
  • 网络vermont
  1. 当儿子们高中毕业后,安搬到佛蒙特州的一个小镇上居住。

    When the boys graduated from high school , Ann moved to a small town in Vermont

  2. 美国的阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州禁止竖广告牌

    Billboards3 Are Banned In Alaska , Maine , Vermont , And Hawaii

  3. 美国有四个州禁止竖广告牌:阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州,夏威夷是最早推行广告牌禁令的。

    There are four states in the United States that have banned billboards : Alaska , Maine , Vermont , and Hawaii , where the ban was introduced the earliest .

  4. 位于佛蒙特州CraftsburyCommon地区的斯特林学院就是一所支持可持续农业的大学。

    Sterling College in Craftsbury Common , Vermont , is one of the colleges that supports sustainable agriculture .

  5. 目前,只有少数几个组织,如佛蒙特州的非营利机构“美洲媒体倡议”(americasMediaInitiative),在美国发行古巴的独立电影。

    Currently , only a few organizations , like the Vermont nonprofit americas Media Initiative , distribute Cuban independent films in the United States .

  6. VAUGHANA.CARNEY佛蒙特州斯托,2014年11月25日

    VAUGHN A. CARNEY Stowe , Vt. , Nov. 25 , 2014

  7. 他也是一个祖先威廉霍华德塔夫脱,副总统查尔斯W费尔班克斯和父亲和儿子戈弗诺佛蒙特州伊拉斯塔斯费尔班克斯和霍勒斯。

    Heis also an ancestor of William Howard Taft , Vice President Charles W.Fairbanks and the father and son Governors of Vermont Erastus Fairbanksand Horace Fairbanks .

  8. 我童年时,家里就养了好几只猫,大学时,我曾在佛蒙特州的本宁顿县慈善协会(BenningtonCountyHumaneSociety)打工。

    I grew up with several cats , and as a college student I worked at the Bennington County Humane Society , in Vermont .

  9. NPR新闻,耐恩·凯克佛蒙特州吉林顿报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Nine Keck in Killington , Vermont .

  10. 杰克逊研究中的另外40000个样本保存在佛蒙特州(Vermont)的冷库中。

    Another 40,000 samples from the Jackson study are kept in freezers in Vermont .

  11. Vermont:美国佛蒙特州你不想我搬回Vermont是吧?

    You don 't want me to move back to Vermont , do you ? -

  12. 尽管如此,不幸的是,Met发表的一篇新闻称上周在佛蒙特州度假的莱文再一次跌倒并伤了背部,有必要急需手术。

    Sadly , a press release from the Met this morning announced that , while on vacation in Vermont last week , Levine had fallen and injured his back again , necessitating an emergency procedure .

  13. 佛蒙特州南伯灵顿86岁的地主伦纳德·贾尔斯(LeonardGiles)想让利德斯通离开他的土地。

    The landowner , 86-year-old Leonard Giles , of South Burlington , Vermont , wanted Lidstone off his land .

  14. JoshBrill和MeadowSquire在东北佛蒙特州小镇Tinmouth种植蔬菜和稻米。

    Josh Brill and Meadow Squire grow vegetables and rice in Tinmouth , a town in the northeastern state of Vermont .

  15. 格罗伊利希先生是在新泽西州兰道夫(Randolph)的莫里斯社区学院(CountyCollegeofMorris)与马库斯女士相识的。2013年8月,在佛蒙特州旅行时,他在热气球上向她求婚。

    Mr. Greulich , who met Ms. Marcus at the County College of Morris in Randolph , N.J. , proposed on a hot-air balloon ride during a trip to Vermont in August 2013 .

  16. 上月,他在佛蒙特州(Vermont)开始竞选活动,对财富不平等和亿万富翁阶层的贪婪发起了言辞辛辣的攻击。

    Last month he launched his campaign in Vermont with a blistering attack on wealth inequality and the greed of the billionaire class .

  17. 那么这几个佛蒙特州的家伙,凭着一个界面还很简陋的山寨版Tumblr,是怎样创造出让这么多人为之疯狂的奇迹的?

    How did a handful of guys in Vermont , with a bare-bones Tumblr knockoff , create the latest Web craze ?

  18. 该广播剧的制作方式佛蒙特州的人口传媒中心(PMC)是通过电视广播节目来促进发展方面的先锋。

    The show 's producer , the Population Media Center ( PMC ) in Vermont , has been a pioneer of programmes with the goal of fostering development .

  19. 班杰利公司(Ben&Jerry's)联合创始人本·科恩(BenCohen)以桑德斯为灵感,研发出了一种冰淇淋口味。班杰利公司是从桑德斯的家乡佛蒙特州的一家冰淇淋零售店发展到今天的。

    Mr. Sanders inspired an ice cream flavor created by Ben Cohen , a co-founder of Ben & Jerry 's - which began as a scoop shop in the senator 's home state , Vermont .

  20. 情绪没有如此紧张化的参议院拒绝接受零移民的主张,并提出了由佛蒙特州共和党参议员威廉•迪林厄姆(WilliamP.Dillingham)起草的一项议案。

    The somewhat less alarmist Senate rejected the notion of zero immigration and substituted a bill sponsored by Senator William P.Dillingham , a Vermont Republican .

  21. 事实上,这是第一款我能够盲品出来的酒&我在佛蒙特州(Vermont)的一个度假村时,有人让我尝了一杯,让我猜是什么酒。

    In fact , it was the first wine I was able to identify blind & I was given a glass at a Vermont resort and told to guess its identity .

  22. 事实上,这是第一款我能够盲品出来的酒——我在佛蒙特州(Vermont)的一个度假村时,有人让我尝了一杯,让我猜是什么酒。

    In fact , it was the first wine I was able to identify blind -- I was given a glass at a Vermont resort and told to guess its identity .

  23. 徒步旅行爱好者凯尔·华林(KyleWaring)和妻子搜寻了整个新罕布什尔州、马萨诸塞州和佛蒙特州,只为找到少数能象征金秋的完美叶子。

    Avid hiker Kyle Waring and his wife have searched throughout New Hampshire , Massachusetts , and Vermont for the perfect few leaves that typify the fall season .

  24. 但她几十年的公共服务毫无作用,佛蒙特州的社会主义者伯尼.桑德斯(BernieSanders)在民主党初选中对她的候选人资格造成的伤害,要大于人们所意识到的程度。

    But her decades of public service counted for nothing and Bernie Sanders , the socialist from Vermont , did more damage to her candidacy during the Democratic primary campaign than realised .

  25. 佛蒙特州另一位农民ScottNelson筹集了近9000美元,他想记录下农场里的种植和生长情况,用来教那些对有机农业感兴趣的人,他制作了一段视频。

    Another farmer in Vermont , Scott Nelson , raised almost nine thousand dollars . He wanted to document the growth and development of his farm to teach others who are interested in organic farming , as a video explained .

  26. 佛蒙特州早期教育协调员M·曼纽拉·丰塞卡(M.ManuelaFonseca)说,她所任职的州正努力在其新制定的指导方针中,强调玩耍的学习价值。

    M. Manuela Fonseca , the early-education coordinator for Vermont , said her state was trying to emphasize the learning value of play in its new guidelines .

  27. 从美国佛蒙特州阿巴拉契亚山脉采集的FIA资料指出,在125km×35km的一片地区内,在该地岩层所发生的多次变形中,从未曾使早期形成的FIA组的方位发生变动。

    FIA data from the Vermont Appalachians shows that over an area of 125 km × 35km , none of the multiple deformations present in these rocks have rotated the orientations of earlier formed sets of FIAs .

  28. 佛蒙特州伯灵顿(Burlington)的咖啡机制造商Keurig在即将于2月初上市的99美元“超迷你”咖啡机上采用了该色彩。这款咖啡机是该公司体型最小的产品,每次可以制作一杯咖啡。

    Keurig , the Burlington , Vt. - based coffee-machine maker , is using the color on its $ 99 ' mini plus ' single-serving machine -- its smallest -- which is coming out in early February .

  29. 一个朋友刚刚去了一次佛蒙特州旅游。

    One friend had just returned from a trip to Vermont .

  30. 去了佛蒙特州一个小巧安逸的地方。

    A : To a small , cozy place in Vermont .