
  • 网络Reservoir pore structure;reservoir void structure
  1. 实际应用证明,利用BP神经网络预测储层孔隙结构类型有较好的效果。

    The practical application proved that it will have a good result that using BP neural network to predict the pore structure types of reservoir .

  2. 利用核磁共振(NMR)测井资料评价储层孔隙结构方法的对比研究

    Comparative studies on methods of evaluation of reservoir pore structure by using NMR ( nuclear magnetic resonance ) well logging data

  3. MIFA法就是一种定量的分形几何学方法。本文应用MIFA法对塔里木盆地塔中地区志留系储层孔隙结构进行了研究。

    The MIFA , as a fractal geometry method , is used to study the Silurian reservoir of Tazhong area in this paper .

  4. 砂岩储层孔隙结构分形特征描述

    Study on fractal features of the porous structure in sandstone reservoirs

  5. 川东石炭系储层孔隙结构的区域变化规律

    Regional variation of pore structure in East Sichuan Carboniferous system reservoir

  6. 分形技术是一种研究储层孔隙结构的新方法,其计算机实现步骤包括;

    Fractal technique is a new method of studying reservoir pore texture .

  7. 基于微观随机网络模拟法建立的储层孔隙结构模型

    Reservoir Pore Structure Model Based on Microcosmic Network Stochastic Simulation

  8. 核磁共振测井在储层孔隙结构评价中的应用

    The Application of NMR Log Data in Evaluation of Reservoir Pore Structure

  9. 阿尔奇公式与储层孔隙结构的关系

    Relations between archie 's formula and reservoir pore structure

  10. 注水开发对砂岩储层孔隙结构的影响

    Effect of waterflooding on pore structure in sandstone reservoir

  11. 储层孔隙结构与岩石类型密切相关。

    Pore structure is closely related to rock types .

  12. 储层孔隙结构分形分析计算机实现

    Fractal analysis of reservoir pore texture accomplished by computer

  13. 川东石炭系碳酸盐岩储层孔隙结构的灰色关联分析

    Grey Relation Grade Analysis of Pore Structure of Carboniferous Carbonate Reservoir in East Sichuan

  14. 辽河盆地荣37块气田下第三系储层孔隙结构及非均质性研究

    Reservoir pore texture and heterogeneity of Eogene system of Rong 37 block , Liaohe Basin

  15. 浅论对外开放及其定量评价应用定量方法描述储层孔隙结构的非均质性

    The application of a quantitative method to describe the heterogeneity of pore structures of reservoir

  16. 应用核磁共振资料研究碳酸盐岩储层孔隙结构和流体性质。

    NMR data are used to study the pore structure and fluid properties in carbonate reservoirs .

  17. 毛管压力曲线是用来评价储层孔隙结构和储层原始含油饱和度的最有效的方法。

    The study of flow units using fractal and fractal dimension methods of capillary pressure curve ;

  18. 长期水洗后储层孔隙结构变化特征对于水,它约为4×10~3大气压。

    Variation features of reservoir pore structure after water flush over a long period of time .

  19. 其储层孔隙结构复杂和高含气饱和度是形成高电阻率储层深浅双侧向正差异的一个重要原因;

    The complex pore structures of the reservoir and extra high gas-bearing saturation are other important factors .

  20. 升平开发区火山岩储层孔隙结构特征与产能关系综合研究

    Comprehensive research on relationship between productivity and pore structure characteristics of volcanic reservoir in Shengping developing area

  21. 对残余油的分布情况影响因素较多,主要受储层孔隙结构影响。

    The residual oil distribution of impact factors , is mainly affected by the influence of pore structure .

  22. 文留油田文25东块注水开发后期储层孔隙结构特征评价

    Pore Structure Feature Evaluation of Reservoir for East Block 25 in Wenliu Oilfield During Later Stage of Water-injection Recovery

  23. 最后利用电阻率测井资料对西部某油田致密砂岩储层孔隙结构特征的矿场应用研究也取得了较好的效果。

    Finally , it has good result by this method to study the pore structure of competent sandstone in an oilfield .

  24. 最后提出了反映裂缝性储层孔隙结构特点的参数&连通系数。

    At last , connecting factor is put forward , which can fully reflect the pore texture characteristics of fracture reservoir .

  25. 自生粘土矿物的存在,既可导致微粒的迁移,吸收或释放某些阳离子形成不溶沉淀物,堵塞孔隙喉道,改变储层孔隙结构,又可影响测井结果。

    In the presence of clay minerals , some particles are easy to form indissoluble precipitates by absorbing and desorbing cations .

  26. 分析了肯基亚克低渗透碳酸盐油藏的储层孔隙结构、渗透率、孔隙度的压力敏感性等。

    This paper analyzes the pressure-sensibility for reservoir pore structure , permeability and porosity in abnormal high pressure and low permeability carbonate reservoir .

  27. 理论推导和实验研究表明利用电阻率测井资料研究致密砂岩储层孔隙结构具有很大的优势。

    From theories and experiments , it has very great advantages to research the competent sandstone pore structure by using resistivity logging data .

  28. 大庆长垣北-断东葡Ⅰ油层组化学成岩作用对砂岩储层孔隙结构的影响

    Chemical diagenesis influence on the pore texture of sandstone reservoir of PI oil bearing group , east of fault north of Daqing placanticline

  29. 本文对川东石炭系储层孔隙结构的特征参数,进行了地下地质学和趋势面分析的特殊处理,取得了储层孔隙结构的区域变化规律。

    This article has made the specific handling of subsurface geology and trend analysis of characteristic parameters of pore structure in East Sichuan Carboniferous System reservoir .

  30. 通过致密砂岩岩电实验,获得了不同含水饱和度下的电阻率值,从而计算得到储层孔隙结构参数;

    By electricity experiment of the competent sandstone , the resistance with different water saturations can be acquired , thus the pore structure parameter can be computed ;