
  • 网络Healthy World;Health World
  1. 控制结核伙伴关系Kochon奖于今年发起,将首次在巴黎会议宫殿举行的第三十七届肺部健康世界会议上颁发。

    The Stop TB Partnership Kochon Prize was inaugurated this year , and will be awarded for the first time , at the37th Union World Conference on Lung Health , Palais des Congr è s , Paris .

  2. 为积极健康世界而努力的每一个思想、每一个词语、每一个行动都是对和平的贡献。

    Every thought , every word , and every action that adds to the positive and the wholesome is a contribution to peace .

  3. 即便你已经探入全谷类食物的健康世界,小米也有可能是你未尝试事物之一。

    Even if you 've ventured into the healthful world of whole grain foods , millet may be one that you haven 't tried .

  4. “关爱世界”主题展带给观众八个高科技的互动展示,生动诠释出强生建立一个更加健康世界的理念。

    The Caring World features a series of eight high-tech , multi-media exhibits that demonstrate how the Company celebrates the spirit of caring to create a healthier world .

  5. 今年世界水日的主题是“保障清洁水源,创造健康世界”,强调水资源质量和数量都面临威胁。

    The theme of this year 's World Water Day ," Clean Water for a Healthy World ", emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk .

  6. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)表示,更健康的世界经济和好转的财务状况,减少了银行需要减记的资产,但主权债务问题可能正在扩散。

    A healthier world economy and better financial conditions have reduced banks ' need to write down assets but sovereign debt problems may be spreading , according to the International Monetary Fund .

  7. 健康是世界上最宝贵的东西。

    Good health is the most precious thing in the world .

  8. 我们需要更多地了解健康的世界生态系统。

    We need to learn more about the health of the world 's ecosystems .

  9. 世界卫生与健康组织世界卫生组织反对吸烟

    World Health Organization WHO in fight against smoking

  10. 不懂心理健康的世界。

    that doesn 't understand mental health .

  11. 太平洋卫生峰会的目标是联系科学与政策,建设一个更健康的世界。

    The goal of the Pacific Health Summit is to connect science and policy for a healthier world .

  12. 我认为,一个社会和经济不平等现象较少的世界是一个政治上更健康的世界。

    A world with fewer social and economic inequalities is , I believe , a healthier world politically .

  13. 可以毫不夸张的说,骨骼肌肉系统的疾病已成为对人类健康与世界经济发展的巨大威胁。

    Only combined with rehabilitation medicine , can orthopaedics achieve his ultimate goals to serve the people better .

  14. 但是很快,由于担心银行业的健康,世界范围信贷市场停滞不前。

    But soon , credit markets around the world slowed to a on fears about the health of banks .

  15. 二恶英严重威胁着人类的健康,世界各国正在采取积极措施控制二恶英的污染。

    Dioxin threatens human health badly , and many countries in the world have taken active steps against Dioxin pollution .

  16. 改善非洲人民和妇女的健康是世界卫生组织业绩的重要指标。

    Improvements in the health of the people of Africa and the health of women are key indicators of the performance of WHO .

  17. 在《如何在不健康的世界中活得健康》这本书中“以一品脱的水开始新的一天”这篇文章。

    Read about starting your day with a pint of water in the free How to Live Healthy in an Unhealthy World book .

  18. 让我们一起把2008年的“应对气候变化,保护人类健康”世界卫生日变成一个划时代的日子,以此为基础,展开真正的全球行动!

    Let us make World Health Day2008 " Protecting health from climate change " a landmark event that sets the stage for truly global action !

  19. 世界卫生组织报道到2020年抑郁症将成为危害人类健康的世界第二大疾病。

    The World Health Organization ( WHO ) report has predicted that major depression will become the second cause of illness induced disability by the year 2020 .

  20. 他们将交流看法、探索新思路、形成政策及做法,迈向一个更加健康的世界。水质为2010年的引导主题。

    They will exchange ideas , foster new thinking and chart policies and practices that will lead to a healthier world , with water quality as the2010 lead theme .

  21. 这项新的承诺重申了我们对生命高贵的信念,通过这项任命,我们希望给全人类以新的希望,憧憬一个更美好健康的世界。

    This new commitment reaffirms our belief in the dignity of life and through this appointment we wish to offer new hope to human beings everywhere for a better , healthier world .

  22. 大脑动脉阻塞引起的中风和脑梗死,因其在老年人中致残高和易引起智能缺陷,成为严重影响人们健康的世界性难题。

    Stroke and cerebral infarction as a result of occlusion of cerebral arteries have long been a major health problem worldwide because they are major causes of disability and intellectual impairment in elderly .

  23. 值此世界无烟日,让我们推动进步以减少与烟草有关的死亡和加强防治其他非传染性疾病的斗争,帮助创造一个让所有人都更加健康的世界。

    On this World No Tobacco Day , let us push for progress that will cut tobacco-related deaths and enliven the battle against other non-communicable diseases , helping to create a healthier world for all .

  24. 肝硬化目前已成为一个危害人类生命健康的世界性问题,如果能尽早阻止其发生和转变,在一定程度肝硬化就能得到有效控制。

    Cirrhosis of the liver has become a global problem endangering human life and health , if we can prevent its occurrence and transformation , cirrhosis of the liver can be effectively controlled in a certain degree .

  25. 随着经济发展和生活方式改变,糖尿病患病率逐渐上升,糖尿病及其并发症已成为严重威胁人民健康的世界性公共卫生问题。

    With the development of economics , people 's life style has changed greatly and the prevalence rate of diabetes mellitus has rised so rapidly that it has become one of public problem that severely threaten the health of the people worldwide .

  26. 上海世博会的主题,“城市,让生活更美好”(BetterCity&BetterLife),将展现21世纪一个可持续的、健康、繁荣世界的愿景。

    The theme for the Expo ," Better City – Better Life ," will present a vision of a sustainable , healthy , and prosperous world in the21st century .

  27. 妊娠期高血压疾病(Hypertensivedisordercomplicatingpregnancy,HDCP)严重威胁母胎健康,是世界范围内导致围产期母胎高发病率和死亡率的主要原因之一。

    Hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy ( HDCP ) is still a serious threaten to maternal-fetal health , which is contributed to the high maternal-fetal perinatal morbidity worldwide .

  28. 这里是VOA特别英语健康报道。世界卫生组织表示,酗酒是造成全世界死亡和残疾的第三大诱因。

    World Health Organization Says Alcohol Abuse is an International Problem This is the VOA Special English Health Report . The World Health Organization says alcohol abuse is the third cause of death and disability in the world .

  29. 年轻人在挥霍自己健康的同时世界也在浪费着他的未来。

    In squandering the health of its young , the world squanders its tomorrows .

  30. 健康促进是世界卫生组织倡导的一个全球性促进健康事业发展的运动。

    Health promotion is a global campaign to promote health occupation originated by WHO .