
  • 网络low-voltage motor
  1. 分散式低压电机单机再起动控制有着广泛的应用需求。

    The separate restarting control for single low-voltage motor has widely applying requirement .

  2. 无机绝缘纸/聚酯薄膜复合材料在H级低压电机上的应用探讨

    Application research of TFT combined flexible material in class H low-voltage motors

  3. H级低压电机绝缘系统的研究

    Study on Insulation System of Class H Low-voltage Machine

  4. 高、低压电机通用F级无溶剂浸渍漆

    General class F solventless impregnating varnishes for both high and low voltage motors

  5. 低压电机在DCS系统失控的原因分析

    Analysis about Reasons of Out-of-control for Low Voltage Motor in DCS System

  6. 化工装置中低压电机的DCS监控

    Controlling of Low-voltage Motors with DCS in chemical Plant

  7. 重点介绍了电机F级绝缘材料的性能分析和选择,从介电性能和相容性角度,阐述了高、低压电机F级绝缘结构的设计要点。

    Characteristics and selection of F-level insulation material of mo-tors are introduced in detail . Design keys of F-level insulation structure of highvoltage motors and low voltage motors are Presented from the point of view of di-electric characteristics and consistency .

  8. 并且从理论上对DCS系统与低压电机电气控制装置的接口进行探讨,提出解决电机自启动现象的技术措施。

    A theoretical exploration about the technology of interface between the distributed control system and the contol equipment of low voltage motor has been presented , and the technique of solving the out of control of motor has been given .

  9. 低压电机运行中的缺相保护实现

    Realization for phrase-lacking protection in the operation of a low voltage motor

  10. 低压电机再起动控制器的设计与实现

    Design of a Low Voltage Motor Restarting Controller

  11. 分散控制系统控制下的低压电机失控原因分析

    The Analysis about the Reasons of Out-of-control for Low Voltage Motor under Control of the Distributed Control System

  12. 介绍了低压电机保护群控系统中基于CAN总线的数据通信模块。

    This paper recommends the communication module based on CAN bus in the cluster control and protection system of low voltage electromotors .

  13. 文中采用启动和运行相互独立的控制电路,对低压电机进行控制,较好地解决了电机的缺相问题。

    In this paper , the independent control circuits for the starting and running are adopted respectively to control the low voltage motor , which can better resolve the problem of motor 's phrase-lacking .

  14. 低压异步电机重绕修理中的绝缘结构问题

    On the Insulation Structure Problems in the Rewinding Repair of Low-voltage Asynchronous Motor

  15. 低压异步电机的绝缘结构

    Discussion on Insulation Structure of Low-voltage Asynchronous Motor

  16. 分析了我国煤矿井下大量烧毁低压防爆电机的主要原因,提出了解决问题的基本技术途径;

    The main reasons for burning of low voltage , FLP motors are analyzed . The basic technical approach for solving the problem is proposed .

  17. 低压隔爆电机轴承室加工质量的探讨

    Discussion on Machining Quality of the Bearing House of Flameproof Low Voltage Motor

  18. 低压散嵌电机浸渍绝缘漆的选型试验研究

    Model Selection Test and Research of Insulating Impregnating Varnish for Low-voltage Random Winding Electric Machine

  19. 低压意味着电机每相绕组的串联匝数少,大电流意味着绕组导线的总截面积大。

    Low voltage means turns-in-series per-phase is less and highcurrent means total sectional area of winding wire is larger .

  20. 介绍内燃机车上低压大电流辅助电机的微机控制综合试验系统。采用PC/XT微型计算机进行数据采集、数据处理及控制。

    This paper introduced the micro - computer control system of synthetic test On the supplementary motor with low voltage and heavy current on the diesel locomotive , It can fulfil data gathering , data processing and control with PC / XT micro - computer .