
  • 网络supply and demand
  1. 我国供给和需求冲击的区域差异效应研究&基于结构VAR的分析

    Differential Regional Effects of Supply and Demand Shock in China Based on Structural VAR

  2. 三是提高了RD人才的实际工资水平,降低了企业投资RD人力资本的成本支出,从而提高了RD人力资本的供给和需求。

    Third , tax incentive policy stimulates the supply and demand of enterprise 's R D personnel through increasing the actual wage level of R D personnel and reducing the capital cost of enterprise 's R D personnel .

  3. 所有商品的供给和需求都不变。

    The demands and supplies of all commodities will be unchanged .

  4. ETF还像单位信托(UnitTrusts)产品那样有一个开放式架构,意味着它们可以通过发行和取消份额来满足投资者的供给和需求。

    ETFs also have an open-ended structure , as do Unit Trusts , meaning that they can issue or cancel shares to meet the supply and demand of the investor .

  5. TDR设计要素、分区规划规则、潜在住房和土地市场共同决定了发展权的供给和需求。

    All of the design elements work together , and in the conjunction with zoning rules and potential housing and land market conditions , to determine TDR supply and demand .

  6. 继而从供给和需求的角度对影响CDM机制下碳排放权价格的因素及其作用机理进行了理论分析,运用主成分分析方法和多元线性回归模型对碳排放权价格影响因素进行了实证检验。

    It also explained the price factors of carbon emissions under the CDM mechanism and its mechanism was analyzed theoretically from the perspective of supply and demand . Using principal component analysis and multiple linear regression model , the factors of carbon emissions price were empirically tested .

  7. 浙江省卫生人力的供给和需求分析

    Analysis of Demand and Supply of Health Manpower in Zhejiang Province

  8. 农村金融制度分供给和需求两个方面。

    This system has two sides , which are demand and supply .

  9. 我国小麦品种主要性状供给和需求演变

    Supply-demand Evolution about Main Traits of Wheat Varieties in China

  10. 经济稳定增长依赖于金融供给和需求。

    The steady growth of economy depends on finance supply and demand .

  11. 供给和需求之间存在着巨大的落差。

    There is a huge gap between supply and demand .

  12. 但紧缩供给和需求是一些投资者们正在关注的。

    And tightening supply and demand is something that investors are watching .

  13. 市场经济的核心是,供给和需求共同决定价格。

    The core of market economy is supply and demand determine prices together .

  14. 供给和需求的关系;

    The relationship between supply and dem and ;

  15. 供给和需求就更有意义

    supply and demand makes much more sense .

  16. 这里首先对中国保险公估业的发展作了一简单回顾,然后从供给和需求两方面对中国保险公估制度的现状作了分析。

    Subsection one : The history and present situation of Chinese insurance adjuster institution .

  17. 讨论了政府会计监管供给和需求的影响因素。

    It discusses the decisive factors of demand and supply of governmental accounting supervision .

  18. 外汇储备适度规模的测定需要综合考虑供给和需求两方面的因素。

    Foreign Exchange Reserves necessary to consider the determination of supply and demand factors .

  19. 一些分析家指出,英国石油公司正低估未来天然气的供给和需求。

    And some analysts suggest that the IEA is underestimating future gas supplies and demand .

  20. 会计准则作为一项制度安排,其形成和运行必然受到准则供给和需求的制约。

    The accounting postulates as a system is limited by the postulate supply and demand .

  21. 由于上述价格的进步性,它的信号变化,供给和需求。

    As the price advances above resistance , it signals changes in supply and demand .

  22. 首先,从微观来分析卫生经济学,即从医疗保健服务的供给和需求来分析。

    First of all , we analyze health care services from micro-economics supply and demand .

  23. 其原因在于独立审计市场上存在的审计供给和需求的深层次矛盾。

    The problem lies on the profound paradox between supply and demand of independent auditing .

  24. 经济发达地区农地市场中农户土地供给和需求双向不足研究

    Insufficiency for both supply and need of agricultural land to peasant in the developed area

  25. 前面我们已经讨论了很多因素可以影响供给和需求曲线。

    Supply and demand curves can be affected by a number of variables as discussed earlier .

  26. 这是一个供给和需求的问题。

    This is a supply-and-demand issue .

  27. 尽管如此,我国农业保险的现状仍然是供给和需求都相对不足。

    For all this , the supply and the demand of agricultural insurance are both insufficiency .

  28. 黄金商品属性决定其价格影响因素为黄金的一般商品供给和需求。

    As a goods , the price of gold is determined by its supply and demand .

  29. 2010年中国木材供给和需求的灰色模型动态预测与分析

    Dynamic forecasting for china 's timber supply and demand till 2010 by grey model and its analysis

  30. 银行信贷活动能从供给和需求两个方面影响住房价格。

    Bank crediting activity can affect housing price by way of affecting both house supply and demand .