
  • 网络pseudo-proposition;Lao Tan
  1. 一个伪命题:中国神话不如西方神话发达

    A False Proposition : Chinese Mythology Is Less than the Western Mythology

  2. 历史与逻辑统一:文学史研究的伪命题

    Unification of History and Logic : a False Proposition on Literary History Research

  3. 笔者认为,这其实是个伪命题。

    I think this is simply a fake proposition .

  4. 实在爱情只是伪命题,是自己把痛苦放大了。

    Really love is just a false statement , the pain is enlarged .

  5. 权利冲突不是伪命题。

    Conflict of rights is not a false statement .

  6. 浅论汉语保卫战是个伪命题

    " Defending Chinese " is a False Proposition

  7. 文学危机论是一个伪命题&与赖大仁教授等商榷

    Theory of Literature Crisis is Essentially A Pseudo Theory & Discussion with Prof. Lai Daren

  8. 历史与逻辑统一,与历史、文学史研究的特性不合,是文学史研究的一个伪命题。

    It differs from the characteristic of the literary history research and thus is a false proposition .

  9. 歌颂性喜剧在本质上是违背艺术规律和喜剧精神的一个伪命题。

    Praising Comedy is , in essence , a false proposition , which is against artistic discipline and comic spirit .

  10. 因此,桑文所谓的婚姻制度的真正创始人必定是两个男人的代表性观点,是个伪命题。

    So the representative view ," the true founder of marriage institution must be two men " in Doctor Shang 's paper is false .

  11. 从马克思对神话的定义出发,通过对神话本质的重新认识,最后可以得出中国神话不如西方神话发达根本就是一个伪命题。

    In view of the mythical definition from Marx , and the essential reorganization of mythology correctly , it is a false proposition at all .

  12. 那种认为法定资本制抬高了公司的设立门槛、增加了公司设立成本的观点,实质上是一个伪命题。

    The idea that the statutory capital system has increased both the difficulty and the cost for the establishment of companies is actually a pseudo proposition .

  13. 你又有多少把握能够胜算?新年新展望其实是个伪命题,因为你可以选择在任何时刻开始你想要的生活,并且乐在其中。

    Getting a fresh start with the New Year is an artificial custom-you can begin to get the life you love and live it at any time you choose .

  14. 如果没有认识到问题的实质,无论如何变换经济法概念,只能形成诸多务虚的伪命题。

    If we don 't realize the substance of the issue , we should have lots of the Fictitious pseudo-proposition , in any case the transformation of Economic Law'concept .

  15. 现代性在中国是一个十分有争议的话题,有人认为现代性的问题是一个伪命题,现代性根本没有在中国发生过。

    Modernity in China is a very controversial topic , some people think that the problem of modernity is a false proposition , modernity has not happened in China .

  16. 一方面裁判事实必须与客观事实相竞合,否则裁判事实作为一种事实判断就是一个伪命题;

    On the one hand , the adjudicative fact must be consistent with the objective fact , otherwise the adjudicative fact as a fact for judgement , is a false proposition ;

  17. 如果女性还能在申请的其他部分成功缩小与男性的差距,那么在不远的将来,性别平等在商学院将不再是一个伪命题。

    If women can also manage to close the gap in the other parts of their application , then gender equity in business schools could soon be a real proposition in the not-so-distant future .

  18. 美的本质问题是传统美学中的核心问题,这一问题经以维特根斯坦为代表的分析哲学的批判,被当作一个形而上学的伪命题而抛弃了。

    As the core of traditional aesthetics , the problem of the " nature of beauty " is , through the critique of analytic philosophy represented by Ludwig Wittgenstein , rejected as a " false proposition " of metaphysics .

  19. 这似乎是个伪命题,但鉴于这家公司的权益价值为130亿美元,而且有一位投票权超过60%的股东,所以我们必须清楚地了解这个问题。

    This seems like a bogus question , but it 's one we need to be crystal clear on for a company with $ 13 billion in equity value and has one holder who accounts for over 60 % of the voting power .

  20. 随着新世纪的到来,文学的自觉说依然是众说纷纭,但是此时学者做的更多的工作是反思。笔者认为,文学的自觉说是个伪命题。

    With the arrival of the new century , the theory of " the literary consciousness " is still divergent , but this time the scholars do more work is the reflection . I believe that " literature of consciousness " is a false proposition .