
cè yǐng
  • silhouette;profile
侧影 [cè yǐng]
  • [silhouette;profile] 侧面的影像

  • 灰色战舰的侧影

侧影[cè yǐng]
  1. 我抓住了她的侧影,那张我梦想的脸。

    I 've sketched her silhouette , the face I 'm dreaming of .

  2. 画家用线条勾画出了一个女孩的侧影。

    The painter lined the silhouette of a girl .

  3. 他英俊的侧影从我们眼前转开了。

    His handsome profile was turned away from us .

  4. 我转过头,看见一个人的侧影。

    I turned my head and saw the profile of a man .

  5. 这部诗集描绘了第二次世界大战的一个侧影。

    The second world war is reflected in this collection of poems .

  6. 阿姆斯特朗四下里打量着同学们,露出傻笑的侧影。

    Armstrong looked round at his classmates , silly glee in profile .

  7. 工厂烟囱管和教堂尖顶的侧影映现在傍晚的天幕上。

    Factory chimneys and church spires were silhouetted against the evening sky .

  8. 他转过头来看自己的侧影。

    He turned his head to see himself in profile .

  9. 他拍了一张绝妙的照片蓝天下的一群象的侧影。

    He took a fantastic photo of some elephants silhouetted against the sky .

  10. 基于双基地前向散射栅栏雷达的侧影成像及识别技术研究

    Shadow Imaging and Recognition based on Bistatic Forward Scattering ' Barrier ' Radar

  11. 这些论点是框架系统、子框架系统、外部概念实体、侧影与基体组织等。

    They are frame system , sub-frame system , extrinsic entities , profile-base organization .

  12. 这给她一个借口可以看一眼罗伯特.金凯的侧影。

    That gave her an excuse to glance at the profile of Robert Kincaid .

  13. 分析侧影的高宽变化获取步态周期。

    Gait cycle was obtained by analyzing the variety of the silhouette width and height .

  14. 方法选取69副牙石膏模型上的193颗上颌患楔状缺损牙齿,游标卡尺测量牙颈部缺损的侧影深度、宽度和高度,计算测量体积;

    Methods One hundred and ninety-three teeth with wedge-shaped defects were selected in 69 plaster casts .

  15. 中国观济建筑的发展演变有如中国社会历史发展的一幅侧影。

    The development of Chinese theatre is the silhouette of the development of Chinese social history .

  16. 在湖的那一边,一抹耀眼的红色爬上了荫郁森林的顶端,映衬出母亲在湖岸的侧影;

    Across the lake , a sliver of brilliant red crests the top of the shadowed forest .

  17. 走进门,经过灌木丛,一所房子的侧影便出现在眼前。

    Entering the gate and passing the shrubs , the silhouette of a house rose to view .

  18. 烟雾弥漫的房间里,纽约州东汉普顿市一位消防队员通过窗口灯光形成的侧影。

    An East Hampton , New York firefighter in a smoke-filled room is silhouetted by window light .

  19. 楔状缺损侧影深度与实际体积有显著相关关系。结论楔状缺损一维测度可以代表牙颈部缺损程度。

    Conclusions The value of one dimension measure of the wedge-shaped defects may present the tooth wear index .

  20. 将构造的侧影图用于聚类分析结果的解释,特别是分类数的确定也基本令人满意。

    The silhouette graph is successfully applied to interpret clustering results and especially select the number of clusters .

  21. 上世纪80年代,有关乡村精英的研究在学术界兴盛一时,成为探讨乡村社会的侧影和切入点。

    Study on village elites once flourished in nineteen eighties , as a point to research the rural society .

  22. 老郎庙的近现代变迁&以汉口为中心文化娱乐业组织形态的一个侧影

    The Historical Changes of Lao Lang Monastery : A Profile of the Organizational Mode of Cultural Recreation Centered around Wuhan

  23. 唐卡德尔号的左舷距离海岸至多不过五海里,有时通过云雾的间隙,还可以看见参差不齐的海岸侧影。

    The coast , irregular in profile , and visible sometimes across the clearings , was at most five miles distant .

  24. 其次利用侧影轮廓约束及颜色一致性约束,恢复目标三维信息;

    Secondly , two constraints were used to recover target3D information , which were silhouette constraint and the color consistency constraint .

  25. 图片顶端,是太空站机械手臂“德克斯特”及其附属设施的侧影。

    At the top of the frame , the jointed appendages of the station 's robotic manipulator arm Dextre appear in silhouette .

  26. 看到玛格丽特曲线柔和的侧影,看到了多拉的梦想在那里得到反映,我不能不感到欣慰。

    I can only smile as I see the soft curves of Margaret 's profile and see Dorah 's dreams reflected there .

  27. 我们愿意让别人看到什么呢?是耶稣同在的杰作还是我们自己的侧影呢?

    What would we rather have people see : the masterpiece of the presence of Jesus or the shadow of our own profile ?

  28. 这条线索约略显示出中国文学界接受马克思主义文论在中国传播的一幅侧影。

    Such a clue vaguely displays a profile of the Chinese literary world 's acceptance of Marxist literary theory and its spread in China .

  29. 植被高度、密度、覆盖度、侧影盖度等特征,通过影响下垫面空气动力学粗糙度来达到抑制风蚀的效果。

    Vegetation characteristics , such as height , density , coverage , lateral coverage of vegetation are closely related to the aerodynamic roughness length .

  30. 我往水里看去。平静的水面上映现出尤斯坦端庄的面孔的侧影。

    I looked into the water , and there , mirrored upon its placid surface , was the silhouette of ustane 's stately face .