
  • 网络Basic Accounting Work;foundation work of accounting;The Basis Of Accounting
  1. 建立财务信息化并完善其标准,一方面是财务管理的需要,另一方面是提高会计基础工作的有效手段。

    Now we are establish financial information and improve their standards , one is the financial management needs , another improve the basis of accounting .

  2. 强化会计基础工作完善会计工作秩序

    Strengthening the Basic Work of Accounting and Consummating Accounting work Sequence

  3. 如何规范高校结算中心会计基础工作

    How to Standardize Accountant Groundwork of A University 's Balance Center

  4. 加强工会经费收缴规范会计基础工作

    Strengthening trade union outlay 's collection and regulating accounting basie operation

  5. 加强会计基础工作是搞好财会工作的关键

    Reinforcing the Accounting Basis Is the Key for Doing Financial Affairs Well

  6. 加强会计基础工作规范化建设努力提高企业财务管理水平

    Strengthening the accounting standardization work to improve financial management level

  7. 浅谈规范会计基础工作提高会计信息质量

    Improve the accuracy of accounting information and accountant working level

  8. 基于会计基础工作的内部控制风险规避研究

    A Research of Internal Control Risk Aversion Based on the Accounting Basic Job

  9. 落实会计基础工作规范的对策

    Countermeasure of carrying out the basic accounting work standards

  10. 会计基础工作是提高会计信息质量的保证

    Work on Accounting Foundation Is the Guaranty that Raises the Accounting Information Quality

  11. 夯实会计基础工作提高财务管理水平

    Enhance Basic Accountancy and Improve Financial Management Level

  12. 会计基础工作规范实践探讨

    Discussion on standardization of accounting groundwork

  13. 会计基础工作是会计工作的基本环节,也是经济管理工作的重要基础。

    The basical work of accounting is a elementary segment and an important part in economic management .

  14. 加强高校会计基础工作建立规范的会计工作秩序&浅谈会计基础工作的重要性

    Intensifying Basic Work of Accounting in Colleges and Establishing Standard Working Orders of Accounting & Discourse of Groundwork of Accounting

  15. 首先应加强企业的会计基础工作,从源头治理会计信息失真。

    First , basic accounting work in enterprises should be strengthened and thus the distortion of accounting information can be brought under control in the beginning .

  16. 会计基础工作是经济管理工作的重要基础,也是提高会计信息质量的重要保证。

    Work on accounting foundation is the important foundation of the economy management work , and also is the important guaranty that raises the accounting information quality .

  17. 该文认为会计基础工作质量下降的原因在于会计工作本身的薄弱和外部的监督缺失两个方面;

    This paper holds that the causes of the quality deterioration in the accounting work lie in the weakness of the work itself and the lack of exterior supervision .

  18. 所以要从黑龙江省老工业基地企业的会计基础工作开始,相应地加强各企业的内部、外部监督,并且要进行会计创新,这样,才能为黑龙江省老工业基地的改造开辟出一条捷径。

    This paper analyses the fundamental accounting work in Heilongjiang Province old , and suggests the relevant planning to strengthen the internal and external supervision and conduct the accounting innovation .

  19. 通过对工会经费收缴与使用方法的管理,以及加强会计基础工作的方法和重要性的阐述,说明了收、管、用好工会经费,才能充分发挥工会职能,增强工会组织的凝聚力。

    ; Through the management of the collection and application of the trade union outlay discussion is made on how to exert the trade union and strengthen its cohesion foree .

  20. 要解决这些问题必须营造税务筹划的法制化环境,强化企业开展税务筹划的意识,并做好优化企业所得税税务筹划的会计基础工作。

    To solve these problems , we should construct a legal system environment , strengthen enterprise to carry out consciousness of tax affair preparation and optimize the inventory basic work of enterprise income tax .

  21. 企业管理工作是以财务为中心,特别是在目前的社会主义市场经济体制建立和完善的时期,加强企业会计基础工作,是提高企业内部财务管理水平的中心工作和重要环节。

    A enterprise focus on financial management especially for the period of establishing and improving socialist market economy at present . Enhancing basic accountancy is the center and key step for improving financial management level .

  22. 从财务管理人员的素质、会计基础工作以及教育单位经费使用效率等方面说明了基础教育单位财务管理工作的现状。

    The article illustrates the current situation in the financial management of basic education units from three respects : the quality of administrative persons , the original work and efficiency of the use of funds .

  23. 实践证明,建立企业内部控制制度,就能使会计基础工作扎扎实实,在企业经济管理中有效发挥作用,确保会计信息的真实、准确及经济活动的合法性、效益性。

    Practice proves that establishes internal control system of the enterprise , basis accountancy is stronger , it can effectively play the role in economic management and ensures accounting information is true , accurate , compliance of economic activity and effectiveness .

  24. 通过对部分单位的调查,对会计基础工作中普遍存在问题及形成的原因进行科学的分析,进而提出规范会计基础工作、提高会计信息质量的对策建议。

    The author has objectively analyzed the common problems and their causations by the investigation of several companies , and has also provided the countermeasures to standardize the fundamental work of accountant , so as to improve the accuracy of accounting information and accountant working level .

  25. 当进口国提起诉讼时,我国一些企业由于会计基础工作薄弱不敢应诉,或由于没有法务会计专家支持不知道如何应诉,从而使企业造成重大经济损失。

    When litigating in the importer , some enterprises in our country dare to response because of weak accounting element task or don 't know how to response because have on supporting of law affair accounting expert . All this makes enterprises lead to the fact of great economic losses .

  26. 在开展国际化经营过程中,中国石油公司应遵循从战略出发、高起点、分步实施的原则,搭建和优化价值链管理平台:强化油气会计管理基础工作;

    In their process of " going international ", Chinese oil companies need to follow a path of " acting upon the business strategies for stepwise implementation " to establish and optimize the platform for value chain management ; reinforce the basics for oil / gas accounting management ;

  27. 从会计的基础管理工作入手,建立规范的电算化管理制度,为今后的企业全面信息化做好准备,这是本文的写作目的。

    Starting from the basic accounting work , it is the paper 's purpose to put up the regulation of computerized accounting management .

  28. 国有企业实行会计委派制,对加强会计基础工作,提高会计的工作水平,确保会计信息的质量以及依法履行职责起到积极作用。

    Accreditation management of accountants in state-owned enterprises plays an active role in strengthening fundamental work , advancing accountants ' working ability , ensuring the data 's quality of accounting and implementing its lawful duty .

  29. 由于历史的原因,高校管理层对会计工作的管理意识比较淡薄,会计基础工作相对较为薄弱。

    As a result of historical reason , university management on accounting management consciousness is weak , so is accountant foundation .

  30. 针对市场经济体制下会计监督所面临的法规不健全,会计基础工作不规范和会计信息失真等问题,我们的基本对策是,会计监督必须以财经法规为依据;

    In order to solute the problems that exist in the supervision to accounting in the Market Economy System , such as the imperfection of laws and regulations , the irregularity of the fundamental work of accounting .