
  • 网络Tradition and Modern;tradition and modernity
  1. 传统与现代:保守主义的历史演变与特征

    Tradition and Modern Times : Historical Changes and Characteristics of Conservatism

  2. 传统与现代的交融&茂名市殡仪馆设计

    Blending of Tradition and Modern : Design of Maoming Funeral Home

  3. 传统与现代的结合&PentiumPro结构分析

    The combination of the old and new technology & the Pentium Pro structure analysis

  4. 城市足迹馆和城市未来馆分别位于浦西的D片区和E片区,两座展馆建筑利用原工业建筑进行设计改建,构成传统与现代相互呼应的崭新空间。

    The other two pavilions , Footprint and Future , are located in two modified industrial buildings in Zone D and Zone E respectively ; they represent a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity .

  5. 作为一个在传统与现代边缘寻求平衡的作家,他的精神分析小说以对中西文化的思考为视角;着眼于Eros(爱欲)和Grotesque(荒诞)来观照个体的内在现实(Insidereality)。

    As a writer who sought the balance between the tradition and the modern edges , his psycho-analysis novels think the cultural of East and West as its visual angel and focus on the Eros and Grotesque in order to observe individual inside reality .

  6. 论传统与现代教学手段的有机结合

    On the Organic Combination of the Modern and Traditional Teaching Method

  7. 传统与现代:叔本华、尼采美学的根本差异

    Modern and Tradition : the Basic Difference between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche

  8. 无国籍女人:在传统与现代之间徘徊的族群

    Women of No Nationality : A Group Wandering between Tradition and Modernization

  9. 传统与现代民本思想的比较与审视

    Comparison between the Traditional People Thought and Modern People Thought

  10. 整理国故:站在传统与现代之间

    Sorting out the Traditional Civilization : between Tradition and Modernity

  11. 动静虚实千百年传统与现代空间概念之比较与分析

    Comparing and Analysing of Traditional Space Concept and Modern One

  12. 论中国服饰文化&传统与现代设计的融合

    Chinese Costume Culture-A Mixture of the Traditional and the Modern

  13. 牛津大学人才培养的历史传统与现代走向

    Traditions and Trends of Talent Cultivation in Oxford University

  14. 都市旅游:传统与现代的交融

    Urban Tourism : The Combination of Tradition and Modernization

  15. 文化、文明、传统与现代杂说

    On the Terms of " Culture , Civilization , Tradition and Modern "

  16. 图书馆的传统与现代编目工作差异浅析

    Analysis of the differences between traditional and modern cataloguing work in the library

  17. 传统与现代的结合&盐行业的信息化道路

    Combination of Tradition and Modernization & The Road of Informationization of Salt Industry

  18. 传统与现代,孰多孰少?

    Which counts more , tradition or the modern ?

  19. 传统与现代马克思主义经济学探讨

    An Analysis of Classical and Modern Marxism Economics

  20. 如何看待当代中国建筑中的传统与现代

    How to Look on the Tradition and Modernity of the Present Architecture in China

  21. 在传统与现代、乡村与城市之间&简析《平凡的世界》中的田润叶

    Between the Traditional Country and the Modern City

  22. 中国政治传统与现代公民政治

    Chinese political tradition and modern civil politics

  23. 中国人文传统与现代法治精神

    Chinese Humanities Traditions and Modern Ruling-by-law Spirit

  24. 民族传统与现代设计的交流和碰撞,使其产生了独特的设计风格一柔性的功能主义。

    The communication and collision between traditional and modern design produce a unique design-flexible functionalism .

  25. 他的小说叙事兼有传统与现代的特征,庞大的家族叙事圈套与自我型故事内叙事带有强烈的文化意义。

    The huge family narrative trap and inside narration of story convey strongly cultural significance .

  26. 论传统与现代的能力意识

    On Tradition and Modern ability consciousness

  27. 在传统与现代的天平上&试论《啼笑因缘》的叙事特色

    On Traditional and Modern Balance & On the Narrative Characteristics of Sorrow and Happiness for Karma

  28. 他的作品从传统与现代碰撞、野性与沉静冲突的主题演变而来。

    His works have evolved toward themes of tradition colliding with modernity , wildness clashing with stillness .

  29. 传统与现代的合谋&1950年代婚恋题材小说研究

    Combination of Tradition and Modern Times & Study on the Novels of Marriage in the 1950 's

  30. 传统与现代共生,村落体育可持续发展的有力保障。

    " traditional " and " modern " symbiosis , the village of Sustainable Development of effective protection .