
zuǒ zhì yà
  • Georgia
  1. 第26届奥运会是在佐治亚州的亚特兰大举办的。

    The 26th Olympiad took place in Atlanta , Georgia .

  2. 怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。

    Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia .

  3. 他说这个新文件将保证佐治亚州的黑人受到公平对待。

    He says the new document will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia .

  4. 他正在佐治亚州为民主党参议员威奇·福勒作巡回演说。

    He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler , a Democrat .

  5. 这位19岁的佐治亚州人并不是比赛中的优秀击球手之一。

    The Georgian , aged 19 , is not one of the game 's big hitters .

  6. 来到佐治亚州的每位游客都被当地人的善良、可爱和热情好客所深深打动。

    Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness , charm and hospitality of the people .

  7. 1916年,佐治亚理工以222比0的比分击败坎伯兰。之后再没有出现过比分如此悬殊的比赛。

    In 1916 , Georgia Tech beat Cumberland 222-0 . No game since has been that lopsided .

  8. 1986年10月,两位从前的政敌为了一个非常特别的原因在佐治亚州亚特兰大城又重在一起了。

    In october , 1986 , two former political adversaries reunited for a very special occasion in atlanta , georgia .

  9. 因此,在佐治亚州立大学午夜截止日期的当晚11点,我进行了网上申请。

    And so , at 11pm on the night of Georgia State University 's ( GSU ) midnight deadline , I applied online .

  10. (我谨慎地使用了“低层次”这个词,因为佐治亚州立大学是一所备受赞誉的研究机构,吸引了来自全国各地的优质教授和教师。)

    ( I use the term " low-tier " cautiously , because GSU is a well-regarded research institution that attracts high quality professors and faculty from all over the country . )

  11. 佐治亚大南方大学一名20岁的大三学生告诉BuzzFeed新闻,她一般在课程的访问上代码花费500美元至600美元。

    A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends $ 500 - $ 600 on access codes for class .

  12. 我的孩子们击败了佐治亚州最好的团队,这是我一生中最伟大的团队之一。

    My boys beat the best team in Georgia , giving me one of the greatest of my life !

  13. 此前,民主党人拉斐尔·沃尔纳克在1月5日击败现任共和党参议员凯利·洛夫勒,成为佐治亚州的第一位非裔参议员。

    Ossoff 's victory came after the win on Tuesday by Raphael Warnock over incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler to become Georgia 's first black senator .

  14. 进行这项研究的佐治亚理工学院研究所(GeorgiaTechResearchInstitute)研究者认为这一比例很具有代表性。

    The Georgia Tech researchers who conducted the survey judged the proportion to be typical .

  15. 1953年,我毕业于佐治亚州亚特兰大市的大卫・托比亚斯・霍华德高中(theDavidT.Howardhighschool)。

    I graduated in 1953 from the David T. Howard high school in Atlanta , Georgia .

  16. 图为威尔‧海利斯(WillHarris)站在佐治亚州的自家农场上。

    Here , Will Harris stands on his farm in the state of Georgia .

  17. 佐治亚州一名历史教师允许学生们穿白色长袍,在关于种族歧视的历史项目中允许学生们打扮的像三K党徒一样。

    A history teacher in Georgia giving the green light on white robes , letting students dress like Klansmen for a history project on racism .

  18. 他们针对首次购房者有一个名叫“佐治亚业主梦”(GeorgiaDreamHomeOwnership)的项目,这个项目又有一个面向首次购房者的“首付援助”(DownPaymentAssistance)计划。

    They have a program for first-time buyers called Georgia Dream Home Ownership , which has a Down Payment Assistance program for first-time buyers .

  19. 摩德纳岛是斯基达韦岛(SkidawayIsland)的一部分,岛上有一座由佐治亚大学的海洋学研究所和一座大型州立公园。

    Modena Island is a part of Skidaway Island , which has an oceanography research facility operated by the University of Georgia and a large state park .

  20. 现年33岁的张迪拥有美国佐治亚理工学院(GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology)的工业设计学位以及伦敦皇家艺术学院(RoyalCollegeofArt)的设计硕士学位。

    Chang , 33 , received an industrial design degree from Georgia Institute of technology and a graduate degree in design from the Royal College of art in London .

  21. 佐治亚大学的科学家TomAdams说,动物油脂产热率大约是传统燃油的90%。

    University of Georgia scientist Tom Adams says the animal fats produce about 90 percent of the heat that traditional fuel oils produce .

  22. IBM公司研发出的这款名为吉尔·沃特森的机器人,自今年1月起,就开始帮助美国佐治亚理工大学的毕业生们解答设计项目中的问题。

    Jill Watson , an IBM-designed bot , has been helping graduate students at Georgia Institute of Technology solve problems with their design projects since January .

  23. 佐治亚引导石于1979年由一位化名R·C·克里斯蒂安的人委托建造,由四块巨大的厚板花岗岩支撑一块顶板组成。

    The monument , which consists of four monolithic slabs of granite that support a single capstone , was commissioned in 1979 by a man who went by the pseudonym of R.C. Christian .

  24. CNN记者SeanCallebs现在就在佐治亚马利耶塔的沃尔玛。

    CNN 's Sean Callebs is at a Wal-Mart in Marietta , Georgia . ( BEGIN VIDEOTAPE )

  25. 设在佐治亚州的美国湾流宇航公司(Gulfstream)最近与民生银行(MinshengBank)签署了总额为26亿美元的谅解备忘录。

    Georgia-based Gulfstream recently signed a $ 2.6 billion Memorandum of Understanding with Minsheng Bank .

  26. 本周,科氏工业(KochIndustries)以132亿美元收购佐治亚-太平洋(Georgia-Pacific),这是最近一起“公转私”交易。

    Koch Industries ' $ 13.2bn acquisition of Georgia-Pacific this week is the latest public-to-private deal .

  27. 佐治亚理工学院(GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology)研究生鲁基恩德拉·欧加(LujendraOjha)换用了轨道器上的另一种仪器,根据分子吸收什么颜色的光来分辨分子的类型。

    Lujendra Ojha , a graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology , turned to another instrument on the orbiter that identifies types of molecules by which colors of light they absorb .

  28. 一位参与调查的人员,DavidGoldberg,44岁的佐治亚州迪卡特市人,在两个区域都居住过。

    David Goldberg , a44-year-old Decatur , Georgia , resident who participated in the survey , has lived in both environments .

  29. 在佛罗里达生活了五年后,夫妇俩在佐治亚州的萨凡纳找到了一处住处。肯德尔在《萨凡纳晨报》(TheSavannahMorningNews)找到了一份特稿编辑的工作。

    After five years in Florida , the couple found a home in Savannah , Ga. Kendall was working as a features editor at The Savannah Morning News .

  30. 这项研究的带头人、美国佐治亚大学(UniversityofGeorgia)的詹娜•简贝克表示,流入海洋的塑料垃圾总量正在迅速增长,速度正在赶上全球的塑料生产量。

    The amount of plastic going into the oceans is increasing fast , keeping pace with global plastic production , said the study leader Jenna Jambeck of the University of Georgia .