years .

  4. 他的先祖来自法国。

    His ancestors came from France .

  5. 再不要污染我们先祖们的大地!

    Don 't defile the land of our ancestors !

  6. 苏格兰的芬尼赫斯特城堡(FerniehirstCastle)是科尔(Kerr)家族祖传的居所。科尔家族的先祖随着威廉一世(WilliamtheConqueror)在1066年来到英国。

    Ferniehirst Castle in Scotland is the ancestral home of the Kerr family , which traces their family tree back to their arrival in Britain alongside William the Conqueror in 1066 .

  7. 正如文艺复兴时期的诗人乔万尼•薄伽丘(GiovanniBoccaccio)所形容的,人们在与朋友吃过午餐之后,再在天堂与先祖享用晚餐。

    As Giovanni Boccaccio , the Renaissance poet , put it , men ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise .

  8. 我们的先祖对美最初的定位:大羊。

    Big Sheep & The definition of beauty for our ancestors .

  9. 其先祖即为葛拉蒂,由皮格马利翁所创造的美女。

    Their Progenitor was Galatea , the woman created by Pygmalion .

  10. 但是有些可能是寒武纪巨型动物群的先祖。

    But some might be the ancestors of the Cambrian megafauna .

  11. 这一日期可是在圣经先祖出现之后。

    That date is centuries after the time of the Patriarchs .

  12. 先祖在上,看它那尺寸!

    By our ancestors , look at the size of it !

  13. 先祖们在此隐居100多年了

    Our ancesters lived in secrecy for over a hundred years .

  14. 先祖觉醒和强化水盾对激流生效了。

    Ancestral Awakening and Improved Water Shield will now affect Riptide .

  15. 另一幅则是教皇赏赐给卡西莫尔先祖的塑像。

    Another is Pope grants for Cassie the Mole ancestor 's statue .

  16. 由先祖制作的活尸则继承其世系。

    Any Prometheans the Progenitor then creates inherit his Lineage .

  17. 先祖亚伯拉罕将自己所掳来上等之物取十分之一给他。

    Even Abraham the patriarch gave him a tenth of the spoils .

  18. 我们向先祖的神哭喊。

    ' 'and we cried out to the God of our fathers .

  19. 也别忘记,俄备得成为了耶稣的先祖。

    Remember too that Obed became an ancestor of Jesus .

  20. 你们如此焦急地想要唾弃你们的先祖?

    Are you so eager to spit on your ancestors .

  21. 你先祖所立的地界,你不可挪移。

    Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers .

  22. 他所谓的“先祖”海盗亨利摩根。

    His supposed ancestor , the pirate Henry morgan .

  23. 半甲齿龟是海龟们的先祖。

    Odontochelys is an early ancestor of the turtle .

  24. 向我的先祖阿盖格一样在你们的利剑前求饶?

    Beg like my forefather Agag before your sword ?

  25. 先祖觉醒可以被激流的暴击触发。

    Ancestral Awakening-Now works on Riptide Critical Hits .

  26. 那是远逝的家园,那是先祖的梦!

    Our home has been disappearing , gone with the dream of our ancestors .

  27. 先祖筑建了长城的汉族人

    The Han Chinese whose ancestors built the Wall

  28. 中国人的先祖和世界上其他民族一样,都经历了氏族公社时期。

    The ancestors of the Chinese people like other nations experienced a clan commune period .

  29. 翻译:我认为真正的问题出在先祖的科技树和雄蜂。

    The real problem I have with the Progenitors are the Reasearch Tree and Drones .

  30. 我们的开国先祖甚至把追求幸福写入了《独立宣言》。

    Our Founding Fathers even wrote the pursuit of happiness into The Declaration of Independence .