
ɡònɡ shuǐ ɡuǎn
  • Water supply pipe;feed pipe;water service
  1. 消防用埋地PE供水管的变形计算

    Deflection of PE pipe for underground fire protection service

  2. 聚丙烯(PP-R)供水管工程应用实例

    The Example of Polypropylene ( PP - R ) Flow Pipe Engineering

  3. PP-R管材具有出色的耐高压、耐高低温性能,是目前国际管材发展史上最新发展起来的一种建筑用管材,特别是在供水管的应用上已超过了铝塑复合管。

    The PP-R pipe is a new developing construction material in the word used broadly because of it 's excellent capabilities , such as enduring high pressure function and enduring high-low temperature function , in some area , such as supplying the water , has exceeded the aluminum-resin compound pipe .

  4. 研究供水管壁生物膜的模拟系统

    Study on Simulation System of Bio-film Growing on Water Pipe Wall

  5. 埋地供水管检漏系统仿真研究

    Simulation Study on Leak Detection System for Buried Water Supply Pipe

  6. 其余各供水管及设备基本上安然无恙。

    All other service piping and equipment were essentially intact .

  7. 塑料供水管系统的设计与环境

    Design and Environment of Plastic Pipes for Water Supply

  8. 人们在供水管前排队取水。

    Queued at the standpipes for water .

  9. 连云港港区供水管漏损的主要原因及其防治

    Main Reasons of Leaking Damage of Water Supply Pipe at Lianyungang Port Area and Preventive Measures

  10. 血液透析室的供水管合理配置及反渗透膜的清洗和消毒

    Disposition of Water-Supply Pipeline and Cleaning & Disinfection of Reverse Osmotic Membranes in the Department of Hemodialysis

  11. 上层建筑压缩空气管系(供水管、消防管、烟雾探测管)密性试验。

    Superstructure compressed air ( water supply 、 fire fighting 、 smoke detection ) piping to be done air-tightness test .

  12. 浅谈大直径预应力混凝土供水管接口压水试验施工技术

    Discuss about the Construction Technique of Water Pressure Test on the Major Diameter Prestressed Concrete Supply Water Pipe 's Joint

  13. 下雨后,雨水顺流而下,经过处理,沿着供水管流入千家万户,人类完全不必插手。

    Rain fell , and flowed downhill , the water went through treatment works and along supply pipes , all untouched by human hand .

  14. 从中可以发现,漏水节点在供水管段中,且距离热源近时,对系统水力工况的影响较大。

    It can be found that the influence for the hydraulic condition is more great when the leakage node is in the water supply pipe and closer to the heat source .

  15. 埋地供水管漏损的声信号特征及检漏系统仿真分析甚至只要有一点风声漏出去,结果就不堪设想。

    Characteristic of Acoustic Signal and Simulation Study on Leak Detection System for Buried Water Supply Pipe ; It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out .

  16. 菲律宾水利局决定从中国借款后,从亚洲发展银行撤出了一份七千万美元的贷款,此项贷款用于马尼拉大部分的供水管渠维修。

    The Philippine Water Agency withdrew its application for a $ 70 million loan from the ADB to repair aqueduct supplies most of Manila 's water after deciding to borrow from China .

  17. 作为该部位的引渗井其优势比较明显:1、省去排水管,供电线路的辅设降低工程费用;仅需要临时埋设供水管供成井和洗井用;

    Its superiority is rather obvious : 1 leave out drainage pipe , the setting of power supply circuitry reduce the engineering cost , only to need to set temporary water supply pipe .

  18. 采暖水平供水干管屋面敷设方案直埋敷设与地沟敷设在供热工程中的应用研究

    Schemes of Laying the Heating Horizontal Feed Pipes onto Roof Applications of burying and trench laying in heat supply engineering

  19. 在上海科技城基坑开挖中,对上海市供水原水管渠采用卸载方案保护。

    In excavating the foundation pit of Shanghai Science and Technology Building , the unloading plan for original water conduit of Shanghai water providing system was adopted .

  20. 基于GIS的供水管道爆管因素空间分析

    Spatial Analysis of the Influencing Factor of Water Pipe Break Based on GIS Technology

  21. 基于GIS的城市供水管网爆管预警模型研究

    The Research of the Early Warning Model of GIS-Based City Water Supply Pipes Network Burst

  22. 长距离深水过江供水工程HDPE管的应用

    The Application of HDPE pipe on water supplying project which crossing over long and deep river

  23. 供水管线爆管原因分析和防治措施

    Analysis on reasons why water supply pipeline break and prevention measures

  24. 沙&火供水管线异常管损原因的分析及防治

    Analysing the Cause of Abnormal Damage of Sha-Huo Water Supply Pipeline

  25. 城市供水管网爆管事故的计算机关阀

    Urban Water Supply Pipe network of Computer Incidents Squib Valve Clearance

  26. 这些都诱使了城市供水管网爆管事故的频繁发生。

    These are tempted to the city water supply network pipe explosion accidents and frequent .

  27. 指出需要改进和完善传统的供水管网爆管预警监测系统,并采用先进的主动漏损控制管理系统。

    It is necessary to improve the traditional pipe break warning and monitoring systems of water supply and utilize advanced active control and management system for leakage and break .

  28. 城市大口径供水管网爆管事故具有突发、破坏性大的特点,不仅造成水资源浪费,还会带来众多的社会问题。

    The characteristics of city large diameter water supply pipe network are sudden and devastating , not only cause the waste of water resources , but also bring many social problems .

  29. 本文以江西铜业集团公司贵溪冶炼厂的生产用水供水管线爆管为例,系统地分析了管道爆管的各种原因,并在此基础上提出较全面的防治措施。

    Set pipeline breaking of industrial water supply system in Guixi smelter as an example , this article systematically analyzes several causes of pipeline broken , and provides comprehensive prevention measures .

  30. 随着供水压力和管壁导水系数的增大,湿润区范围、湿润区内土壤平均含水率和累积渗水量均相应增加。

    With the increase of water supplied pressure and permeability coefficient , the wetting range was enlarged , and the average water content within the range and accumulated amount of infiltration became higher .