
  • 网络revaluation;rerating
  1. 最后得出结论,节能技术因素和减排技术因素的改善是促进碳排放减少的主要因素,产业GDP的增加和价值重估因素导致碳排放的增加。

    In conclusion , energy saving and emission reduction technological factors are the main factors for reducing carbon emissions , and the increase of industry GDP and value revaluation causes the increase of carbon emissions .

  2. 王符民本思想的再发现及其价值重估

    Wang Fu 's People-Based Thinking and Its Revaluation Value

  3. 新兴市场长达十年之久的价值重估或许已经结束,而荒谬的金砖四国(Bric)狂热似乎也已偃旗息鼓。

    Emerging markets may have ended a decade-long secular re-evaluation and the ridiculous Bric trade appears to be dead .

  4. 他担任市长每年的薪水是1美元,他资产净值的增加得益于其公司彭博(BloombergLP.)的价值重估。

    Bloomberg , who makes a salary of $ 1 a year as mayor , benefited from a re-evaluation of his company , Bloomberg LP .

  5. 人生之虚无&尼采对虚无主义的价值重估与超越

    Nihility of the Life & Nietzsche to Nihilism Value Evaluation and Surmounting

  6. 中国古代戏曲文章学价值重估

    Re-assessment of the Value of the Text in the Traditional Chinese Opera

  7. 历史建筑和历史名城的价值重估与保护开发

    Brief Discussion on the Protection and Evaluation of the History Buildings and Cities

  8. 朱熹法律思想的价值重估

    To reappraise the value of ZhuXi 's law thoughts

  9. 铁路运输业固定资产价值重估的分析及对策

    Analysis of and Measures for Re-Evaluation of Values of Fixed Assets of Railway Industry

  10. 这也说明,中国的谨慎暗示了很可能要实行一种适当的价值重估。

    Here , too , Chinese caution suggests a modest revaluation is most likely .

  11. 新课程改革背景下大学生德育教育的价值重估

    Re-evaluation of Moral Education of University Students in the Context of New Curriculum Reform

  12. 并购为乳品企业带来价值重估

    Merger brings revaluation to daily food companies

  13. 因而,本文拟从性别视角对曹禺的剧作进行文本重读与价值重估。

    This article will be review and reappraise CaoYu 's drama from the gender angle .

  14. 创世神话的价值重估与意义阐释&中国创世神话比较研究国际学术讨论会综述

    Revaluation and Interpretation of the Creation Myth

  15. 图书馆学的性质和图书馆学研究的价值重估

    The Nature of the Library Science and the Revaluation of the Library Science Research Value

  16. 合同实际履行的价值重估&兼析对《合同法》第110条的理解

    Revaluation of the Actual Contract Performance

  17. 然而,推动股市近期上涨的原因并非增长前景:此轮涨势的主要推动力是由流动性驱动的价值重估。

    Still , the growth prospects have not inspired the rally : that has mostly come from a liquidity-driven re-rating .

  18. 尼采哲学主要包括三大相互联系的部分:价值重估、权力意志论、超人学说。

    The philosophy of Nietzsche includes three related parts , namely , the reappraised value , the will to power and the theory of superman .

  19. 尼采的道德哲学是以一切价值重估为出发点,并以对道德的重估为重点的。

    Nietzsche 's moral philosophy is based on the theory of ' revalue everything ' , and emphasizes the theory of ' revalue morality ' .

  20. 公司是北汽集团控股的专业商用车制造企业,也是北汽集团下属唯一的上市公司,未来价值重估空间较大。

    Company is Beijing Auto Holdings professional commercial vehicle manufacturers , Beijing Auto Group is the only listed subsidiary companies , future value revaluation larger space .

  21. 人去遗文在丹心育门生&纪念我国图书馆学教育家王重民先生王符民本思想的再发现及其价值重估

    In the Memory of Professor Wang Zhongmin , One of the Famous Educationists in Library Science ; Wang Fu 's People-Based Thinking and Its Revaluation Value

  22. 自然主义教育哲学是西方近现代教育哲学的道统。对自然主义教育哲学的价值重估从根本上关涉对近现代教育的理解。

    The naturalism philosophy of education is the doctrine of west modern philosophy of education and it is necessary to re-evaluate the naturalism philosophy of education that is closely lined to the comprehension of modern education .

  23. 本文以梁启超《新民说》中的竞争观念作为诠释对象,目的在于对《新民说》在新的视域内进行价值重估。

    In this paper , concept of competition in The New Citizen written by Liang Qichao is the object of interpretation , the purpose of which is to revalue The New Citizen in new field of view .

  24. 对中国现代叙事诗艺术发展以至叙事文学的学术研究,是建立在对于中国古典叙事诗艺术传统及理论遗产的考察发现及价值重估之上的。

    It is on the basis of the investigation , discovery and reassessment of the tradition and the theory of art of Chinese classical narrative poetry that the art of Chinese modern narrative poetry gains development and Chinese narrative literature develops academic studies .

  25. 自2009年起,香港平均房价上涨了80%,开发商从中受益。新鸿基财报显示,上一财年其基础利润(不计房产价值重估)达215亿港币,同比增长55%。

    Hong Kong developers have benefited from an 80 per cent increase in average home prices since 2009 . Sun Hung Kai reported record underlying profit ( excluding property revaluations ) of HK $ 21.5bn , a 55 per cent year-on-year increase , in its last financial year .

  26. 试论尼采对一切价值的重估

    On Nietzsche 's View of " To estimate Whole Value Again "

  27. 道偶像的黄昏&尼采对基督教道德价值的重估

    The Dusk of the Moral Idol

  28. 因此,这一写作群的艺术价值有待重估。

    Therefore , the true artistic value of this poetic composing group is to be evaluated again .

  29. 人格的重建与道德价值的重估&论《野草》中生与死的对抗

    The reestablishment of Individual Personality and the reassessment of moral value & An Investigation of the life-and-death confrontation in the work Wild Grass

  30. 首先尼采对传统形而上学和人的存在价值进行了重估,把哲学的重点从认识论转移到本体论。

    First of all he revalued the traditional metaphysics , transferred the key of philosophy from epistemology to ontology .