
  • 网络communication skills
  1. 文本的传播技巧主要包括批评、插图和改编。

    Text communication skills include criticism , illustrations and adaptation .

  2. 国际医学科学院组织也会组织一系列地区性研讨会,来帮助青年科学家提高他们的科学传播技巧。

    The IAMP will also run a series of regional workshops to help young researchers improve their science communication skills .

  3. 典型人物报道策略与传播技巧的嬗变

    The report strategy of typical characters and the diversification of promulgation skills

  4. 善于利用媒介与公众进行沟通,控制危机程度,并注意传播技巧;

    4 , be good at communicate with the public by agency , control the crisis degree , and notice the transmission skill .

  5. 而且随着对传播技巧的使用,舆论控制便更加策略化,也更加隐蔽化了:它借助公民的道义力量,去阻止反国家行为的发生。

    And with the usage of communication techniques , the controls over public opinion become more covert and more strategic , as it makes use of the power of public morality to inhibit behaviors that counter the nation .

  6. 如果他们有一个更大的数据库并传播这种技巧它会扩展得更快,但问题是这个家庭他们不分享。

    It would have taken off faster if they 'd had a larger database and disseminated the technique , but the problem with this family is that they don 't share .

  7. 社交距离规则有助于八卦在社会中发挥重要作用建立社会关系;澄清观点和地位;认同和管理个人的名誉;传播社会技巧和社会术语以及社会价值观。

    The distance rule allows gossip to perform its vital social functions social bonding ; clarification of position and status ; assessment and management of reputations ; transmission of social skills , norms and values without undue invasion of privacy .

  8. 传播技术和技巧的充分利用扩大了传播范围。

    Dissemination of technology and skills to fully take advantage of expanded dissemination .

  9. 甘肃省利用世行贷款项目启动的契机,在项目实施周期,针对影响贫困地区妇女、儿童疾病死亡的13个方面内容,对目标人群采用有效的传播方式和技巧进行相关内容的传播。

    Gansu province utilize the chance of world bank loan item , use effective style and skill during the cycle of item implementation to spread 13 aspects which effect poverty women and children disease death .

  10. 客观性与倾向性这二者是如何实现平衡的?这是因为新闻传播除了有语言技巧和视觉技巧外,还具有神话性,通过构建神话的方式来传达自己的意旨。

    However , how they can keep balance ? This is because that the news dissemination except for take language skills and visual skills , still employ the operation of Myth mode .

  11. 理解了这些就明白如何来拯救电视:可以用新媒体的传播精神,传播的技巧来优化传统的电视媒体。

    Depending on this understanding , we have also understand how to retrieve the TV , that is we can use the new communication spirit and technology which belong to new media for saving the conventional media TV .

  12. 传播者、受传者和传播技巧都影响农业创新的传播效果。

    Agricultural innovation propagation effects are influenced by propagators , acceptors and propagation skill .

  13. 词话作者在记述自己和亲友作品时一般以有意识传播为主,并且为了更好地传播这些作品,在其中运用了各种传播方法、技巧以促进其传播。

    When they record the works of themselves or their relatives and friends , they usually spread the works consciously ; meanwhile they used various methods and skills in spreading in order to get a better spreading effect .

  14. 运用新闻传播规律,借鉴沟通学等学科的基本方法,是我们掌握和加强科技新闻传播沟通技巧的有效途径。

    Using the rule of communication and the basic method of mass communication theory for reference is an effective approach to grasp and enhance the skill .