
  • 网络Repair garage;garage band
  1. 汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范

    Code for fire protection design of garage , motor repair shop and parking area

  2. 修车库的人觉得我非常珍爱自己的车。

    The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car .

  3. 修车库的人认为我非常爱惜自己的车。

    The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car . 53 .

  4. 对,你不是要跟我一起修车库门吗?

    Yeah . weren 't you supposed to be here with me , working on the garage door ?

  5. 等我们把汽车买到你再修车库好了;不要本末倒置。

    Wait until we buy a cart before you build the garage ; don 't put the cart before the horse .