
  1. 建立中国住房储蓄银行的构想

    A Conception of Establishing Chinas Housing Savings Banks

  2. 对住房储蓄银行高级管理人员的备案范围,比照股份制商业银行办理。

    Scope of filing for senior managers of housing saving banks shall be handled in accordance with that of joint-stock commercial banks .

  3. 本文在考察和借鉴德国住房储蓄银行成功经验的基础上,对建立中国住房储蓄银行的有关问题进行了探讨。

    This article , on the basis of investigations and references to Germany 's successful experiences in this respect , explores questions about establishing China 's own housing savings banks .

  4. 国家住房和储蓄银行

    National Housing and Savings Bank

  5. 作为住房金融体系重要组成部分的住房储蓄银行,对于解决居民住房问题发挥了十分重要的作用。

    The housing savings banks , as an important part of the housing banking systems , have played significant roles in solving the residents'housing problems .

  6. 结合我国的住房抵押贷款和我国政策性住房金融的现状,文章得出,住房抵押贷款证券化和住房储蓄银行应成为我国住房金融今后发展的主要运作模式。

    By analyzing the status quo of housing mortgage and policy housing finance , this paper bring forward that housing mortgage and housing deposit bank should be the two dominant function model in our country .