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Well , I think she 's either Russian or Polish .
Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita .
He has managed to crystallise the feelings of millions of ordinary Russians
The two Russians evidently knew each other .
Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia
Three-quarters of Russians live in cities .
Russia 's other late nights and early mornings generally correspond to public holidays .
On New Year 's Eve , Russians have the world 's latest bedtime , hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.
Russians also get up an hour later on International Women 's Day , the day for treating and celebrating female relatives .
Others elevate the egg into a fancy art , like the heavily jewel-covered " eggs " that were favored by the Russians starting in the 19th century .
Around the world , people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time , Russians , for example , began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to " winter time " starting on October 26 .
For example , Russian , French , and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion .
Russians only thanked each other 3 % of the time and Italians only 14 % .
Nazi Germany and its allies were called fascists during what Russians know as the Great Patriotic War .
Russians were the biggest spenders in the capital , spending an average 127 a night on hotels , according to the annual hotel price index .
IMd , also in Switzerland , has the most internationally diverse faculty , while St Petersburg Graduate School of Management 's faculty is all Russian .
Adrian Chen , who visited a troll farm called the Internet Research Agency while reporting for The New York Times , believes that the Russians might be the most organised trolls .
NARRATOR : The vast factory complex at Norilsk was to become a major battleground between the Red Directors and a new kind of Russian .
Just 50 per cent of Russians approve of multi-party politics according to the Pew Global Attitudes Survey and half consider it a misfortune that the Soviet Union no longer exists .
Less than half ( 44 per cent ) said that they regarded the case against pussy riot as just .
Russia 's Ministry for the Development of the Far East , the agency managing this latest development gambit , cited a survey it commissioned , saying that 20 percent of Russians would be ready to move east if given free land .
At a conference in 2003 , Vladimir Putin , then president , even said global warming would merely mean that we Russians will spend less on fur coats .
Throughout the first two Putin terms , Russians became used to their living standards increasing by leaps and bounds – real incomes rose 142 per cent between 1999 and 2009 , according to International Monetary Fund data .
The Russians , according to Internet search data , have been showing the most interest in Bitcoin , but we can be certain many Europeans have started investigating it as well .
And as a resident of Washington , D.C. , I continue to benefit from the contributions of Russians -- specifically , from Alexander Ovechkin .
According to Riccardo Lanza , an Italian villa specialist , some of his most subtle but highest spending clients hail from Moscow .
Until two years ago , the most affluent buyers in the central London market were Russian – on average they outspent every other nationality by far , says Liam Bailey of Knight Frank .
Small packs of Nescaf é coffee designed for cash-conscious Thais and Russians are on sale in austerity-era Europe .
But Ms. Zimina says the ranch in Voronezh can help show Russians about life on the range .
If Bric consumers are destined to be the engine of growth for the post-crisis world economy , then Russians ' appetite for bling could be transformed from charming social foible into a deadly serious measure of global economic health .