
chuán rǎn
  • infect;transmission;transmit;be contagious;contagion;communicate;transfer
传染 [chuán rǎn]
  • (1) [infect]∶把病原体或疾病传给 [个体或器官]

  • 传染上瘟疫

  • (2) [be contagious]∶病源体从有病的生物体传到别的生物体

  • 这种病不传染

  • (3) 比喻情绪受感染

传染[chuán rǎn]
  1. 接吻不可能把这种病传染给他人。

    It is not possible to infect another person through kissing .

  2. 任何重感冒都可能把疾病传染给周围的人。

    Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him .

  3. 对所有捐献的血都要进行艾滋病病毒和其他传染病病毒检测。

    All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections .

  4. 这种急性大脑传染病几乎总是导致死亡。

    This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal .

  5. 她把这种病毒传染给了所有的同事。

    She 'd given the bug to all her colleagues .

  6. 传染病患者同其他病人隔离开来。

    Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients .

  7. 这种疾病可能会传染给人类。

    The disease could conceivably be transferred to humans .

  8. 管理人员的不满情绪很快传染给了全体职工。

    Dissatisfaction among the managers soon permeated down to members of the workforce .

  9. 传染病的感染途径有几种。

    Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways .

  10. 我在办公室被传染了疾病。

    I picked up a bug in the office .

  11. 此病不会通过偶然接触传染。

    The disease is not spread by casual contact .

  12. 现在还没有防艾滋病病毒传染的疫苗。

    There is no vaccine against HIV infection .

  13. 你把感冒传染给我了。

    You 've given me your cold .

  14. 我这感冒是被你传染的!

    I got this cold off you !

  15. 没有接触传染的风险。

    There is no risk of contagion .

  16. 我还处在传染期。

    I 'm still infectious .

  17. 传染病正在遭受洪灾的很多灾民中蔓延。

    Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims .

  18. 这种传染病在世界范围内的重大影响还未完全显现。

    The major impact of this epidemic worldwide is yet to come

  19. 不存在通过手术传播这种传染病的风险。

    There was no danger of transmitting the infection through operations .

  20. 营养不良的人更有可能被传染。

    Infections are more likely in those suffering from malnutrition .

  21. 这个俱乐部流行着一种轻微的传染病。

    There was a bug going around at the club .

  22. 那种病毒不会通过接触或握手传染。

    The virus is not passed on through touching or shaking hands .

  23. 有人就是认为湿疹会传染。

    There are those who think eczema is catching .

  24. 我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。

    I 'm a blood donor ; I can 't risk any contagion .

  25. 有那么一会儿她的恐惧也传染给了我。

    For an instant I was infected by her fear

  26. 有些科学家表示了担忧,认为这种病可能传染给人类。

    Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans

  27. 社会上还是有一些毫无根据的关于癌症会传染的恐惧。

    There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious .

  28. 有一种理论认为,这种传染病存在于人类中已经有很长时间了。

    One theory is that the infection has been present in humans for a very long time

  29. 他们一直不愿接纳艾滋病患者,部分原因是无来由地害怕被接触传染。

    They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients , in part because of unfounded fears of contagion

  30. 传染病患者应予以隔离。

    People with contagious diseases should be isolated .