
  • 网络price transmission
  1. 最后,本文利用TAR模型检验了这些市场间的价格传导机制的非对称性问题,即出口地区的粮价上升或下降会不会以不同的速度影响到进口地区的粮价。

    Finally , this paper examined the asymmetry of price transmission mechanism between these markets using the TAR model , that , the increase or decrease of the food price in exporting regions will transmit to importing regions with different speeds , or not .

  2. 市场经济条件下我国粮食市场价格传导机制研究

    China 's Grain Price Transmission Mechanism in Market Economy

  3. 价格传导机制及其对农村居民收入分配的影响&基于新疆SAM的实证分析

    The Mechanisms of Price Conduction and Effect on Income & Distribution of Rural Households : An Evidential Analyses on Xinjiang SAM

  4. 最后,利用VAR模型对养殖环节水禽价格传导机制进行了研究,以寻找影响价格波动的主要因素,以此为基础,在保证生产质量的前提下,尽量降低成本。

    Finally , this chapter studies on the price conducting mechanism with VAR model to find the main factors affecting the price fluctuations , thus the costs can be minimized while ensuring quality .

  5. 国际大豆价格传导与均衡的变结构分析

    Variable Structure Analysis on Transmission and Equilibrium of International Soybean Prices

  6. 主要介绍了利率传导渠道、资产价格传导渠道和汇率传导渠道。

    It contains rate transmission , asset transmission and exchange rate transmission .

  7. 本文从产业分类的角度,把价格传导细分为各产业之间的传导。

    This paper fractionize the price transmission into industry .

  8. 从价格传导机制看通货膨胀的现实性

    Consider the Reality of the Inflation from the Conduction Mechanism of the Price

  9. 外国资本流入与我国农业安全&基于价格传导机制的分析

    Foreign Capital Inflow and Agriculture Safety in China

  10. 我国货币政策的房地产价格传导机制研究

    Study on the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism of Real Estate Prices in Our Country

  11. 金融资产价格传导机制与市场均衡:模型与实证

    Transferable System of Financial Asset and Research of Market Equilibrium : Model and Empirical Study

  12. 当前的价格传导机制出现了一定的变异,表现为传导的受阻。

    The present price conduction mechanism has presented variation , which is shown that the conduction is obstructed .

  13. 实证结果表明:利率、信贷、汇率渠道对区域房地产价格传导效应存在明显的差异。

    The empirical result shows that the influence of interest rate , credit and exchange rate is notably different .

  14. 从价格传导层面分析,在此阶段价格传导链条受阻,没有统计意义上的传导现象。

    Conduction from the price level of prices at this stage conduction chain disruption , no statistical significance on the conduction phenomena .

  15. 灵敏有效的货币政策传导机制是货币政策有效性的基础,因此在这一背景下研究我国货币政策的房地产价格传导机制具有一定的现实意义。

    We know that the sensitive and effective monetary policy transmission mechanism is the basis for the successful implementation of monetary policy .

  16. 第三,本文对柑橘价格传导的研究在方法上具有创新性。

    The results of this model are closer to reality . ( 3 ) The research method of citrus price transmission is innovative .

  17. 危机期间日经指数取代恒生指数而成为美股向亚洲市场的直接价格传导者;

    Taking the place of HSI , N255 becomes the direct fluctuation transmitter from the American market to the Asian markets during the crisis .

  18. 其中,对世界利率、原材料价格传导效果的测算是模型的一大亮点。

    The measurement of the transmission effects by international interest rate and raw material price index model is one of the major contributions by the model .

  19. 对货币政策的资产价格传导渠道理论的研究现状进行了系统的归纳,并列表总结。

    In a dynamic eye , I point out interest rate channel and prices of assets channel will be the main channels of transmission of monetary policy .

  20. 金融危机影响我国出口机制主要表现有四方面:需求传导、汇率传导、价格传导与贸易保护主义。

    The effecting mechanism of the financial crisis is mainly in the following four areas , demand transmission , exchange rate transmission , price transmission and trade protectionism .

  21. 货币政策非对称效应的主要成因是非对称的价格传导渠道,这与企业面临不确定冲击时最优定价决策密切相关。

    The main cause of the asymmetric effect is the asymmetric price transmission channel , which relates closely to the firm optimum pricing confronted with the uncertain shocks .

  22. 而后介绍了财富效应、资产负债表、流动性效应等资产价格传导实体经济的理论基础。

    After that , this paper will introduce the theory of wealth effect , balance sheet and liquidity , which are the theoretical basis of asset prices conduction .

  23. 金融体系在货币政策传导过程中起中介作用,货币渠道过程是通过金融市场从货币政策冲击到市场零售利率的价格传导过程,信贷渠道是通过商业银行从中央银行到商业银行的数量传导过程。

    The financial system appeal intermediary function during the process of monetary policy transmission , money channel is price transmission from monetary policy to market retail interest rate .

  24. 不仅理清了价格传导的复杂关系,还可推导出各产业的市场特点以及该特点对价格传导的影响,有助于找出阻碍价格传导的产业节点,利于政策按图索骥。

    This not only clarifies the complex relationship of price transmission , but can also deduce the market characteristics of each industry as well as their impact on price transmission .

  25. 本文从货币政策传导渠道入手,将货币政策传导渠道分类为:信贷传导渠道、利率传导渠道、资产价格传导渠道和汇率传导渠道,并根据这四种传导渠道进行理论和实证分析。

    According to transmission channel , this thesis categorizes monetary policy transmission channel into four classes : Credit channel , Interest rate channel , Capital asset price channel and Foreign exchange rate channel .

  26. 货币政策股票价格传导机制指货币政策工具变量通过改变股票资产价格,进而影响居民和企业的消费、投资决策,从而传导至实体经济部门的过程。

    The stock price transmission mechanism of monetary policy is a mechanism that the monetary policy tools transmit to real economic area through causing fluctuation of stock asset price which could influence consumption and investment .

  27. 由于开放电市场、冻结零售市场使得正常的价格传导机制无法建立,从而可能导致电价体系相互脱节甚至崩溃。

    Opening the generation market and regulation of the retail market at the same time make it impossible to form natural price-transferred system , so the price system may fail to function or even break down .

  28. 这种变革趋势不仅对中央银行实行货币政策的手段和中介目标产生冲击,也对投资者的市场行为产生影响,加强对金融资产价格传导及均衡问题进行比较系统的探讨有重火理论价值和实践意义。

    This kind of innovation tendency will show influence not only on the methods and the medium goal of monetary policy of the central bank , but also on the actions of the investors in the market .

  29. 本文通过金融一体化对欧元区货币政策利率传导、信贷传导、资产价格传导影响分析,得出金融一体化对欧元区货币政策传导影响的机制。

    In this paper , financial integration , interest rates on euro ‐ zone monetary policy transmission , transfer of credit , asset price transmission analysis , obtained financial integration affect the euro area monetary policy transmission mechanism .

  30. 实证结果表明:外部冲击能够通过进口价格传导到国内,但传递不完全;国际大宗商品价格的冲击最大,国际油价其次,汇率最弱。

    The empirical results show that : external shocks can be transmitted but not entirely to domestic prices through imports . The biggest shock comes from international commodity prices , followed by international oil prices , exchange rate last .