
  1. 中国企业自营物流发展策略分析

    The Analysis of Development Strategy for Enterprise-run Logistics in China

  2. 制造企业自营物流与采用第三方物流的模型研究

    Research on model in managing logistic by manufacturing enterprise itself or by TPL

  3. 企业自营物流向第三方物流转变;

    The shift of enterprises from the self - operating to third - party circulation ;

  4. 河南煤矿企业自营物流方案初探

    Material calculation of self-run engineerings within coalmine corporation Study On Self-operating Logistic Solution To The Henan Coal Enterprises

  5. 现代企业自营物流已不是传统企业的物流作业功能的自我服务,它是基于供应链物流管理以制造企业为核心的经营管理新概念。

    Modern corporation own-running logistics are not only a self-service of traditional logistic function , but also a new management concept based on the supply chain logistics management regarding manufacturing enterprises as the core from view-point .

  6. 最后,本文论述了物流成本与物流服务质量的博弈关系以及企业自营物流成本控制问题。

    We argue that make logistics outsourcing decision must base on the strategy of enterprise . Finally , this paper discusses the relationship of logistics costs and services . We present two methods to control logistics costs .

  7. 由于我国物流发展的水平较低,不能与电子商务实现直接对接,所以我国第三方物流体系与企业自营物流体系的构建必须是符合我国国情的原则和策略。

    Because of the lower level of logistics in China , unadaptable to EC , the author gives some suggestions on the principles and strategies for building the system of the third person logistics and the system of enterprises ' logistics operated by themselves in China .

  8. 针对现有企业自营或外购物流服务决策准则的缺陷,提出了战略&机会成本决策模型。

    Putting forward a Strategy-Opportunity Cost decision model in accordance with defectiveness of business decision criterion at present to operate logistics by itself or purchase from other businesses .

  9. 传统的决策依据是企业是否有能力自营物流,没有考虑物流能力的竞争性;

    The basis of traditional decision-making is whether enterprise has a self-management ability without consideration of competitiveness of logistics ability .

  10. 本论文从物流模式角度探讨如何提升制造企业物流水平,分析了当前制造企业自营物流的原因,在基础上探讨了制造企业的第三方物流策略。

    The paper discusses how to promote the logistics level of manufacturing enterprises from the side of logistics mode , analyzes the reasons that manufacturing enterprises uses the first party logistics at present , and discusses the tactics of third-party logistics .

  11. 在市场竞争日益激烈、对企业竞争能力的要求日渐提高的环境下,传统的企业内部自营物流运作模式已经无法进一步满足企业对提高物流运作效率、降低物流成本的要求。

    As the competition in the market increasing and the demand for corporate competitive environment rising , the traditional internal " self-logistics " mode of operation has been unable to further meet the requirements of improving efficiency of logistics operations and reducing logistics costs .

  12. 本文在分析了商业企业物流模式四种类型的基础上,重点探讨了商业企业选择自营物流还是外购物流服务的依据。

    Based on the analysis of four types of logistics mode for commercial enterprises , this paper attaches great importance to elaborating the criteria by which commercial enterprises decide why they should choose self-conducting logistics or outsourcing logistics .

  13. 本论文阐述了第三方物流的基本概念、企业外包其业务的动力和源泉并结合虹鑫第三方物流对工商企业贡献进行了探讨以及企业自营和外包物流业务决策研究。

    In the paper , it elaborates the fundamental concept of TPL clearly ^ the motivation of enterprises to outsource their logistics and the research of policy decision of making and buying logistics for enterprises .

  14. B2C电子商务企业能取得多大的成功很大程度上依赖于实际物流的操作,B2C电子商务企业必须根据自身情况,正确选择和采用企业自营物流模式或是第三方物流模式。

    B2C E-commerce enterprise can obtain the big success to rely on to a great extent the actual physical distribution operation , B2C E-commerce enterprise must act according to own situation , correctly chooses and uses the enterprise self-management physical distribution pattern perhaps the third party physical distribution pattern .

  15. 既从物流在企业中所占地位和企业物流能力等定性方面进行分析,又用规模经济的理论,借鉴量本利分析的模型,来解释商业企业是采用自营物流还是采用外包物流。

    Both the qualitative approach regarding the role of logistics in a company as well as its logistics capability and empirical methods like the theory of economies of scale and the volume-cost-profit analysis model are utilized in the paper to explain the choice of self-conducting logistics or outsourcing logistics .