
  1. 她高高兴兴地做自己的工作。

    She went cheerfully about her work .

  2. 毕竟,人们除了做自己又能怎样呢?

    After all , what more can anyone be than themselves ?

  3. 富兰克林几乎可以做自己喜欢做的任何事情。

    Franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased

  4. 做自己擅长的事总是令人愉快的。

    It 's always pleasant to do what you 're good at doing .

  5. 他们最终选择了继续做自己熟悉的事。

    They prefer , in the end , to stick with what they know .

  6. 他们给我的印象是,他们正在做自己人生中想做的事情。

    They gave me the impression that they were doing exactly what they wanted in life

  7. 他们在做自己的工作时,也许更喜欢使用和我不一样的一套方法。

    In their own work they may have favored the use of methodology different from mine .

  8. 研发人员应该对自己充满信心,坚持做自己最擅长的事。

    Developers should have the courage of their convictions and stick to what they do best .

  9. 你有可维持3年的研究经费去做自己想做的事。

    You 've got three years ' worth of research money to do what you want with

  10. 起初我有点崇拜明星,但后来我意识到他们只不过和我一样在做自己的本职工作。

    At first I was a bit starstruck but then I realised they were just doing their job , same as me .

  11. 不上班的时候我可以做自己的事了。

    When off duty I can do my private work .

  12. 有些人抱怨不友好的同事,对花8小时做自己抱怨的工作感到悲伤。

    Some complain of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they complain .

  13. 他们应该发展自己的独立性,做自己。

    They ought to develop their own independence and just be themselves .

  14. "但我认为他做自己认为正确的事是很勇敢的。

    " But I think he 's brave to do what he thinks is right .

  15. 他做自己更自在。

    He was more comfortable being himself .

  16. 除非能照顾好自己,否则做自己的主人一点用也没有。

    It is no use being your own master unless you can stand up for yourself .

  17. 他总是做自己想做的事情,从不在乎我想要什么。

    He just does what he wants all the time and doesn 't care what I want .

  18. 试着减少手机屏幕使用时间,构建属于自己的成功道路,做自己喜欢的事。

    Try to reduce our screen time , focus on building your own path to success and do what you like .

  19. “妈咪洞穴”是一个女人在家里留出的一块可以按自己的喜好装饰的小天地,在这个“洞穴”里她可以安静地做自己想做的事情。

    Mom cave is an area of a house that a woman can decorate to her tastes and be alone to pursue her own projects and interests .

  20. 当然也是做自己的长官(ofmycommanders)。

    And I was sure of my commanders , too .

  21. 每天做自己DJ角色,现在我都成了赢家首席DJ。

    Every day do yourself a DJ roles , and now I have become winners chief DJ .

  22. Callisto是针对Eclipse的10个项目的协同发布,它大大简化了准备和运行Eclipse的过程,使您可以随意做自己想做的事。

    Callisto is a coordinated release of10 projects for Eclipse that greatly simplify the process of getting Eclipse up and going so you can do what you want to do .

  23. 斯科特菲茨杰拉德(SCOTTFITZGERALD)曾经说过,拥有一流智商的标志,是能够同时在脑子里保留着两种矛盾的想法、却仍能做自己的事。

    The mark of a first-rate intelligence , Scott Fitzgerald wrote , is the ability to hold contradictory ideas in the mind at the same time and still function .

  24. 现在你告诉我要做自己不要学你。

    Now you tell me to be me and not you .

  25. 我们做自己的事,我们很开心。

    We do our own things and we are having fun .

  26. 我们可以做自己所需产品的硅胶模具。

    We can do the silicon mold for our own products .

  27. 人们有时应该做自己不喜欢的事吗?

    Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing ?

  28. 如果所有人都想做自己的事情,那就让他们做好了。

    If everyone wants to do their own thing , let them .

  29. 我会努力一直都做自己。

    I try to be me , all the time .

  30. 但是,我不能让她只做自己想做的。

    But I can 't let her just do what she wants .