
zuō yī
  • Bowing;make a bow with hands folded in front
作揖 [zuō yī]
  • [make a bow with hands folded in front] 两手抱拳高拱,身子略弯,表示向人敬礼

作揖[zuō yī]
  1. 她希望所有人整天都对着她鞠躬作揖。

    She expects everyone to bow and scrape to her all day .

  2. 卑躬屈膝bowbeforedifficulties向困难低头bowbefore向…鞠躬tieabow打个蝴蝶结wearabow戴着一些蝴蝶结的饰品大家彼此作揖,双手抱拳放在胸前,表示祝福。

    They make a slight bow with both hands clasped in front to express blessings .

  3. 所有的作揖和深深鞠躬都没有引起她的注意。

    All that bowing and scraping did not impress him .

  4. “宝玉见是一个仙姑,喜的忙来作揖”

    " Overjoyed by the apparition of this fairy , Baoyu made haste to greet her with a bow . "

  5. 这时候又进来了一位顾客,小吃店老板示意我收起那张巨无霸,然后作揖打恭地一直把我送了出来。

    By this time another customer was entering , and the landlord hinted to me to put the monster out of sight ;

  6. 英国式磕头作揖似乎很管用,但英国博取欢心的努力遭遇了迥然不同的反应。

    The Kiwi kowtow appears to have worked quite well but British attempts to curry favour are met with a very different response .

  7. 1873年外国使臣以鞠躬或作揖礼觐见同治帝的事实,如同一个强有力的楔子,严重动摇了传统跪拜礼仪的权威与根基;

    The fact that foreign ministers bowed to Emperor Tong Zhi in the court in 1873 shook the basis and authority of the traditional proprieties of worship on bended knees severely .

  8. 管大藏家张又旭,别叫“您”,因为他听着别扭,好像是还得作揖还礼似的。

    Don 't call collector Zhao Youxu " Nin "( title of honor for " You "), it makes him uncomfortable , as if he needs to bow with hands folded as a way to return a salute .