
  • 网络Corporate Code of Conduct;standard of normal behaviour
  1. 电力企业行为规范初探

    A Preliminary Investigation into Behavior Criterions in Electric Power Enterprises

  2. 城市企业行为规范设计,就是通过一定的制度设计,维护平等竞争的市场秩序,抑制企业行为的负的外部性,激励企业具有正的外部性的行为,以实现城市经济的健康有序发展。

    The norm design of city firms is to maintain an equal market order , restrict the negative effects of firms ' behaviors and encourage the positive effects to realize the healthy and normal development of the city economy through an institutional design .

  3. 我国立法尚未形成规范关联企业行为的规范体系。

    Chinese law did not develop a wholly system on affiliated enterprise .

  4. 钢铁企业人员行为规范程度定量测量技术的研究

    The Study on Quantitative Measuring Technology of Behavior Criterions for Steelmaking Enterprise Staffs

  5. 合理的资本结构可以指导企业行为,规范企业发展方向,改善企业经营绩效。

    Reasonable capital structure can guide the behavior of enterprises , standardize enterprise development , and improve business performance .

  6. 因此,目前企业行为不规范现象的根源不在企业和政府本身,而在于制度本身存在着缺陷。

    So , the origin of the nonstandard phenomenon of enterprise 's behavior does not rest with enterprise and government oneself at present , there are defects to and rest with the system .

  7. 正是由优秀企业家所创造的日新月异的产品构成了整个人类社会发展的物质载体,而在优秀企业家的引导、规范下形成的企业的行为规范、理念又扩展为社会进步的精神动力。

    It is ever-changing products created by outstanding entrepreneurs that constitute a material carrier for the whole development of human society , and the conduct codes and philosophy for companies formed under the guidance and norms of outstanding entrepreneurs have extended to the spiritual driving force of social progress .

  8. 基于Web的油田项目工程造价与分析管理信息系统的开发,可以有效规范企业管理行为,规范油田项目主体的经营行为。

    Business management can effectively regulate behavior , and regulate the operation of the main oil field behavior .

  9. 企业政治行为的规范性问题研究

    Study on the Normalization of the Political Action of Chinese Enterprises

  10. 试论企业价格行为的规范化管理

    On the Normal Management of the Pricing of Enterprises

  11. 我国企业定价行为的规范化

    Elementary Analysis on the Measures to Standardize the Pricing Conducts of Our Domestic Enterprises

  12. 这导致了中国企业政治行为的规范性问题。

    There is also lack of regulations to regulate CPA in China , which results in the normalization problem of political action of Chinese enterprises .

  13. 然而小企业会计行为不规范、会计信息质量低的问题却严重制约着小企业的健康发展。

    However , the accounting practice of small enterprises is not standard and their accounting information is of low qualities , which are seriously hindering the healthy development of small enterprises .

  14. 企业的赞助行为不规范;

    The sponsor behavior of enterprises isn 't normal ;

  15. 并且形成了一个竞争激烈的大市场,政府对开发企业的行为约束,规范运作等等越来越严格。

    And it has become a competitive market .

  16. 探讨研究我国税务机关如何从税收法制和税收实践中实现对关联企业转让定价行为的规范,一直是理论界和实务界的热点问题。

    To discuss how Chinese tax authorities normalize transfer pricing from taxation legislation and practice is always the hot spot in theoretical and practical society .

  17. 于是,依法纳税并能动地利用税收杠杆,谋取最大的经济利益,已经成为了企业经营理财的行为规范和基本出发点,税收筹划因此成为经济生活中的一个热门话题。

    Thus , paying taxes according to law and making use of the taxation lever actively to achieve maximum benefit have become the basic point and the standard of conducting financial transactions .

  18. 专项策划连锁经营与发展、企业形象包装、企业行为规范与整合等。

    Special chain planning and development , corporate image packaging , corporate codes of conduct , and integration .

  19. 反垄断法判定涉及反垄断行为,例如合谋行为、优势企业滥用市场势力行为、企业并购行为是否规范时都离不开相关市场的界定。

    The awards of anti-monopoly laws involve anti-monopoly practice . Such behaviors as collusion , misuse of market power by enterprises with advantages and judge of whether a merger of enterprise is in accordance with relevant regulations have something to do with the definition of relevant market .

  20. 企业的社会契约&一个新的企业行为规范研究框架

    Social Contracts Theory & A New Research Framework to Analyze Corporate Behaviors

  21. 在维持企业纪律及政策方面,企业规章制度和行为规范是重要的手段。

    Company rules and codes of conduct are important instruments in maintaining discipline in the office and compliance with policies .

  22. 企业产品定价道德是指导产品定价活动中企业行为善恶的规范。

    Product pricing ethics is a norm to guide enterprises behavior in its product pricing .