
  1. 会计人员素质总体不高。

    The level of competence of accountant is not high .

  2. 一些学者认为,会计人员素质不高、会计准则不健全是造成财务舞弊的主要原因。

    Some scholars believe that the quality of accounting personnel , inadequate accounting standards is the main reason for financial fraud .

  3. 为提高会计人员素质,应从以下三个方面着手,即加强政府监督,实行会计委派机制;

    The next measures should be taken for enhancing the accountant 's quality : strengthen government supervision and implement appointment system of accountants ;

  4. 从完善公司治理结构、加强行业诚信建设、健全监管体系、建立民事赔偿机制、提高会计人员素质等方面提出了治理对策。

    We presented some countermeasures in this article from the flowing aspect : perfect corporate governance structure , enforce sincerity construction , perfect Supervisory system , establish the civil compensation system and improve accountant quality etc.

  5. 改善财务环境,提高合作社财务信息质量,需要从完善理事会和监事会的功能、加强政府监督、提升合作社财务会计人员素质等多方面进行。

    To improve the quality of financial information of cooperatives , need to improve the function of the Council and the Board of Supervisors to strengthen government oversight , improve the quality of co-operatives , and many other financial and accounting personnel were .

  6. 最后,对完善上市银行会计人员素质、内部控制和内部审计以及监管部门的风险管理提出了对策建议。

    Finally , this thesis also takes advice in improving quality of accountant ; strengthening internal control and internal audit and risk management . At the same time , some policies suggestions are put forward to the authorities on how to improve the supervision .

  7. 浅析信息时代会计人员的素质

    Analysis on the Quality of the Accountants in the Information Times

  8. 提高高校财务会计人员综合素质的思考

    Ponderations on Promoting Comprehensive Quality of Financial Staff Members in University

  9. 提高会计人员的素质,提高他们的社会、经济地位;

    Improve accounting personnel 's quality , improve their social , economic status .

  10. 方法通过切实有效的教育措施,提高会计人员综合素质;

    Approaches : Improving comprehensive quality of accounting staff by efficient educational measurement ;

  11. 提高会计人员的素质;

    Improving the quality of accountants ;

  12. 浅谈会计人员的素质

    Talking about the Quality of Accountants

  13. 全行会计人员业务素质、操作规范化水平普遍提高。

    The professional quality and the level of operational standardization of bank-wide accounting personnel were generally raised .

  14. 新闻从业人员趋于专业化;提高高校财务会计人员综合素质的思考

    The efficiency of the news was improved ; Ponderations on Promoting Comprehensive Quality of Financial Staff Members in University

  15. 内部管理完善,内控制度健全,配备的会计结算人员素质和数量符合管理要求;

    Well established internal management system and internal control system ; qualification and quantity of accountants allocated satisfy management requirements ;

  16. 为了提高会计人员的素质,政府应采取有效措施加强会计人员的继续教育。

    In order to improve their qualities , the government should take effective measures to strengthen the continuous education of accountants .

  17. 知识经济必将是21世纪的主要经济形式,它的到来对会计人员的素质提出了更高的要求。

    The knowledge-based economy will be the main economic form in the 21st century ; its arrival puts forward higher requirements for the qualities of the accountants .

  18. 进一步加强政府宏观监管力度,充分发挥中介机构的监管作用,提高管理者和会计人员的素质,使内部监管能落到实处。

    We should strengthen government 's oversight , make full advantage of the agency , improve the quality of the administrator and accountant , make the inside oversight .

  19. 因此知识经济环境下,企业在建立科学的内部控制制度和提高会计人员的素质基础上,可分步骤确认自创无形资产。

    After the enterprise sets up valid internal control system and improves the quality of accountants , it can confirm the self-created intangible assets step by step in the times of intelligence economy .

  20. 提高会计人员的业务素质,增强会计信息质量水平;

    Improve the professional quality accounting personnel , and enhance the quality of accounting information level ;

  21. 强化财务控制,必须完善企业法人治理结构,提高会计人员的职业素质,完善内控制度。

    To strengthen financial control , we should complete the corporate governance , enhance the professional quality of accountants , and perfect the system of internal control .

  22. 会计人员的自身素质修养要从业务素质和思想素质两方面来衡量,而思想素质又是第一位的。

    The self quality mastery of accounting people is wanted from business quality with ideological quality both come to measure , and ideological quality is also the first .

  23. 它能够帮助企业提高财务管理水平,提高企业管理者和会计人员的业务素质,增强企业竞争力,并促进企业财务管理目标的实现,还有利于企业维护良好形象。

    It can help enterprises enhance finance management and improve enhance the ability of the managerial personnel and the accountant . It can also strengthen enterprises ' competitive power .

  24. 现阶段会计工作对会计人员的素质要求

    Quality Requirements of Being a Accountant at Present

  25. 会计国际化对会计人员职业素质的要求

    Professional Quality for Internationalized Accountants

  26. 加强会计队伍建设,全面提高会计人员素质等五个方面对防治会计信息失真进行探讨。

    To strengthen accountants ' procession construction and improve accountants ' quality .

  27. 战略管理会计对管理会计人员的职能和素质提出了更高的要求;

    Higher demand for SMA personnel ;

  28. 如何下确运用这一原则,加强会计理论学习,提高会计人员业务素质和职业判断能力是关键。

    How to apply the principle properly focuses on the study of accounting theory , enhancing the professional quality and judging ability of the accounting staff .

  29. 文章的最后根据研究结论,从RD支出信息披露的完善、RD支出会计政策的改善以及会计人员与投资者素质的提高等方面提出了相应的政策建议。

    According to the conclusions the whole article , the author gives suggestions from the aspects of improving the disclosure of R D expenditure information and R D expenditures in accounting policies , also the promoting the quality of the accounting staff and the investor .

  30. 会计工作的完成,有赖于会计人员素质的不断提高。

    The completion of accounting work depends on in the unceasing raising of accounting people quality .