
fó tuó
  • the Buddha
佛陀 [fó tuó]
  • [Buddha] 佛教的创始人,姓乔答摩,名悉达多。佛陀简称为佛,其意为觉悟者。因此,佛陀变为对悉达多的称呼。佛陀生于释迦族,故又名释迦牟尼

佛陀[fó tuó]
  1. 印度佛陀时代妇女地位试析

    Indian Women ′ s Position in the Buddha ′ s Time

  2. 佛教、佛陀与中国诸神

    Buddhism . the Buddha and the Chinese Pantheon of Gods

  3. 这处庙宇最引人注目的是一座为纪念佛陀而修建的宏伟的大理石塔。

    The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha

  4. 阿里跟我们说她是个蓝眼睛的哈扎拉女人,来自巴米扬Bamiyan,阿富汗城市,在喀布尔西北150公里处。,那座城市有巨大的佛陀塑像。

    Ali told us she was a blue-eyed Hazara woman from Bamiyan , the city of the giant Buddha statues .

  5. 身城表现为佛陀的色身(Rupakaya)并且它包围着语城。

    The Body Mandala represents the Form Body of the Buddha ( Rupakaya ) and it surrounds the Speech Mandala .

  6. 我们听过瓦克利(Vakkali)比丘的故事,他执著于佛陀的身相,而从不去看他自己的心。

    We have heard the story of the monk Vakkali , who was attached to the Buddha 's body and never looked at his own mind .

  7. 一个奉献者提供了在一个关于佛陀的Purnima节庆寺祈祷,也知道作为卫塞节在印度北部城市昌迪加尔5月17日。

    A devotee offers prayers at a Buddhist temple on the occasion of Buddha Purnima festival , also know as Vesak Day , in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh May17 .

  8. 我最喜欢“小佛陀展厅”,这绝非偶然。那个展厅的中心是中国设计师郭培设计的一件巨大的金色连衣裙,周围是很多陶制佛像。蕾哈娜(Rihanna)在大都会艺术博物馆慈善晚宴开场穿的煎饼裙就是郭培设计的。

    It 's no accident my favorite room is the " small Buddha room , " which features an enormous gold dress by Guo Pei , the Chinese designer who made Rihanna 's yellow egg-yolk cape for the opening gala , surrounded by multiple earthen Buddhas .

  9. 佛陀来这里教导平衡和没有恐惧。

    Buddha came here to teach of balance and no fear .

  10. 但阿罗汉(佛陀)则不分日夜,光明普照。

    But the Buddha shines resplendent all day and all night .

  11. 变化无常是人生的一个特征。&佛陀

    Change , impermanence is characteristic of life . & Gustave Flaubert

  12. 佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。

    Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India .

  13. 他在那儿得具大智慧之后,便成为佛陀。

    There he received Enlightenment , and became the Buddha .

  14. 两个佛陀的眼睛就可以看到这件作品。

    Two Buddha eyes can be seen on this piece .

  15. 通过佛陀,神的智慧连续不断地发出来。

    Through The Buddha , the wisdom of God is poured forth .

  16. 在闹鬼的地方,寻找你内在的佛陀。

    In haunted places , seek the buddha within yourself .

  17. 其中有一间庙有一座由两吨纯金打造成的佛陀。

    One has a two-ton Buddha made of solid gold !

  18. 佛陀问恶魔什么原因使他如此说呢?

    The Buddha asked Mara what made him say such to him .

  19. 历史上的佛陀生活在公元前5世纪时的北印度,大约与孔子同时。

    The historical Buddha lived in northern India around the5th century BC .

  20. 但是这样的训练确实给佛陀的健康但来了巨大的变化,它现在棒极了。

    But it really has made a huge difference in his health .

  21. 因为佛陀与耶稣主张有为,而庄子强调的是无为。

    Because Buddha and Jesus emphasise effort and Chuang Tzu emphasises effortlessness .

  22. 他们说他们信仰佛陀及佛法。

    They said they believed in the Buddha and Dhamma .

  23. 电流,佛陀的不是笑脸,各处。

    Curren , Buddha 's Not Smiling , passim .

  24. 自私是悲痛之因。&佛陀

    Selfishness is the cause of sorrow . & Buddha

  25. 宁静来自内心,不要到外面寻求。&佛陀

    Peace comes form within . Do not seek it without . & Buddha

  26. 我们现在的一切,都是过去思想的结果。&佛陀。

    All that we are is the result of what we have thought .

  27. 我们大家都可以学习佛陀慈悲的精神。

    All of us can learn from the Buddha 's spirit of compassion .

  28. 于是他靠近佛陀,请求受戒成为比丘。

    So he approached the Lord Buddha and requested ordination as a Bhikkhu .

  29. 佛陀的音乐观与原始佛教艺术

    Buddha 's Views of Music and Early Buddhist Arts

  30. 这是佛陀所告诉我们的。

    Here is what the Buddha says to me .