
  • 网络Experience Nature
  1. 划木筏是体验大自然的一种很好的方式。

    Rafting is a good way to experience nature .

  2. 体验大自然是令人兴奋的,但是当你这样做的时候,一定要保证自己的安全。

    Experiencing nature is exciting , but when you 're doing this , always keep yourself safe .

  3. 我喜欢旅游,体验大自然,喜欢运动,还喜欢小动物。

    I love travel , sports and nature , little animal .

  4. 生态旅游作为一种既能体验大自然、又能充分关注环境保护和当地发展的特殊旅游形式,得到了普遍的推崇。

    Ecotourism is commonly accepted as a special tourism product with primary focus on experiencing the nature and fostering environment protection and local development .

  5. 它们提供就业、娱乐和体验大自然的机会;它们是我们精神文化生活及我们的神话和民间故事的组成部分。

    They provide jobs , recreation and the experience of nature ; and they are part of our spiritual and cultural life , our myths and folktales .

  6. 趁周末难得的休闲时间到城郊乡村去体验大自然的和谐和农村淳朴的乡风民俗,参与体育健身娱乐活动,已经成为市民生活的重要组成部分。

    Taking advantage of a rare weekend leisure time to the Suburbs to experience the harmony of nature and the rural simplicity of the rural folk style , participating in physical fitness and recreational activities , has become an important part of life .

  7. 冬天,茫茫林海,皑皑白雪,天然滑雪场更让人体验挑战大自然的刺激。

    In winter , the vast Lin , pure white snow , natural ski experience even more stimulating challenges of nature .

  8. 让人在夜间同样能感受太阳光的温暖,体验回归大自然的感觉,令人心旷神怡。

    It lets people feel the warmth of the sun equally at night and experience the delightful feeling of returning to the nature .

  9. 从制户外运动作为一种既能体验到大自然的魅力、放松心情,又可以满足大家对于刺激的追求的运动方式,越来越受到人们的喜爱。

    Outdoor sport in Dutch treatment is more and more popular now , because it is a good way to enjoy the nature and relax people . Also it is satisfying people who like exciting sport .

  10. 有时候,这类体验可能包括和大自然交融,在共鸣中体验你的快乐。

    Sometimes such experiences may include communion with nature , during which we may experience your pleasure vicariously .

  11. 正是在那个时候,我也有了一种个人体验,那就是大自然并不总是温情脉脉的。

    But about this time I had an experience which taught me that nature is not always kind .