
  • 网络Conference Equipment;conference facility
  1. H.261是一种较早的标准,目前所有的视像会议设备都支持这一标准

    H.261 is an older standard support by all existing videoconferencing equipment

  2. 而有班加西两倍大的的黎波里却只有五位代表。只有不到一半的NTC成员迁移到了首都,他们在等待视频会议设备把利比亚最大的两座城市联系起来。

    Fewer than half of NTC members have moved to the capital , and those who have are waiting for video-conference equipment to connect Libya 's two biggest cities .

  3. 我们决定出资购买一些视频会议设备。

    We have decided to invest in some new video-conferencing equipment .

  4. 你们能够提供什么会议设备在房间?

    What meeting equipment do you offer in the room ?

  5. 许多度假酒店如今有完整的会议设备,大多数新的城市酒店在设计中也考虑了会议产业。

    Many resort hotels nowadays have complete convention facilities , and most new city hotels have also been designed with the convention business in mind .

  6. 财务总监是“坏家伙”,他不会让你购买视像会议设备,而是让你偿还商业贷款。

    The CFO is the " bad guy " who won 't let you buy that really cool videoconferencing equipment and makes you pay down a commercial loan instead .

  7. 我们的视频会议设备都是符合国际标准的,因此暗示它们被用作特殊用途的做法是存在误导性的。华为英国分公司发表声明称。

    Our video conferencing equipment is based on global standards , so to suggest it is specifically open to abuse would be misleading , said a statement from the company 's UK branch .

  8. 《星期日镜报》称,一份高层简报已被分发至英国各内阁部门,通知停止使用由华为公司制造的视频会议设备。报道还称,一些可能存在的漏洞已经引起了广泛的关注。

    A briefing was sent to all ministerial departments urging them to stop using the video-conferencing equipment , the newspaper said , adding that there are possible vulnerabilities that have caused widespread concern .

  9. 《星期日镜报》称,一份高层简报已被分发至英国各内阁部门,通知停止使用由华为公司制造的视频会议设备。报道还称,一些可能存在的“漏洞”已经引起了广泛的关注。

    A briefing was sent to all ministerial departments urging them to stop using the video-conferencing equipment , the newspaper said , adding that there are possible " vulnerabilities " that have caused widespread concern .

  10. 据英国《星期日镜报》报道称,英国内政部、司法部和皇家检察署等部门均已停止使用中国华为公司制造的视频会议设备,以防中国政府利用这些设备进行窃听活动。

    British government departments such as the Home Office , Ministry of Justice and Crown Prosecution Service are all said to have stopped using equipment manufactured by Chinese telecom company Huawei amid fears they are being used by the Chinese government to eavesdrop , according to a report by the UK 's Sunday Mirror .

  11. 论文实现了一整套会议终端设备解决方案,对构建功能更加强大的智能数字会议系统具有很高的参考价值。

    The results provide high reference value for constructing more powerful digital conferencing systems .

  12. 对于我校提供的高档次会议室设备表示惊讶。

    The participants were surprised with the equipments of high quality in the conference rooms .

  13. 介绍了RDC-1型铁路数字会议电话设备的构成,基本功能和现场试验等。

    The paper introduces the main functions of RDC-1 Railway Digital Conference Telephone equipment and it 's field testing .

  14. 职位描述:“成为公司全球团队的积极的一员,通过即时聊天、论坛和一对一的会议个人设备内容分享为客户提供全天候支持。”

    Job description : " Being an active member of a global team that provides 24 / 7 support via live chat , forums , and one-on-one screenshare sessions . "

  15. H.323协议规定用于局域网的视频会议系统和设备的标准,它将为使用现有网络基础设施的终端提供全球多媒体通信。

    H. 323 protocol regulates the standard of videoconferencing system and devices . It provides the ability of global multimedia communication with the terminals utilizing existing network devices .

  16. 需在会议期间进行设备展示的单位须提前提交书面申请。

    Units need to show their equipments during the meeting shall hand up written applications .

  17. 此向导帮助您新建用户、会议室、设备或链接的邮箱。

    This wizard helps you create a new user , room , equipment , or linked mailbox .

  18. 2003中国(南京)首届城市与工业安全国际会议暨技术设备展示会

    2003 China ( Nanjing ) 1st International Conference on City and Industrial Security & Exposition of Safety Detection Equipment

  19. 开始工作前,举行一个安全会议,讨论设备,工具,规程和安全的问题。

    Before starting the job , hold a Toolbox Talk with the crew to discuss equipment , tools , procedures and safety .

  20. 基于MPEG-2的高清晰会议电视系统终端设备

    Terminal device of high density video conference system based on MPEG-2

  21. 必须先修改exchange组织的资源配置来创建自定义资源属性,才能将这些属性分配给会议室邮箱或设备邮箱。

    Before you can assign custom resource properties to a room or equipment mailbox , you must first create these properties by modifying the resource configuration of your exchange organization .

  22. 本文着重对RTP/RTCP协议加以分析,结合视频会议的特点和设备条件实现协议并做出一些改动:缩减了RTP和RTCP包头部的若干字段,除去协议管理的部分信息。

    This paper stressed analyzing RTP / RTCP protocol , realized it and modified some details of it according to our device condition : reduced some fields of RTP and RTCP header , removed some information managed by RTP / RTCP .

  23. 应用本文提出的透明级联方法,一个级联会议中各MCU设备对管理员是透明的,所有参与级联会议的用户没有层级之分,管理员就像在管理一个非级联会议。

    With the application of the transparent cascade method in this paper , all the MCU devices in a cascade conference are transparent to the manager , and all the customers that attend the cascade conference have no level differences , the manager seems to be managing a non-cascaded conference .

  24. 我通常会在会议间隙查看电子设备。

    I will check my tech at the door during meetings .

  25. 检查会议室和视听设备。

    Check out the meeting room and audiovisual set-up .

  26. 资源邮箱包括会议室邮箱和设备邮箱。

    Resource mailboxes include room and equipment mailboxes .

  27. 资源邮箱是代表会议室和公司设备的邮箱。

    A resource mailbox is a mailbox that represents conference rooms and company equipment .

  28. 仅可以将会议室邮箱或设备邮箱连接到禁用的用户帐户。

    You can connect a room or equipment mailbox only to a disabled user account .

  29. 他们中的一些人在晚上冲击立法会,并对立法会议事厅内部设备进行了破坏。

    Some of them the complex in the evening and vandalized the equipment inside the building 's chamber .

  30. 介绍会议电视系统在设备选型过程中注意的几个问题,对国内外主要的会议电视厂商及会议电视系统在电力系统的使用情况作了简单的介绍。

    This paper presents several problems about selecting videoconference system , introduces some main videoconference manufacturers and the applications of videoconference system in power systems .