
huì tán ɡōnɡ bào
  • official publication of the result of a conference
  1. 对萨达特来说,莫斯科最高级会谈的公报是他不能忍受的最后一击。

    For Sadat , the Moscow summit communique was the last straw .

  2. 这次首脑会谈的最终公报说,三国都将扩大文化交流和旅游事业以便增进友好联络。

    The summit 's final communique said the three countries would expand cultural exchanges and tourism to increase friendly ties .

  3. 任何最高级会谈都必须在精心的准备之后举行。对萨达特来说,莫斯科最高级会谈的公报是他不能忍受的最后一击。

    Any summit meeting should come at the end of careful preparation . For Sadat , the Moscow summit communique was the last straw .