
xìn xī chǎn yè
  • IT industry;information industry
  1. 过去该地区的信息产业是个空白点。

    Information industry used to be nonexistent in this area .

  2. WTO原则对我国信息产业立法的影响及思考

    Impacts of WTO Principles on the Legislation of Information Industry in China

  3. GPS带来信息产业的大发展

    The Application of GPS and the Development of Information Industry

  4. 肯定了NC在我国信息产业发展中的广阔前景。

    In the end , this paper points out the application of NC will improve our modern information industry .

  5. 本论文是作者参与成都卫士通信息产业股份有限公司USB专用加密设备的开发和研制后在理论和技术上的总结和提高。本加密专用设备是一种PC的外围设备。

    This thesis is based on the research and development of Special USB Encryption Device which was protected by a patent of Chengdu Westone Information Industry Co.

  6. 无线传感器网络(WSN)是21世纪信息产业的三大支柱(计算机、通信和传感器)相结合的产物。

    Wireless sensor network ( WSN ) is the combination of computer , communication and sensor which are three pillars of the information industry in the 21st century .

  7. 我国信息产业中的DVD行业以及移动通信行业都曾由于没有标准制定权而在行业发展和竞争中处于被动的地位。

    Our DVD industry and Mobile Communication industry has been in a negative position compared to other countries , due to not having the rights of setting standards .

  8. OGC与我国地理信息产业

    OGC and Chinese Geographic Information Industries

  9. 信息产业的发展需要Internet的发展来带动,Web技术是Internet的核心技术,研究基于Web的信息管理系统开发技术,是利用Internet技术开发新一代信息管理系统的重要组成部分。

    Study how to design the MIS basing no web technique , is the most important part of building new MIS with internet technique , because the development of the information industry needs the Internet development to arouse , and the web technique is an internet core technique .

  10. 最后,本文结合CMT系统在参加信息产业部的CDMA外场测试时的路测数据,举例了理论容量和实际测试容量的不同,还列举分析了两个典型的移动台掉话现象。

    At last , this paper cites the results of the road test of CDMA communication system launched by the information industry department and analyzes the difference , two kinds of call drop are cited as well .

  11. 由于Internet爆炸性增长和巨大成功,网络多媒体业务的需求急剧增加,如:网络视频点播、IPTV等,被业界普遍认为是信息产业新的业务增长点和经济增长点。

    Due to the explosive growth and great success of Internet , the requirements of network multimedia services have been increased extremely , e.g. network VOD , IPTV , etc. and been widely considered by industry and academia as the next growth point of service and economy of information industry .

  12. SOPCA是由信息产业部产业基金支持的重点项目,数字电视系统是融合SOPCA技术,符合DVB数字电视接收(有线和卫星)标准的机顶盒。

    SOPCA is a key project supported by the Chinese IT industry ministry , which aims at achieving an information-controlling platform of home facilities . Based on the SOPCA technologies , the digital TV system is actually a digital set-top-box , which complies with the DVB standard .

  13. 广西北部湾信息产业发展优势与发展重点研究

    Guangxi north bay information industry development advantage and development importance research

  14. 信息产业中技术标准联盟的核心成员选择研究

    Research on Core-Member Selection of Technological Standard Alliance in Information Industry

  15. 加快贵州信息产业发展的思考

    Thinking on Speeding the Development of Guizhou Province 's Information Industry

  16. 信息产业技术标准联盟伙伴选择研究

    A Study on Partner-selection of Technical Standard Alliances of Information Industry

  17. 对我国信息产业区域发展的分析研究

    An Analytical Study of Regional Development of the Chinese Information Industry

  18. 云南省地理信息产业发展策略研究

    Research On the Development Tactics of Geomatics Industry in Yunnan Province

  19. 信息产业的自然垄断与信息产品的生命周期

    Natural Monopoly of Information Industry and Life Cycle of Information Products

  20. 论中国信息产业发展的投融资策略

    Strategy of Investment and Financing for China 's Information Industry Development

  21. 电子信息产业创新体系研究&基于产业创新视角的分析

    Study of Innovation System for Information Industries : From Industrial Innovation

  22. 日本的信息产业发展政策及对我国的启示

    Japan 's Information Industries Development Policy and to our Country 's Enlightenment

  23. 印度信息产业的发展及对我们的启示

    Development of Indian Information Industry and Its Inspiration to Us

  24. 台湾电子信息产业发展综述

    The Surve of Development of Electric Information Industry in Taiwan

  25. 信息产业对经济全球化与经济周期波动的影响

    Impact of Information Industry on Economy Globalization and Business Cycle

  26. 反梯度推移战略与广西信息产业的发展

    Counter-gradient development strategy and development of information industry in Guangxi

  27. 日本政府在推进电子信息产业发展中的作用

    The Promoting Effect of Japanese Government on IT Industry Development

  28. 天津信息产业集群与城市竞争力

    IT Industry Cluster in Tianjin and City 's Competition Capacity

  29. 全球电子信息产业价值链及对我国的启示

    The Development of Global Electronic and Information Industrial Value-Chain and Its Revelation

  30. 日本电子信息产业概览发达国家汽车工业管理系统给我们的启示&谈谈美日汽车业的精益生产和团队工作

    Lean production and team work in car industry of usa & Japan