
  • Accounting;accounting profession;accountancy profession
  1. 浅谈专科会计专业教学改革会计CAI教学探讨

    On CAI of accounting major teaching

  2. 从两者的匹配关系看,全国会计专业技术资格考试辅导教材《财务管理》一书中的经营现金净流量(NCF)计量公式有欠妥当。

    From their relationship , the author found that the calculating formula of net cash flow ( NCF ) in the book named Financial Management for national accounting qualification test is inappropriate .

  3. 我目前还在等待XX大学会计专业的科学硕士录取结果,如果我被录取,会在今年秋季入学。

    I am currently awaiting admission results for ( BLOCKED ) Masters of Science in Accountancy program , which I would begin this fall if admitted .

  4. 高职会计专业实践教学探索

    A discussion to the practice teaching of the high vocational accountant

  5. 会计专业贯彻实施学为主体教育观念的思考

    Thinking of Educational Idea ─" Study as Centerpiece " in Accounting

  6. 试论远程开放教育会计专业实践教学的深化

    On Deepening the Practice Teaching for Accounting Major in Open Education

  7. 周先生,湖南商学院财务会计专业毕业,会计师;

    Zhou , Hunan Business College graduate financial accounting , accounting ;

  8. 高职高专会计专业核心课程设置研究

    On the Core Courses of Accounting in Vocational and Technical Colleges

  9. 会计专业教学方法和教学手段改革的研究

    On the reform of accounting teaching methods and accounting teaching means

  10. 会计专业远程模拟实验方案与实施策略研究

    Study of Implementation Strategy of Remote Simulation Software for Accounting Teaching

  11. 高职会计专业主干课程实施模块化教学的构想

    Ideas for Modular Teaching in Main Courses of Higher Vocational Accounting

  12. 高校会计专业审计教学改革初探

    A Discussion on Reform of Accounting Professional Audit Teaching in Universities

  13. 工科高校非会计专业会计教学改革探讨

    Accounting teaching reform of non-accounting majors in engineering colleges and universities

  14. 第一部分,阐释中职学校会计专业职业道德教育的意义。

    The first part explains the meaning of accounting ethics education .

  15. 涉外会计专业会计英语教学方式改革的尝试

    The reform of accounting english teaching method reform for accounting speciality

  16. 高校会计专业人格教育初探

    Initial Exploration of Personality Education in Major of Accounting at Colleges

  17. 会计专业实习校内化实践研究

    Practice for Accounting Specialty Carried out within University : A Study

  18. 我国高职院校会计专业课程设置改革初探

    China 's Curriculum Reform in the Accounting Profession in Vocational Colleges

  19. 他正在学习会计学或他是一名会计专业的学生。

    He is study accountancy or he is an accountancy student .

  20. 高职会计专业工学结合的人才培养模式思考

    A Consideration on Work-Study Combination Training Model of Vocational Accounting Personnel

  21. 关于高校会计专业会计电算化教学的思考

    Thinking about Computerized Teaching for Accounting Major in Higher Schools

  22. 对重建我校会计专业的调研与思考

    Research and Thinking on rebuilding the speciality of accounting in our college

  23. 基于非会计专业《基础会计》课程教学的再认识

    On Teaching Basic Accounting of the Non - accounting Major

  24. 在当今的高等职业教育中,会计专业发展迅速,似乎有无会计专业不成大学的趋势。但在发展的过程中也存在着许多问题。

    In nowadays-higher vocational education , the major of accounting improves rapidly .

  25. 关于高职财务会计专业教学的若干思考

    On Financing and Accounting Specialty Teaching in Higher Vocational College

  26. 论六问连环教学法及其运用&改革会计专业课传统教学法的尝试

    The " Six - Question " Chain Teaching Method and Its Application

  27. 本文阐述了21世纪会计专业教育面临的挑战与改革。

    The article expatiates on 21 century accounting specialty education facing challenge .

  28. 高职非会计专业会计课程教学改革的思考

    Thinking on Reformation of Non-Accountancy Majors in Higher Vocational Institutes

  29. 高职院校会计专业双师型教师队伍建设探讨

    Vocational Colleges Accounting Professional " Double-qualified " Teachers to Explore the Building

  30. 工科院校会计专业实践教学组织的研究

    Study of Accounting Fieldwork Teaching in a College of Engineering