
  1. 在完成出家训练以后,我便立即开始修禅。

    I completed my training as a monk and began practicing zen .

  2. 这就是说,动中禅是一种以动修禅的禅法。

    Dynamic Meditation is a form of moving meditation .

  3. 在这之前我从没听说过这样的修禅方式。

    Tina : I have never heard of or practiced meditation like this before .

  4. 少林武术作为外在形式,根本上是修禅的手段。

    As the external form , the Shaolin Wushu , is a method of understanding the wisdom of Zen basically .

  5. 念珠在印度已有几世纪的历史,它用来帮助虔诚的印度教徒和佛教徒修禅的时候集中注意。

    They have been used in India for centuries to assist devout Hindus and Buddhists in staying focused during prayerful meditation .

  6. 他们一听说我来到附近的寺院,于是他们因为我是个修禅的和尚,就请我去诵经。

    As soon as they heard that I was staying at the monastery nearby , they invited me to chant as I was a meditation monk .

  7. 少林武术存在与以少林寺为核心的文化空间内,被少林寺僧人转化为修禅的方法。

    Shaolin martial arts with the Shaolin temple exist as the core of the cultural space and the Shaolin monks have been converted to URL method .

  8. 阿姜放过去有个弟子,是一位老妇人,前来开始跟他学修禅定时,他正在准备离开阿育王寺。

    Ajaan Fuang once had a student , an old woman , who started practicing meditation with him when he was getting ready to leave Wat Asokaram .

  9. 禅画是中国禅宗特有的艺术,修禅者用笔墨来表达禅道,开创出唐宋以来中国绘画的新纪元。

    Meditation is a unique artistic Chinese zen Buddhism , ink to express the zen meditation , create a new era of Chinese painting since the tang and song dynasties .

  10. 在修禅那时,她能如意地进入经典的八定之中任何一定,并且在定中停留她所希望的时间。

    While she was doing jhana practice , Dpa Ma could enter any of the eight classical jhanic states at will and stay in it as long as she wanted .

  11. 马祖弟子基于对乃师禅法问题的认识与弘法实际的要求,围绕着乃师禅法中的佛性思想、修禅方式与方法等问题进行了适当的修正。

    In order to understand the questions of Chan method of Mazu and carry it forward , disciples of Mazu made many amendments to solve problems involved in the thought of Buddhism and the manner of practice in Chan method .

  12. 体证个性和共性这两个层次在修观禅的过程中被称为正见。

    Realization at these two levels is called Right Understanding ( Sammaditthi ) in the course of Vipassana meditation .

  13. 事实上,要经过多年持续的闻、思、修、观想和禅坐,修行才能成就正果。

    It requires the maturity that only years of listening , contemplation , reflection , meditation , and sustained practice can ripen .

  14. 当时很多新加坡同修都在叁加禅二,祈求减轻世界苦难,但是援助工作还是同时展开。

    Despite the fact that most fellow initiates in Singapore were attending a two-day retreat and praying for the alleviation of world suffering , the relief work was launched anyway .