
yōu xiān gǔ
  • preferred shares;preferred stock;preemptive shares;senior security
优先股[yōu xiān gǔ]
  1. 纽约联储(NewYorkFederalReserve)拥有价值160亿美元的友邦保险优先股。

    The New York Federal Reserve has $ 16bn of preferred stock in AIA .

  2. 作为回报,Fed将获得它们的优先股和普通股的认股权证。

    In return , the federal government is getting preferred stock in the banks and warrants to buy common shares .

  3. 它们买了这些公司的开曼群岛(CaymanIslands)母公司的优先股。

    The private equity fund buys preferred stock in the Cayman Islands parent company .

  4. 总部位于坦帕的对冲基金GatorCapitalManagement在4月份的致投资者信中宣布,其所持的“两房”优先股带来强劲回报率。

    In a letter to investors in April , Tampa-based hedge fund Gator capital management reported strong returns from its holdings in Freddie and Fannie .

  5. 在这类银行当中,受优先股亏损影响最大的可能就是GatewayFinancialHoldings和MidwestBancHoldings。

    Among banks that could be most affected by losses on the preferred stock are Gateway Financial Holdings and Midwest Banc Holdings .

  6. 那些由苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)和德意志银行(deutschebank)等稳健、大型、知名公司发行的优先股遭遇抛售,正将它们转变为高收益率的工具。

    The sell-off of healthy , large-cap , brand-name company preferreds , such as those issued by the Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank , are transforming them into high-yield instruments .

  7. 例如,许多imf成员国过去曾将私人注资与优先股和其它使所有权掌握在私人手里的资本形式结合使用。

    For example , many IMF members in the past have matched private capital injections with preferential shares and forms of capital that left ownership control in private hands .

  8. 美国财政部应认购与三菱(Mitsubishi)入股规模相当的优先股,这些优先股的转换价格高于三菱的收购价。

    The Treasury should offer to match Mitsubishi 's investment with preferred shares whose conversion price is higher than Mitsubishi 's purchase price .

  9. 美国运通表示,股票发行遵循了美联储(Fed)的附加指引。根据该指引,在公共股票市场募资是回购美国财政部所持公司优先股的前提条件。

    Amex said the equity offering followed additional guidance from the Federal Reserve that made raising funds in the public equity markets a precondition for buying back the Treasury 's preferred shares in the company .

  10. 而且,这项交易设计为优先股,这意味着如果出售,Elevation将优先收回投资(和分享收益)。

    Moreover , the deal was structured as preferred stock , meaning that elevation would get paid back first in the event of a sale ( and then share in any gains ) .

  11. 但是,世纪佳缘尚未透露IPO发行数量和发行价格。公司将募集资金用于偿付优先股股东的未支付红利和一般性公司用途。

    Has not revealed its IPO size and price range in the prospectus , saying that financed capitals will be used to pay dividends to preferred shareholders and for general purpose .

  12. AIG和美国财政部拒绝就出售股份一事置评。上月,美国财政部将持有的优先股转换为普通股,从而获得了现有股份。

    AIG and the US Treasury , which obtained its stake when it converted preferred shares into common stock last month , declined to comment on the share sales .

  13. 后来他发现,有两家咨询公司以现金、认股证书和优先股等形式,从奥林巴斯获得了6.87亿美元的费用,他们分别是纽约的AxesAmerica公司以及它在开曼群岛的子公司AxamInvestments公司。

    Woodford then discovered that two advisory companies axes America of New York and its Cayman Islands subsidiary axam investments received $ 687 million in fees through cash , warrants and preferred shares .

  14. 我看到有篇文章说,苹果的现金储备差不多等于整个匈牙利的GDP,所以也许某个激进主义的股东应该推动苹果收购匈牙利,而不是干些小打小闹的事情(比如增加股息,或者发行优先股)。

    I had read somewhere that Apple 's cash pile was equivalent to Hungary 's GDP so perhaps an activist shareholder should push an acquisition of Hungary rather than thinking small ( e.g. , increasing dividends or issuing preferred stock ) .

  15. 它将通过逐步购买优先股,调整政府支持企业(gse)的资本结构,这一计划也将大幅稀释所有现有股东的权益。

    It will recapitalise the government-sponsored enterprises by gradually buying preferred stock a plan that will also massively dilute all existing shareholders .

  16. 不过,一些aig高管担心,优先股转换会导致大量发行普通股,由此严重稀释非政府股东所持股份的价值。

    However , some AIG executives are worried that the conversion would lead to the issuance of a large amount of common stock and result in a severe dilution in the value of the holdings of non-government shareholders .

  17. 三个显而易见的方案分别是:大量投资新产品(AppleTV、iWatch或者其他产品)、向股东返还现金(通过股息、回购、发布新型优先股等方式)以及招募员工。

    The three obvious buckets are to invest heavily in new products ( the Apple TV or Iwatch or whatever ) , return cash to shareholders ( via dividends , buybacks , new class of preferred shares , etc ) or acquire stuff .

  18. 2003年,公司名称从CenexHarvestStatesCooperatives改为CHS公司,旗下能源业务仍保留Cenex名称,并且为投资者提供优先股和无表决权股。

    In 2003 , it changed its name from cenex harvest states cooperatives to CHS Inc. , keeping cenex as the name for its energy business , and offering preferred stock and non-voting ownership to investors .

  19. 在2008年9月金融危机最严重之时,沃伦·巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)购买了50亿美元的高盛优先股,高盛则每年向他派发5亿美元股息,因此高盛回购股票的动机十分强烈。

    Goldman 's incentive to buy back stock is heightened as it pays $ 500m a year in dividends to Warren Buffett following his purchase of $ 5bn of preferred securities at the height of the crisis in September 2008 .

  20. 根据这宗昨日公布的收购的条款,保诚这家英国公司将向AIG支付250亿美元现金、55亿美元股票、30亿美元强制性可转换票据,以及20亿美元优先股。

    Under the terms of the acquisition , announced yesterday , the UK company would pay AIG $ 25bn in cash , $ 5.5bn in stock , $ 3bn in mandatory convertible notes and $ 2bn in preferred stock .

  21. 泡尔•咪勒(在FriedmanBillingsRamsey机构负责银行股票的分析师)说这一计划的问题是,政府正在收购优先股而不是普通股。

    Paul Miller , an analyst at Friedman Billings Ramsey who covers bank stocks , says the problem with the plan is that the government is buying preferred shares and not common stock .

  22. 周二晚间,高盛宣布,传奇投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)以购买优先股的形式向高盛注资50亿美元,而其后高盛将配售价值50亿美元的普通股。

    On Tuesday evening , Goldman declared that Warren Buffett , the legendary investor , was handing it $ 5bn of new capital in the form of preference shares and the bank would follow up with a $ 5bn equity sale .

  23. 8月16日,市场笼罩在今夏的动荡阴云中,在纽约证交所(nyse)交易的西班牙santander银行i系列优先股当天开盘下挫4%,报18美元。

    On August 16 , in the middle of the summer market turmoil , the nyse-traded preferred series I shares of Santander , the Spanish bank , opened the day down 4 points , selling at 18 .

  24. 除了问题资产救助计划的优先股,它还筹集了280亿美元的债券,这些得到了联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的担保,并打算继续利用联邦存款保险公司的资产负债表。

    As well as the preferred shares it took from the Tarp , it has raised another $ 28bn in bonds backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and intends to carry on using the FDIC 's balance sheet .

  25. Chesapeake上周暗示,将在6月中旬之前再次发行5亿美元的优先股,但知情人士称,由于亚洲投资者需求强劲,第二宗发行额已增长至9亿美元左右。

    Chesapeake last week signalled that it would issue a further $ 500m of preferred stock by mid-June , but this second tranche has swollen to about $ 900m amid strong investor demand in Asia , people familiar with the situation said .

  26. 此外,这份文件还称投资者“有权获得3%的累计优先股股利。”而PrivCo却称存在“两位数的年度现金股利。”

    Moreover , the filing says that participants " shall be entitled to receive cumulative dividends at the rate of three percent . " Again , PrivCo had claimed " Double-digit annual cash dividends . "

  27. 摩根大通已成功在没有政府担保的情况下发行了债券。该行表示:相信本轮融资结束之后,将能够满足赎回全部Tarp优先股的条件,如果获得批准,预计将在6月底前进行赎回。

    JPMorgan , which has raised debt without government guarantees , said it believes that on completion of this capital raise , it will have satisfied the criteria for fully redeeming Tarp preferred shares and expects to do so before the end of June , on receipt of approval .

  28. 优先股:优先股就像一个永久的纽带。

    Preferred Stocks : Preferred stock is like a perpetual bond .

  29. 此类举措可能会威胁到优先股股东的地位。

    Such a move could threaten the status of preferred shareholders .

  30. 可以累积未发放的股息待将来一齐补发的优先股。

    Preferred stock whose dividends if omitted accumulate until paid out .