
  • 网络IS Strategy;information system strategy
  1. IT基础设施与信息系统战略之间的对应是战略对应的一项基本问题。

    The alignment between IT infrastructure and IS strategy is one of basic issues in strategic alignment .

  2. 企业战略与信息系统战略规划集成过程研究

    The study of the processes and approaches of integrating business strategy planning and information system strategy planning

  3. 信息系统战略规划方法及其组合策略的研究

    The Study of The Information Systems Strategic Planning Methods And Its Portfolio Tactics

  4. 信息系统战略规划发展评述

    History Review of Information Systems Strategic Planning

  5. 论中小企业信息系统战略

    Information System Strategies for Medium-and Small-Sized Enterprises

  6. 在管理信息系统战略研究中可以采用外部价值链和内部价值链分析方法确定管理信息系统的开发战略重点。

    The analysis of exterior value link and inte-rior value link can be used to make sure a key of MIS development strategy .

  7. BPR中信息系统开发战略及过程框架

    Development Strategy and Process Framework of Information System in BPR

  8. 目前,BP和ISP战略一致性关系的研究在理论和实践中仍存在一些不足:(1)企业规划和信息系统规划战略一致性的结合点,具体体现在哪些方面;

    Now the research on theory and practice in strategic alignment still have some deficiencies :( 1 ) What aspects are the well-knit points of strategic alignment of BP-ISP embodied ;

  9. 企业经营战略和信息系统技术战略的结合方式研究

    Alignment of business strategies and information systems technology strategies of firms

  10. 我国电信运营企业信息系统发展战略

    Development Strategy of Information System of China 's Telecommunication Carriers

  11. 主要论述了管理信息系统的战略作用以及规划方法。

    Mainly discusses the management information system and the strategic planning method .

  12. 企业规划和信息系统规划战略一致性研究

    A Study on the Strategic Alignment of Business Planning and Information Systems Planning

  13. 发展中国遥感与地理信息系统的战略

    Development Strategy for Remote Sensing and GIS of China

  14. 从战略方面考虑,信息系统安全战略的建立必须以风险管理为基础,信息系统安全风险评估是风险管理的关键步骤之一。

    Information system security should strategically be based on risk management in which risk evaluation is a crucial step .

  15. 在基本理论架构的基础上,勾勒出了以战略管理目标制定、战略管理信息系统、战略成本管理、战略投资决策及战略业绩评价为主体的内容框架。

    On the basis of the frame of fundamental theory , this paper outlines a content frame with the laying down of strategic management objectives , strategic management information system , strategic cost management , strategic investment decision and strategic evaluation of performance as the main part .

  16. 关于我国商业银行管理信息系统建设的战略思考

    Strategic thought on a management information system to be set up by china 's commercial banks

  17. 论述了航空工业企业的业务信息系统、支持战略管理的知识、知识管理技术平台之间的关系。

    The relations among the business information system , the knowledge for supporting the strategic management , and the knowledge management technology platform in aviation industry enterprise are discussed .

  18. 战略管理会计是支持汽车企业经营战略的信息系统,将战略管理思想导入企业财务管理活动中为组织内部各级管理人员预测、决策、规划、控制和评价考核提供依据已成为当今的一种趋势。

    Strategic management accounting is an information system which supporting car enterprise management strategy . It has become current trend that strategic management idea was introduced into company financial activity to provide reference for internal managers in all levels to forecast 、 decide 、 layout 、 control and assess .

  19. 当前,信息系统是企业获取战略竞争优势的重要手段。

    Information systems are important tools for firms to create its strategic competitive advantage today .

  20. 操作层供应链协同管理的目标是通过使用合适的工具、设备或信息系统等来支持战略层、战术层供应链的协同管理,供应链协同管理达到预定目标。

    Operate layer is to support strategy layer , tactics layer by using suitable tool , equipment or information system , etc.

  21. 该系统由战略管理信息支持子系统与战略实施控制子系统组成。

    It is composed of two subsystems , i.e. the info backup subsystem of strategy management and the control subsystem of strategy enforcement .

  22. 提出了宏宇公司管理信息系统中供应链战略合作伙伴选择机制、公司合作伙伴评价指标体系、评价方法以及供应链合作关系的建立步骤;

    The partner choosing mechanism , the partner choosing index system , appraisal method , and the steps of building the partner relation are presented .

  23. 建立集成化的信息系统是企业信息化战略的目标和任务,且现代信息技术也为系统集成提供了更先进的工具。

    Establishing the integration information system is the strategy 's target and mission of enterprise information construction , and the modem information technology also provides the more advanced tools for integration information system .

  24. 通过设计新的业务流程和管理信息系统调整其组织战略,选择网络建设的实践,给出了具体的解决方案。

    The article had designed the new business process and management information systems to adjust its organizational strategy , and also obtains the concrete measures on how to choose the practice of network construction .

  25. 人力资源信息系统对于企业的战略意义和重要性与日剧增,企业对人力资源信息系统的绩效予以很高的期望,然而在实际应用中,却存在很多问题。

    The significance and importance of HRIS in enterprises strategic planning is increasing gradually . Business has a high expectation on HRIS performance , but in the practical application , there are a lot of problems existing .

  26. 本文从战略信息系统入手,分析了组织战略决策中的决策者情报行为(竞争情报行为),探讨了战略信息系统对战略决策中决策者情报行为的支持。

    In light of strategic information system , analyze the information behavior ( competitive intelligence behavior ) of user of organization strategic information system , explore how SIS support decision makers ' information behavior in the course of strategic decision making .

  27. 首席信息官是一个组织中负责信息技术系统战略规划、协调和实施的官员,他通过谋划和指导信息技术资源的最佳利用来支持组织的目标。

    Chief Information Officer , an official in charge of the strategic planning , coordination and implementation of information technology system in an organization , supports the gaining of its object through designing and the best use of resources .

  28. 其次,本文借助平衡记分卡思想,提出了人力资源信息系统的评估体系,对人力资源信息系统绩效和战略实现功能进行评价;

    Second , the dissertation devises an evaluation system in order to evaluate the strategic value of the HRIS .

  29. 本文从企业流程再造与信息系统之间的关系入手,利用规范研究方法构建了BPR中信息系统开发战略框架模型,提出了BPR中信息系统开发过程框架。

    Then , based on the relations between BPR and IS , this dissertation brings out the structural model of developing strategy of IS in BPR by the means of normative research , and the frame of IS development in BPR .

  30. 随着信息系统在企业中应用的发展、变化以及整个市场环境的变化,企业战略规划和信息系统战略规划的集成已经成为必然趋势。

    With the development of the application of information systems ( IS ) in business , there is a tendency to integrate business strategy planning ( BSP ) and information system strategy planning ( ISSP ) based on the varied market environment .