
  • 网络Promotional function;enhanced function
  1. 结论:bFGF对损伤后的视神经具有显著的保护及促进功能修复作用。

    Conclusion : bFGF could significantly protect and promote the functional reparation of injury of optic nerves .

  2. UBIO对减轻脊髓继发性损伤、促进功能恢复有明显的治疗作用。

    UBIO has obvious effect for alleviating secondary injury and enhancing functional recovery of spinal cord .

  3. 论人体运动对智力发展的促进功能

    On The Promoting Function Induced by physical Movement to Mental Development

  4. 目的探讨促进功能性滤过泡形成的相关因素。

    Objective To evaluate the factors promoting the formation of functional filter-bubble .

  5. 论文化活动对老年人心理健康的促进功能

    On the Boosting Function of Cultural Activities to the Mental Health of the Aged

  6. 失业保险制度的就业促进功能研究

    Employment Promotion Function of Unemployment Security System

  7. 目的观察闭环肌电反馈电刺激在改善早期偏瘫患者肢体运动和促进功能恢复方面的效果。

    ObjectiveTo study the efficacy of closed-loop EMG feedback electric stimulation in enhancing extremity functional recovery of acute stroke survivors .

  8. 乡村医疗服务集团具有中观卫生管理功能、卫生资源整合功能和效率促进功能。

    Chinese rural medical service groups has the functions of health administrating , medical resource integrating and medical service efficiency promoting .

  9. 法律职业群体的部分功能包括:政治制约功能、.法制维护功能、社会服务功能、文化促进功能等。

    The partial function includes : political interacting function , legal maintaining function , social serving function , literal improving function , etc.

  10. 众多的组织工程基质包括:支架材料、细胞和生物分子,其已经显示出支持轴突再生和促进功能恢复的潜力。

    Numerous engineered substrates including biomaterial scaffolds , cells , biomolecules , have showed potential of supporting axonal regeneration and functional recovery .

  11. 统一功能食品标准促进功能食品研究与开发(一)&关于功能食品的定义、分类和承载基质

    Unification of functional food standard to promote research and development of functional foods ( I ) & Definition , classification , texture of functional foods

  12. 体疗功能锻炼、温泉、理疗等,促进功能恢复,同时对增强肌力,巩固疗效,预防复发起积极作用。

    Physical exercises , hot spring baths and physiotherapy help enhance the muscle power , consolidate the curative effect and prevent the recurrence of the disease .

  13. 近年椎间盘组织工程研究中,利用种子细胞移植修复组织损害和促进功能恢复作用的治疗方法成为目前医学领域中最引人关注的热点之一。

    In recent years disc tissue engineering , use seed cell transplantation of tissue damage and to promote the recovery of the treatment method becomes the current medical field most .

  14. 术中应用某些技巧和细心操作有利于减少缝合张力,减轻组织水肿与异物刺激,改善口腔卫生,促进功能恢复等。

    The results of the analysis showed that sufficient care was essential in decreasing suture tension , tissue edema and foreign body stimulation , in improving oral hygiene and promoting function recovery .

  15. 为了充分发挥高考对教育和社会发展的促进功能,我国的高考制度不断地调整、发展和完善。

    In order to give full play to the university entrance exam to education and social development in China , the positive function of the university entrance exam system is ceaselessly adjusted 、 developed and improved .

  16. 结论专职护士护理干预后显著降低脑梗死后遗症老年病人长期卧床并发症的发生,提高自理能力,促进功能恢复。

    Conclusion The interventional care by the specified nurses can lower the rate of complications , enhance their self-managing ability and promote the functional recovery in the post-cerebral infarction old patients lying in bed for long time .

  17. 股权质押之所以能够产生和发展,是因为在市场经济社会,它发挥着融资促进功能、信用扩张功能、稳定股市功能和市场引导功能。

    Share right pledge emerges and develops , because in the market economy it has the functions of promoting the circulation of the funds , expanding the credit , stabilizing the stock market and guiding the market .

  18. 所以,不应当把专利强制许可仅仅当做是专利权的个人利益和公共利益的一个平衡机制,还应该利用其潜在的对经济社会的促进功能。

    So , we should not regard the patent compulsory license as only the patent right of individual interest and public interest or a balancing mechanism , we should make use of its potential function for social and economic promotion .

  19. 与特异针刺相比,传统的循经取穴针刺对急性损伤症状改善也有一定的作用,但是从短期来看,其在减轻疼痛,促进功能恢复上存在一定的局限。

    The specific acupuncture compared to traditional acupoints along meridians of acupuncture improved symptoms of acute injury to a certain extent , but the short term , there are certain limitations in the treatment of pain , and promote functional recovery .

  20. 结果:移植物能在宿主脊髓损伤部位存活,并能生长、分化、修复宿主脊髓的组织损伤,诱导宿生神经纤维联系的重建,改善宿主损伤脊髓的神经传导,促进功能恢复。

    It was found that the transplants could survive , grow , differentiate , repair the injured spinal cord tissue , induce the reconstruction of the nerve fibre connections , improve the neurotransmission and promote the function recovery of the host rats at the injured sites .

  21. 那些妇女得到了促进卵巢功能的生育药。

    The women were given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries .

  22. 结论有效的心理护理可减轻MS患者抑郁症状,促进神经功能的恢复。

    Conclusions Effective mental nursing is beneficial to relieve depression for MS patients and improve neurofunctional recovery .

  23. 结论:头穴针刺对ET和CGRP具有良性调节作用,使急性脑梗塞患者升高的血浆ET含量降低、降低的血浆CGRP含量升高,还能够促进神经功能恢复,临床疗效明显优于单纯西药治疗。

    Conclusion The scalp penetration acupuncture is able to adjust the contents of plasma ET and CGRP better .

  24. 结果内置双J管引流使伤口漏尿、感染等手术并发症减少,并促进肾功能的明显改善。

    Results Surgical complications such as urinary leakage and wound infection markedly decreased , meanwhile , renal function improved better .

  25. 目的探讨几丁质(chitin)在坐骨神经损伤后促进神经功能恢复中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effects of chitin on the functional recovery after sciatic nerve axotomy .

  26. 结论:膝关节骨折术后早期CPM训练能更快促进膝功能康复。

    Conclusion : Early applied CPM training can quickly promote the rehabilitation of knee function .

  27. 结论SF能有效保护心搏骤停患者CPR后心肌损伤,促进心肌功能的恢复。

    Conclusion : SF may protect the cardiac of the patients after the success of CPR .

  28. 目的:探讨急性心肌梗死(AMI)无并发症病人早期康复护理对促进心肌功能恢复,预防病情复发,提高生活质量,避免长期卧床的并发症及缩短住院日期的作用。

    Objective : To study the value of rehabilitation nurse in early stage acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) patients without complication .

  29. 结论血管内HeNe激光治疗能降低脑血栓患者血浆中GMP-140和自由基含量,增强SOD活性,促进神经功能恢复。

    Conclusion He Ne laser could decrease plasma GMP 140 and free radicals , strengthen SOD activity and improve nerve function .

  30. 结论:电针可提高损伤神经神经元内源性NGF水平,促进神经功能恢复。

    CONCLUSION : Electroacupuncture therapy can increase the level of endogenous NGF , and improve the functional rehabilitation of injured nerve .