
  • 网络Dyskeratosis Congenita;DKC
  1. 先天性角化不良6例

    Six cases of dyskeratosis congenita

  2. 目的研究先天性角化不良(DKC)一家系的基因突变情况和遗传方式。

    Objective To identify the mutation of DKC1 gene and its inheritance in a pedigree with dyskeratosis congenita ( DKC ) .

  3. 目的检测一例先天性角化不良(DKC)患者DKC1基因的突变情况。

    Objective To detect the mutation in DKC1 gene in a patient with dyskeratosis congeni-ta .

  4. 先天性角化不良1例及家系调查

    Dyskeratosis congenita : a case report and the family pedigree analysis

  5. 该先天性角化不良症网站也精心策划的良好环境美化和研究中心,连接通道的阴影,清楚地表明致力于环境管理和社会责任。

    The DKC site is also well-planned with good landscaping and shaded walkways that connect the research centers , clearly demonstrating commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility .