
  • 网络weight control;weight management;Weight loss
  1. 美国国家体重控制登记处(NWCR)长期追踪调查了1万名减重明显而且保持下去的人。

    The National Weight Control Registry ( NWCR ) tracks over 10,000 individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for long periods of time .

  2. 女子体操运动员和艺术体操运动员的体重控制

    The Weight Control of Modern Rhythmic Gymnasts and Women Gymnasts

  3. Leptin的发现揭示了体重控制的分子机制。

    The discovery of fat-regulating hormone leptin reveals the molecular mechanism of energy homeostasis .

  4. FDA在1999年批准赛尼可(Xenical)结合热量较低的饮食,用于体重控制。

    The FDA approved Xenical in1999 for weight management in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet .

  5. 非肥胖孕妇孕期体重控制对妊娠结局的意义

    Significance of controlling gestational weight of non-obese women on pregnant outcomes

  6. 针对关节炎而实行的医疗管理,其重点在于体重控制和运动管理。

    Thekey to medical management of arthritis is weight control and exercise management .

  7. 睡眠能影响你的心情、体重控制和工作效率。

    It can affect your mood , weight control and productivity at work .

  8. 试论武术散手运动员的体重控制

    Approach to Weight Control of Wushu Sanshou Performers

  9. 而会更多参加那些不健康的可能导致饮食失调的体重控制训练。

    partake in more unhealthy weight control practices that can lead to eating disorders .

  10. 两种健康教育模式对多囊卵巢综合征患者体重控制的效果比较

    Comparison of the effect of two mode health education on weight control in patients with PCOS

  11. 3.2运动员的体重控制:运动员体重基本控制在理想体重范围内。

    3.2 Athletes ' body weight controls : Athlete weight controled in the ideal weight scope .

  12. 在进行儿童体重控制中,需要考虑儿童身体成分特点和年龄趋势。

    Characters and changes of body composition should be considered during the weight control of obese children .

  13. 崔:我将监测你们跑步和体重控制训练。

    Zoe : Sophie continues to say : I 'll be watching your running and weight training .

  14. 艺术体操运动员体重控制研究

    Weight control of artistic gymnasts

  15. 令人鼓舞的讯息,我们都会集中吃早餐与体重控制的好处,并集中表现。

    Messages encouraging us to eat breakfast usually focus on benefits related to weight control , concentration and work performance .

  16. 因为舵手们需要在起伏的水浪中坐稳,所以她们要将体重控制在严格范围内。

    Coxswains have to be strong enough to sit still in choppy waters and keep their weights to strict limits .

  17. 每天进食五六餐对消化和体重控制都比较好。

    Five , even six , small meals a day is much better for digestion , as well as weight management .

  18. 研究者再看18个月后志愿者的体重控制情况,发现那些会觉得内疚的人体重增加得尤其明显。

    When the researchers looked at weight control 18 months later , they found those riddled with guilt had gained significantly more .

  19. 研究人员称,这些极端的体重控制措施除了引发进食障碍外,还会导致很多不良的身体和心理影响。

    Researchers say these extreme weight control measures are associated with a number of negative physical and psychological effects as well as eating disorders .

  20. 一般对体重控制的定义,是必须能轻易的触摸到肋骨,并且有腰身。

    In general terms , the ribs should be easily palpated and there should be an indentation in front of the pelvic wings ( waistline ) .

  21. 研究显示,把吃禁吃食物当做是一种奖励的人在体重控制方面做得更好。

    This study shows those who consume a ' forbidden food ' with celebration and view it as a treat do better in terms of weight management .

  22. 研究显示,把吃“禁吃食物”当做是一种奖励的人在体重控制方面做得更好。

    This study shows those who consume a ' forbidden food " with celebration and view it as a treat do better in terms of weight management .

  23. 监控期体脂%整体呈下降趋势。3.2运动员的体重控制:运动员体重基本控制在理想体重范围内。

    Assumes the drop tendency in the monitoring time body fat % whole . 3.2 Athletes ' body weight controls : Athlete weight controled in the ideal weight scope .

  24. 人体体成分对于评价人的营养状况、体质研究、临床疾病治疗以及减肥、运动员体重控制等都具有十分重要的意义。

    Human body composition is very important to evaluate nutritional status of human body , constitutional research , clinical illness therapy and reducing , control of body weight of athlete .

  25. 本文藉由探讨身体意象的意义、评量及影响因素,进一步规划体重控制计画,以加强实施成效。

    By discussing the meaning of body image , it 's measurement , and the influential factors , this article will help us manage weight control program to strengthen positive effects .

  26. 对于坚果的体重控制效益,一种解释是它们的高脂肪和高蛋白质含量提供了饱食感,让人少吃甜食和其他碳水化合物等零食。

    One explanation for the weight control benefit of nuts is the satiation provided by their high fat and protein content , which can reduce snacking on sweets and other carbohydrates .

  27. 探讨了胰岛素抵抗的机制、胰岛素抵抗的临床意义。从饮食、运动、体重控制等方面阐述了胰岛素抵抗病人的健康教育内容。

    It has discussed both the mechanism and clinical significance of insulin resistance and explained the content of health education for insulin resistance patients from aspects of diet , exercise , and body weight control .

  28. 结果经过1年的维持性血液透析治疗,左心室肥厚的发生率从62.5%升高到81.3%,左心室肥厚的新出现和加重与血压、干体重控制不良、贫血、低白蛋白血症以及透析不充分有关。

    Results The clinical incidence of LVH in our patients was from 62.5 % to 81.3 % after one-year hemodialysis . LVH was related with blood pressure , hemoglobin , serum albumin and dialysis time per week .

  29. 根据国家体重控制局表示,世界上最大的数据库里跟踪记录了那些减肥成功并没有反弹的人群,发现每天吃早餐真的能有效减重。

    According to the National Weight Control Registry , the largest database in the world that tracks people who have lost weight and kept it off , eating breakfast every day can actually help you lose weight .

  30. 不,我不是名预言家,但是有证据表明,你的睡眠模式可以显示出你的生活方式和个性。睡眠能影响你的心情、体重控制和工作效率。

    No , I am not a fortune teller but there is now evidence to show your sleep patterns reveal a lot about your lifestyle and personality . It can affect your mood , weight control and productivity at work .