
  • 网络charge controller;charge control
  1. PWM(脉宽调制)充电控制器能向蓄电池提供良好控制的充电特性,适于大功率无人值守电站。

    PWM ( pulse width modulation ) charge controller suits for high power station .

  2. 带DPM的笔记本PC电池充电控制器/选择器bq24700/bq24701

    Notebook PC Battery Charge Controller and Selector bq24700 / 01 with DPM

  3. 基于PLC的高压阀过电流试验恒流充电控制器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a PLC-Based Charger Controller for Over Current Test of High Voltage Valve

  4. 基于MCU的智能充电控制器的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of a Intelligent Charge-control System based on MCU

  5. 该电路可广泛应用于CMOS镍氢/镍镉电池充电控制器中。

    So this circuit can be used in the CMOS nickel cadmium or nickel metal hydride batteries charging controller .

  6. 进行了基于MCS-51单片机的面板部分的开发,包括功能设计、操作流程设计和软硬件设计,基于DSP的充电控制器设计包括采样、通信、故障检测、控制程序等。

    The charging controller design based on DSP includes sampling , communicating , faults detecting and control programs .

  7. 介绍了密封铅酸蓄电池充电控制器UC3906的工作原理和应用电路。

    The operation of integrated circuit UC3906 and its application in sealed lead acid battery charger are described .

  8. 对太阳能充电控制器的硬软件进行研究设计,该系统使用了MPPT最大功率点跟踪策略,实现了太阳能电池输出的最大功率点跟踪。

    To make the solar charge control system to achieve a variety of control functions , to study the solar charge controller hardware and software design . The system using max power point tracking MPPT strategy , achieve max power point tracking for solar cell output .

  9. 试谈太阳能供电系统充电控制器的改进

    Improvement on Battery Charging Controller of the Solar Power Supply System

  10. 太阳能综合供电系统充电控制器的设计

    The charge controller of solar PV pumping and lighting combined application system

  11. 太阳电池-铅酸蓄电池充电控制器的研究

    Solar cell charge controller for lead acid battery

  12. 然后在详细分析了镍氢电池的特性的基础上开发了快速充电控制器,进而设计了供给系统工作的电源电路。

    Finally , controller of fast charging is designed at the base of analyzing characteristic of Ni-MH batteries .

  13. 基于廉价单片机的最大充电控制器避免了太阳能电池的过大功率配置,有利于降低系统成本。

    The CC with microcontroller reduces the cost of photovoltaic system by avoiding over power configuration of photovoltaic array .

  14. 对具有温度补偿功能的光伏系统充电控制器的设计与应用进行研究。

    The design and application of battery charge controllers with temperature compensation for use in photovoltaic systems are studied .

  15. 硬件部分主要包括功率主电路、反激变压器、充电控制器、驱动电路、采样电路、保护电路以及辅助电源。

    System hardware mainly includes flyback transformer , charging controller , driving circuit , sampling circuit , protection circuit and auxiliary power supply .

  16. 在文章的最后,采用软开关DC/DC变换器电路,构建了蓄电池充电控制器系统和无变压器联网逆变器系统。

    In the end of this paper , with soft-switching DC / DC converter configuration , the solar battery charger system and the transformerless grid-connected photovoltaic inverter system are established .

  17. 传统的庭院式小功率太阳能光伏发电系统的充电控制器多采用纯硬件电路或者低端的微处理器,导致其性能有一定的局限,如效率偏低。

    The traditional solar photovoltaic charge mostly a pure hardware circuit or low-end microprocessor in the courtyard of solar photovoltaic systems , resulting in performance limitations , and the loss of power is too large .

  18. Microchip推出全新单节大电流锂电池充电管理控制器

    Microchip Introduces High-current Single Cell Charger Controller

  19. 并设计了均衡分流充电模糊控制器,建立了均衡充电模糊控制系统的模型并进行了仿真。

    In theory fuzzy controller of diffluence equilibrium charging system is designed and the model of fuzzy controlling system is established and simulated .

  20. 旋转拨号电话式样iPone充电支架任天堂控制器式样iPhone支架面包式样iPhone支架

    Rotary phone charging dock for the iPhone Nintendo Controller iPhone Dock The Bread Station

  21. 本文结合实际项目航天器用蓄电池充电控制系统,详细阐述了基于MCS一51单片机的蓄电池充电控制器以及结合CAN总线的上位机远程监控系统。

    Combined with a practical program Charging Control System of Storage Cells Used in Space-shuttles , this paper elaborates an MCS-51-based charging controller and CAN-based long-distance monitoring system .

  22. 本论文介绍了清洁机器人技术的发展现状并对自主充电技术的背景进行了综述和分析,为了满足智能清洁机器人自动充电的要求,设计了红外无线通讯系统和快速充电控制器。

    In order to satisfy the auto charging , and requirements of intelligent domestic cleaning robot system , an IR wireless communication system is presented based on MCU and a controller of fast charging .